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Everything posted by Squid

  1. But it probably is now a waste of a test since even with the .cfg file set to install it, dmacias has removed the package from nerd pack. Next update....
  2. Is sab doing any post processing? Have never seen this issue at all, but I can see where if sab post processes it might be able to happen.
  3. Finally got around to a feature req - Results are now by default limited to 10 results per page (adjustable within general settings), with page navigation Should make things much faster on every browser This however is incompatible if you have a "favourite repository" set. In that circumstance, the system will always display all results Other Changes - Deprecated the separate results into super categories (ie: display beta separately). Instead, all beta applications have a nice big note on them that they are indeed beta and problems may exist - Laid the groundwork for some other forthcoming features that may or may not get implemented in the future.
  4. @ken-ji For the permissions post, do you think it would be prudent to add in links to http://permissions-calculator.org/, since the forum tends to tell people to set perms to 0777 instead of explaining what is actually meant? Also, while you do an awesome job of explaining the perms and problems, wouldn't it also be good to include the commands to change them?
  5. There are reasons why cache dirs could cause the drives to stay spun up (or spin up) -> Large file writes to the array could cause Linux to drop the cached file entries from RAM (the RAM would be repurposed to cache the file transfer) -> Your apps are basically consuming all available RAM causing the system to not have enough left over to cache the entries. -> Your file structure is deep enough and complex enough ( or tons and tons of files ) causing the system to not be able to cache the entries. Simple solution is to use the included / excluded options. Only include what you want cached. There is zero point in caching the appdata share for instance (and it will alone have hundreds of thousands of files for many users). YMMV
  6. There's a checkbox you have to hit before the format button comes alive
  7. Thought about all of this, and I'm not going to do it. Not because its hard (its not), but simply because if the script has errors, or goes haywire or something, diagnosis on startup issues would be a royal pain to diagnose. Any user who is capable enough to want to run a particular script at actual startup would also be capable enough to edit the go file themselves.
  8. Added. Details in the CA manual (Auto Update Applications / Docker Advanced Control) Advanced Docker Control Optionally, CA Auto Update supports running custom stop and start scripts for docker applications. These scripts will be executed prior to stopping an application and after starting an application. To use this feature, create the following file(s) on your flash drive: (They are executed in order if they exist) /boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/stopping/stop_all This script will be executed whenever any docker application is being updated (prior to updating) /boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/stopping/{nameOfContainer} This script will be executed whenever {nameOfContainer} is being updated (prior to updating) /boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/starting/{nameOfContainer} This script will be executed whenever {nameOfContainer} has been updated /boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/starting/start_all This script will be executed whenever any container has been updated Oops: Don't use spaces in container names - (Since I've wound up updating all my containers, I can't fix this until next Friday )
  9. -avXHq -a, --archive archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X) -r, --recursive recurse into directories -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks -p, --perms preserve permissions -t, --times preserve modification times -g, --group preserve group -o, --owner preserve owner (super-user only) --devices preserve device files (super-user only) --specials preserve special files -D same as --devices --specials -v, --verbose increase verbosity -X, --xattrs preserve extended attributes -H, --hard-links preserve hard links -q, --quiet suppress non-error messages So, yes
  10. Found and fixed. It wasn't trailing zero's, but any folder name that could be considered a number. IE: 000000 and 0 would be considered the same, along with 1 and 000001 Will package up the fix and release after work.
  11. Why do I see csrf errors in my syslog? Starting with 6.3.0-rc9 unRaid includes code to prevent CSRF vulnerabilities. (See here) Some plugins may have needed to be updated in order to properly work with this security measure. There are 3 different errors that you may see logged in your syslog: missing csrf_token - This error happens if you have plugins that have either not been updated to conform to the security system or the version of the plugin you are running is not up to date. Should you see this error, then check for and install updates for your plugins via the Plugins tab. To my knowledge, all available plugins within Community Applications have been either updated to handle csrf_tokens or they were not affected in the first place. If updating your plugins does not solve your issue, then post in the relevant support thread for the plugin. There will be hints on the log line as to which plugin generated the error. wrong csrf_token - CSRF tokens are randomly generated at every boot of unRaid. You will see this error if you have one browser tab pointed at a page in unRaid and on another tab you initiate a restart of unRaid. Note that the browser in question can also be on any device on your network. This includes other computers, tablets, phones, etc. IE: Close the other browser tabs. This error can also be caused by mobile apps such as ControlR checking the status of unRaid but the server has been rebooted after the app was started. Restart the application to fix. unitialized csrf_token - Thus far the community has never once seen any report of this being logged. Presumably it is an error generated by unRaid itself during Limetech's debugging period (ie: not plugin related), and should you see this you should post your diagnostics in the release thread for the version of unRaid you are running. EDIT: There is a possibility that if your rootfs is completely full due to misconfiguration of an application that you may see this particular token error.
