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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Always wondered at why people would take the bear that's already been asphyxiated, instead of simply getting the white bear and choking it themselves....
  2. You found a bug that was introduced in November. Fixed
  3. You will run into problems if the docker service is started before UD mounts the drive without slave mode. Put it this way. It costs you nothing to enable slave and doesn't have any ill effects of its not being used Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. Can you upload here the actual .cfg files for those shares in question from the flash drive (config/shares/...) and not the ones from the diagnostics for me to see Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. Use 4G. Its assuming either bytes or kilobytes without the suffix Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. TBQH, I have notifications from FCP disabled, as I'm continually testing various scenarios to help people out here, and I always forget to undo the errors that I induce in my server's, and the daily notifications I get drive me nuts.... I'll check out what you're seeing tonight
  7. Don't add it as a variable. As it as an extra parameter (edit container, then hit advanced in top right)
  8. Hmm. I'm sure that doesn't happen on either of my systems as long as the plugin is set to auto update within auto update's settings.... I'll reconfirm though...
  9. Thanks for that buddy... 6.3.3 is giving me new tools to make things easier on the ui Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Slave mode is used in any docker app when you need to be able to access a volume that is mounted with the unassigned devices plugin. See the docker FAQ. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. Check your Network Settings. In particular that the gateway is set to your router's IP. If that doesn't fix it, then also set static DNS addresses of and
  12. OK.... If you're running unRaid 6.3.3+, Hovering over a scripts name will bring up a couple of options: Edit Name, Edit Description, Edit Script, and Delete Script Edit name & description are both done in place, but Edit Script will open up a new spot at the bottom of the page where you can edit the script. Additionally, a new button will also exist to Add a new script.
  13. Your cache drive is basically pooched Because of that, you've got tons of this: Which culminates with the actual problem with docker:
  14. This was on a bait share. Because the file names used within are random I have no real way of knowing what files belong there hence any deletion triggers. (the alternative would be to instead of having 20 monitors there is in excess of 1 million which will significantly increase memory requirements and significantly slow down response time.) The exception youre looking for would come via that script. You should be able to hide the shares over the network by putting a . in front of the custom name. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. You're doing it right. You found a regression error of mine after the last update. Fixed.
  16. My bad guys... I only tested down to 6.3.2 Updated and fixed
  17. Based upon the error I'd say that some files in the source were deleted prior to being backed up. Do you have some apps set to stay running during the backup?
  18. First of possibly a couple of updates to CA that will take effect if you're running unRaid 6.3.3+ Hovering over the App's Icon will now show the full description Hovering over the App's Changelog icon will now show the changelog Fully integrate 6.3.3 tooltipster into all tool tips. Clicking on the Apps's icon / Changelog will still bring up a changelog (for mobile devices that cannot hover) Still fully functional on unRaid versions prior to 6.3.3. Have some further ideas on GUI changes for 6.3.3+, but at this moment, I'm limited by still maintaining compatibility with unRaid versions of 6.1.9+ (Unless I think of a workaround) Side effect is that these changes effectively make Icon mode usable on a regular computer.
  19. You want the docker containers to connect to another VPN (something like PIA). Check out binhex's ...vpn apps
  20. You have to use unassigned devices, mount a SMB share to your other server's TV share Then add a mounting to Sonarr of say /otherServerTV mapped to /mnt/disks/whateverUDcalledIt (access mode of RW:Slave) Then edit your tv Show(s) and set the location of them to be within /otherServerTV TLDR: You have to tell sonarr where to put the files within the show's settings. Right now its putting them where you originally told it to.
  21. to wherever you told sonarr on the show settings that they belong
  22. You didn't enter in /data for the container path
  23. Too bad you can only "like" a post once
  24. Edit the volume on sonarr and show me a screen shot. I think you entered in a description and not a container path
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