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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I've actually been taking some crap from lsio as of late for CA "legitimizing" apps like Plex as a plugin (since its present in CA) PhAzE does an amazing job keep his stuff running and avoiding dependency problems, but its far far easier to do the same thing as a docker app than a plugin.
  2. lol I think by posting that question in the lsio docker thread the answer is going to be self-evident... Docker's have significant advantages over plugins in terms of maintainability, security, etc but setting them up (in particular, understanding how host volume mapping works) has a small learning curve. Peruse the docker FAQ and hopefully it'll get you there.
  3. Nothing pops out in the syslog, and the docker.log only shows this: time="2016-09-19T01:34:56.473459218+01:00" level=error msg="migration failed for 7f4ac0852b5163100fe09318339a38f63829c28178a6e392194ae2b88aa84589, err: open /var/lib/docker/image/btrfs/imagedb/content/sha256/13fb31a7c7d8ed23ddd472d467daba68618c1fff2216d5e454a9aecd48e7d901: no such file or directory" I would just delete the docker.img and re-add the apps again from CA's previous apps and see what happens
  4. Yeah that is a problem... (the mediabrowser user no longer exists on dockerHub). I suggested it for CHBMB to post in because I've seen a fair amount of container's that don't have the explicit directions that CHBMB is relying on but do have the dockerfile (if they are automated builds [most are]) which in most cases lists the required ports / volumes Up to you, but what if you take the liberty of changing his original posting and reference this url instead: https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/mediabrowser/~/dockerfile/ The ports and volumes on that dockerfile match Lionel's example, only the repository doesn't match (which Lionel doesn't show in the dockerfile - only in the unRaid settings. Or we can just leave well enough alone, ditch CHBMB's second post, keep mine which is the automated attempt at parsing the dockerfile. Kind of an advanced subject anyways where we have to expect the user to have some sort of knowledge of how to read the directions / dockerfile on dockerHub anyways...
  5. Dynamix Bleeding Edge How about when the stop array check box is disabled (due to a parity check in progress or mover running), you put text there stating why its disabled. I always wind up hitting it a couple of times, saying WTF to the computer and then start to look down the screen to try and figure out why. (Usually its because I got a parity check in progress, but this time I almost sat down and wrote a defect report before I noticed that mover was running)
  6. Maybe add another reference link to this post: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37732.msg349938#msg349938 which uses a dockerfile as a basis
  7. Nope. Just use universal movie scraper. But any additional scrapers are a pita as I recall to get working with a headless install. IMO much easier to set up a libreelec VM and have zero issues rather than banging my head against the wall. Just some more overhead in RAM required (512M) Now if Kodi ever officially supported headless than the situation might be different. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  8. Sickrage should handle it. At least sonarr does. But if you're using a monitored folder with sickrage (not sure if it supports communication from sab over the api) then it's going to have no idea how to handle it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  9. Check your DNS Settings under network settings. Set them to and Also, CA will NOT install under any version of 6.0. (Minimum version is 6.1 - Installation on less will display an error detailing this on installation - This isn't the cause of your errors though). Would be prudent to update both systems to 6.2 (or at least 6.1.9)
  10. http://www.tobyandroo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/1369_chill_baby_volume_pacifier.jpg[/img]
  11. With Kodi continually having problems running headless (kodi's issue, not LSIO's), the easiest solution by far is to simply run a libreelec VM with 512M memory, and no passthrough. It works perfectly with VNC, and then you also have the additional bonus of being able to easily run other scrapers instead of the stock ones.