  12. Something, somewhere is pointed at unRaid's gui. Technically, you don't need to close down the tabs -> a refresh will also fix the logging... I don't use margarita / controlR, so not sure exactly what their procedure is....
  13. 3 possible csrf errors: missing_csrf = plugin not up to date wrong_csrf = browser tab open from before a reboot (or something like controlr running on your phone that needs to be closed and reopened) not_initialized_csrf = We haven't seen any report of this at all anywhere yet. Yeah, that would be a first. Should it ever happen, there are two probable causes: The world is about to end and you should burrow into the nearest bomb shelter, or I won the lottery in which case I'll buy you a bomb shelter that you can burrow into.
  14. tldr: You've got a browser somewhere still open to FCP and you've rebooted via another browser / tab
  15. Got the lovins Kizer. Ty. Yeah I never recommend the backup destination to go to the cache drive. Glad it all worked out for you. I just used it myself to upgrade my cache drive size. Edit. Should be noted that a drag and drop from the backup back to the source over the network may not always work due to hardlinks. I only state that a full restore will work... Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Probably need to delete the appdata folder for openvpn. Did you by chance ever run the New Permissions Tool recently. If so, you shouldn't have. It basically fries the appdata folders. If you ever have a need to run the tool, run Docker Safe New Permissions via Fix Common Problems plugin
  17. I don't support any script here lol.... I'll add appropriate warnings...
  18. Fixed wording. Tell you what though... I'll add in a true at boot this weekend... It'll execute during plugin install. Later than you can do things in the go file, but still before array start
  19. I'm wondering what would be the downsides to have dynamix SSD trim changed from executing to be instead The latter will do a trim on all supported devices found (in addition, it also does a trim on the two btrfs loopback images regardless of what kind of device they are stored on... If there is no downside, then why not change the plugin to do this? (or does -a trim ALL btrfs volumes regardless of the type of device -> which may be pointless on spinners)
  20. Added in support for a new schedule "At first array start" -> Still executes at array start, but will only execute once (ie: Will not execute again if you stop and restart the array). Solves a problem for me where I kept on getting recursive symlinks getting created with every stop and start on one of my scripts
  21. Actually hadn't forgotten... I have to wait until Friday's round of lsio updates, but what I'm going to do is this. No GUI as I see this as rather limited in user needs Prior to stopping containers, if it exists, something like "/boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/stopping/stop_all" will be called if it exists Prior to stopping any particular container, a script called "/boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/stopping/nameOfContainer" will be called if it exists After restarting any particular container, a script called "/boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/starting/nameOfContainer" will be called if it exists After restarting all the containers, a script called "/boot/config/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/starting/start_all" will be called if it exists Should allow you the flexibility to do just about anything you want. Work for you?
  22. Its an rsync error. Is it also going to an rclone destination? If so, then best guess rclone does not support symlinks and/or hardlinks, in which case it is not suitable for a destination since most apps utilize them. (Plex as an example makes HUGE use of them).
  23. Not sure... This is what the USB backup actually is: mkdir -p $destination # makes the path if it doesn't exist ...Creates a file called DISK_ASSIGNMENTS.txt in /boot/config cp /boot/* $destination -R -v # the -v is superfluous as the verbose output is actually ignored mv $destination/config/super.dat $destination/config/super.dat.CA_BACKUP very simple. Something to do with rclone, but I can't help diagnose that... Easy test is to set a separate destination for USB to the array. If that works its a given that its an rclone issue
  24. You're late on the draw.... Except that I never followed up and PM'd tom to add the module....
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