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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Easier to remove steps 2 & 3 and change 4 to be docker exec -it NameOfContainer bash (technically should be /bin/bash though)
  2. email [email protected] or alternatively, set up a different usb key (copy all the files from the original sans the /config/trial.key) and register that one
  3. See https://lime-technology.com/oldforum/?topic=40937.msg503195#msg503195 and https://lime-technology.com/oldforum/?topic=40937.msg503205#msg503205 and https://lime-technology.com/oldforum/?topic=40937.msg503215#msg503215
  4. Did you originally get the warning and then install and the warning is still there? Hit rescan if that's the case Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. Anyone who was a member of the old forum can edit the wiki. Anyone who wishes to add an entry to the unraid FAQ is more than welcome Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. You don't have /data as a mapping for either radarr or sonarr. Add it in exactly the same as deluge Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Shutdown / reboot / powerdown all perform a graceful shutdown. There are some edge cases where it is possible that it won't work - akin to Windows sitting there on a shutdown screen stating that "program xxxx" is preventing this computer from shutting down, but those edge cases are rare. Not sure what you exactly mean by interface with the UPS though. The UPS can trigger a powerdown of unRaid (which runs the shutdown routine).
  8. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    This thread is reserved for Frequently Asked Questions, concerning all things Docker, their setup, operation, management, and troubleshooting. Please do not ask for support here, such requests and anything off-topic will be deleted or moved, probably to the Docker FAQ feedback topic. If you wish to comment on the current FAQ posts, or have suggestions or requests for the Docker FAQ, please put them in the Docker FAQ feedback topic. Thank you! Note: I am the author of many of these posts. But I am not the author of all of them. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the original postings have been lost, but I took it upon myself to salvage them, with the unfortunate net result that I had to take "ownership" of the posts. ANY user can reply to this thread with any new Q/A. I will add such posts to this table of contents. I need help with an application? What information should I supply? Getting Started How do I get started using Docker Containers? What are the host volume paths and the container paths Dockers, theres so much to learn!  Are there any guides? How do I know if I've set up my paths, ports, etc correctly? With 6.2, do I need to move my appdata and/or docker image into unRaid's recommended shares? How should I set up my appdata share? General Questions Why doesnt the "Check for Updates" button bring my Docker to the newest version of the application? How do I update to the newest version of the application? How do I move or recreate docker.img? What do I fill out when a blank template appears? How can I run other docker applications that are not listed within the App tab? I've told {App-X} to look / move / copy files via SMB to my server. Why doesn't it work? If I need to delete my docker.img file, will I lose my application's settings, etc? How do I get a command prompt within a docker application? How do I increase the size of my docker.img file? Why does the "EDIT" not appear on the dashboard / docker tab when I click on an icon? What do I do when I see 'layers from manifest don't match image configuration' during a docker app installation? How Do I Create My Own Docker Templates? I've recreated my docker.img file. How do I re-add all my old apps? I want to run a container from docker hub, how do I interpret the instructions. I want to change the port my docker container is running on or I have two containers that want to use the same port, how do I do that? Why it's important to understand how folder mappings work...  and an example of why it goes wrong. How do I Stop/Start/Restart Docker via Command Line How Do I Pass Through A device To A Container? Can I switch Docker containers, same app, from one author to another?  How do I do it? For a given application, how do I change Docker containers, to one from a different author or group? How do I install a second instance of an application? I closed the transfer window on Krusader. How do I get it back? How can I use private template repositories with unRaid? What does "Deprecated" mean? Docker Image Filling Up Why does my docker.img file keep filling up? Why does my docker.img file keep filling up while using Plex? My docker.img file is filling up due to excessive logging from various apps Troubleshooting, Maintenance I continually have "Server Execution Errors" whenever I try and start a container Why don't my Docker Container and VM mappings of remote shares to the local mount point (/mnt/disks) work after updating to 6.9? How come I get "Execution Error" when trying to start a container? Why cant (insert docker app name here) see my files mounted on another server or outside the array Where did my Docker files go? Why did my files get moved off the Cache drive? Why does Sonarr keep telling me that it can't import a file downloaded by NZBGet? (Or any other combination of apps?) How do I limit the CPU resources of a particular docker application? How do I limit the memory usage of a docker application? Why do I keep losing my Docker container configurations? Why did my newly configured Docker just stop working? Fix Common Problems plugin is complaining about Container Port x not found or changed on installed applications. What do I do? Fix Common Problems plugin is complaining about UD Mounted paths not mounted with the Slave Option. What do I do? Why can't I delete / modify files created by CouchPotato (or another docker app)? Why does a certain docker application always start when booting unRaid when autostart is set off? Why are some of my applications randomly stopping and won't restart? (unRaid 6.4+ with Unassigned Devices mounting SMB shares) How do I fix permission issues on file(s) created by Plex DVR? Why does Unraid keep adding ports that I've removed from the template back to the application when I update? Why do my remote share mappings fail after I updated UD? Using private repositories within CA How do I check my installed apps for vulnerabilities (Log4J etc)?