  12. Check for updates on CA. Already modifed it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. Looks like using user.scripts, you'd have to change the line official_script_name="unraid-autovmbackup-0-4.sh" to be official_script_name="script" Not quite sure why danioj would be a test on the name of the script though To execute it manually, just type in at a console /boot/unraid-autovmbackup-0-4.sh
  14. No trouble on my part. Just use crontab to add the jobs in crontab -l > /tmp/temp echo 25 0 * * * ssh [email protected] sudo shutdown -h now >> /tmp/temp crontab /tmp/temp something like that. Alternatively you can also mimic a plugin's cron entries by making a file called /boot/config/plugins/someDummyName/someDummyName.cron with the appropriate cron entry, and every reboot (not sure about starts) unRaid'll add in the cronjob automatically
  15. Since I don't run VM's, I can't really help with the actual script. But, I can tell you that the start and stop scripts do execute at the appropriate times (before docker stops and after docker starts) When I originally added in the hooks for the scripts, I was expecting people to use (in bash) either the logger command to output to the syslog, or manually specify redirection on echo's. After seeing your output sample (minor issue with no newline after the executing note), I can see that I should force any echo's from the script to my log file so that it'll display in that backup status by default. Will update CA in about 5 minutes. Beyond that, does the script that you've got actually work calling it manually from the command line?
  16. It would be In red at the top of the backup settings. Only makes sure it exists is executable etc. Doesn't check anything else Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. Without looking at the script, when you set the path does it throw up any errors? (i'll also check CA to make sure that part of it is still working because AFAIK you're the first to use it) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. The template mappings included are 100% correct and should be left as is. If yours is showing as blank on the host side install it through CA's resource monitor Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. While I encourage off topic conversations in all of my threads (makes them more interesting in my opinion), this is one OT that you're not just going to get the response that you want in this thread. Either repost this in Limetech's repository thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40654.0, or in the general docker thread http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?board=74.0 Beyond that, for the best supported sync applications, I would look in Community Applications (this is the support thread for that plugin that allows you to add a whole world of apps to your server) for BTsync from binhex, linuxserver-io, or even PhAzE's plugin. I personally don't use sync and backup my must have, cannot possibly lose this unless I want a divorce files in a completely differently and rather old-school way.
  20. Done. Illegal characters in file names are now skipped on appdata/CA Backups/any additional excluded folders. Still performed everywhere else Done. Old results deleted prior to beginning a new scan (btw, if all those dupes were within the a CA Backup folder, then you've done backups to more than one disk. Switch the destination to user folders since you're on 6.2 Done.. The disks the file(s) are on are itemized now Not done. Thought about it (and ran the extended test a couple times) and decided that this is going to need an HTML readmore or something on the results, as limiting the results to an arbitrary number isn't fair to other users (and unfortunately AD is something of an edge case here). And I don't want to force those users to fix the first 10 errors, and then have to re-run the tests (takes my server 2 hours to run through the nearly 5.5M files) to see if there are any more.... I'll get around to it, but not on this round of update
  21. The one thing that I've missed on the dashboard for quite awhile is the previous behaviour (6.0Beta something) where hovering over the thumbs up icon on the drives would give you the # of reallocated sectors / pending sectors. Ever since that got removed, I've missed it (don't miss it sending me the excessive notifications however). Would be sweet if those two highly watched attributes could be implemented into the hover text without having to go to the attributes screen....
  22. You actually found a bug in 6.x series (since the footer announcement feature was introduced). The good news; correction is made, if you want to test then install latest version of Dynamix Bleeding Edge plugin. looks good
  23. I wonder if we could take this a little further and have an option to autoback up the entire plugin folder right before we decide to delete a plugin? The reason I ask is lets say I accidentally click delete for "user scripts" because I am special, the whole plugin folder would get deleted along with all my custom scripts. That would be a sad day. (This actually just happened to be with the powerdown plugin, all my K00 and S00 scripts got deleted.) Yes, I should probably be taking be making backup....... .... oh that's right community apps already makes backups of my flash drive every month and guess what I just found, my K & S scripts! Well I suppose I will still post this in case it does make since to backup right before you delete a plugin but the CA flash backup did and will continue to do an awesome job of saving any files I need in the future. At least you had a sense of humour and quoted the pic along with the text...
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