  9. It technically is, and is just a wrapper script for either the reboot or shutdown commands. However its use is so prevalent that I for one would be mildly peeved should that wrapper script ever not be included in unraid (and would be forced to create a plugin just to have the script present). (IE: no matter how much LT says its deprecated, I've been saying powerdown -r for years now, and will continue to say it for years to come)
  10. You May have to give it the full path. Probably wrong but off the top of my head /usr/sbin/powerdown -r Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. Read the op or add a script and edit it within the plugin itself Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. Cleanup appdata. Probably sitting there in settings. Double and triple check (and then check again) what it offers to delete.. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. User scripts plugin Script will be powerdown -r Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  14. Schedule disabled Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. Seems like you're pointed at the wrong appdata. Orphaned images can be safely deleted one of your installs generated an error
  16. The restore purposely excludes restoring the usb files. Copy the file from your backup location. (can do over the network... /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-plex.xml (or whatever the template is called) from the backup share to the flash drive (same location)
  17. My bad... If you clicked reinstall from the pop up, you got the default template. If you clicked reinstall from underneath the description you got the correct one... Fixed to work the way its supposed to. If you haven't hit Apply yet, then the previously installed template with all of your volumes will still exist. If you have hit apply, and can't remember for the life of you how you had the template set up or can't figure it out, then if you have a backup of the flash drive (ca appdata backup?) then you can restore the file from it (/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-plex)
  18. Because CA is designed around the concept of templates, it requires a raw / default template in order to operate. It completely supports outside source apps being displayed within installed apps if it was converted by CA. Since yours was not, you have to supply that default template. You can either have CA search for and add the official mysql docker app (you don't need to actually install it though) or you can copy the template from /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user to /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/private/DockerHub/ Don't copy anything else other than the template in question. What either of those two options does is creates a private repository that CA can read the template from. After copying the mysql template either reboot or switch CA from appfeed mode to legacy and back to appfeed. Pain in the ass in your case but it's just a design thing since it's primary purpose is not to manage existing containers but rather to install containers, with the addition of managing existing IF is knows about a default version of them.
  19. Permission issues on the Synology? Is the windows box connecting as a user to the share? UD didn't mount the share. If it did then there would be an unmount button. The logs from UD might also shed some light. But with Plex, you've also got to do this
  20. Custom Tab A very simple plugin to allow you to create a custom tab on unRaid's GUI to integrate a webApp's GUI. Use it for an app that you may use all the time in managing your system or want very easy access to (Krusader?) While this plugin will allow you to add multiple custom tabs, under unRaid 6.3, the display is limited to 1280 pixels across. Should the number of tabs added exceed that, you will get overlapping icons, etc. Settings are very simple. URL or Built-In Page - Lets you choose either a URL (docker App?) or a built-in page of unRaid Name - What appears on the tabs (limit 20 characters) Full Name - Self explanatory, limited to 50 characters URL - A URL to the webApp you want Width & Height - The width and the height of the frame to display. Azure / Gray Icon - The fontawesome icon to use for the custom tab when your theme is either Azure or Gray Tab Position - Where to place the new tab * See below With any docker app that is basically an app built upon a desktop (like Krusader), for best results you're going to want the width and height to match what you have set in the docker template (and ideally the height set so that everything fits on the screen). With other apps such as Radarr, the height isn't so much important. Regardless, for the best looking display, you're going to want to set the width to be 1280. But you can play around with it as you choose. Tab Positions The default "Automatic" setting will place all new tabs at the end of the list. To manually position the tab where ever you like, enter in a number here between 1 and 999 Standard tab numbering are as follows: Dashboard: 1 Main: 1 Shares: 2 Users: 3 Settings: 4 Plugins: 50 Docker: 60 VMs: 70 Apps: 80 Tools: 90 Automatic Custom Tabs: 990-999 When numbers are duplicated, then they will be placed in alphabetical order. IE: To have a custom tab appear before Main, but after Dashboard, set the tab number to be 1 and the name must start with E-O To place a custom tab before VMs and after plugins (like I do with @dlandon's Libvirt Hotplug USB plugin), you can set the tab number to be 61-69 Find the plugin within the Apps tab (search for custom) After installing, you can create a new tab by going to Settings - User Utilities - Custom Tab There is basic error checking done on the naming (getting rid of quotes, spaces, etc.) But, if after applying the changes Dynamix starts giving errors referencing defaultPageBuilder (I can't think of everything), then your recourse is to SSH into your server and enter in the following: But with "normal" naming, you won't run into this. rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/customtabtemp After which you can refresh your browser and remove whatever characters are messing up Dynamix Screenshots showing Krusader in action:
  21. /etc/libvirt/qemu/autostart But, you're in a catch-22, as with the array stopped, that folder doesn't exist. You need to make any changes due to this mistake via the local keyboard / monitor. (Or boot with the GUI option, stop the VM and edit it with the local keyboard / monitor / mouse
  22. Because they can't replicate. Whenever I've seen an issue with fuse and an app I try the app and it has never failed for me. Only seems to affect certain users, and as far as they are concerned, the issue was fixed a long time ago. 6.2.0-rc3 - mover: add hard link support - mover: fix symlink support - shfs: add hard link support 6.2.0-rc4 - mover: support moving 'special files' - shfs: add 'mknod' support Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. CA just acts as a front end to the plugin system. IE: It doesn't particularly matter how you've installed the plugin. CA will know that its there
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