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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Disabled jumbo frames is the solution / work around to at least get them installed Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. There have been some reports lately of jumbo frames messing up docker Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Only if its on the parity drive I had thought that an array drive changing size was also bad for the calculated parity. Well either way, just thought I'd mention it. At that point the damage is done, and you may wind up with a single corrupted file. The major issue is if parity winds up getting it, because at that point parity is no longer the largest drive, and in theory you cannot rebuild any drive at all.
  4. I'll check it out and fix it on tonights update
  5. That's great. Many thanks. In Mac OS X a folder with a custom icon contains a file that has a control character in its name. It's system-generated and can't be changed and it can only be avoided by ensuring that all folders use the generic icon. This caused problems with the Dynamix file integrity plugin and required a specific exclusion. See here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=44989.msg436925#msg436925 Fair enough. Since they're such a royal pain to even create I'll remove that test Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. Will probably get fixed under the same fix. ok. just not sure if there are very valid reasons to be doing this
  7. Good idea good idea Top of my head, don't want to do that as for instance, appdata / crashplan detinations are user shares, and there *may* be a ton of them in there. EG: this plug and CA both use them extensively as a quick "flag" to remember something in between iterations of the programs. Decent idea, but I don't want to get into a situation where there's going to be a ton of legitimate false positives. I'll think about it. very good idea
  8. DuckDNS - actually runs in bridge mode, but with no ports defined. Fixed on next rev. Host mode was already skipped Nginx - The criteria is that the port is defined in the template, and if you change the container port (not the host port) or delete it then the error appears. What you're probably doing is using port 443 on deleted 80. Just add 80 back in and define it to something. (the container description talks about nothing but port 443, so maybe its a template error, but as far the error goes, it stands as is)
  9. Beer is not the answer... Beer is the question. "Yes" is the answer Ability to downgrade the auto update errors of dynamix GUI and this plugin to warnings (create a file called config/plugins/fix.common.problems/autoupdate-warning on the flash drive to do this. file just has to exist) Today's update to CA fixed the false positive of dynamix webGUI and CA auto update errors Thanks to bonienl, added in ad blocker detection. -> doesn't run in the background checks - only from the UI Added in illegal and/or should be illegal characters in share names * * under ideal circumstances, the entire contents of your drives should be checked for illegal characters, but since that's extremely time consuming, I stop at just the share names. They are based upon the most restrictive major OS out there (Windows), and are treated as errors, not warnings since they also have the ability to mess up SMB They are: \/:*?"<>| Additionally, folders ending in a "." are also illegal, along with folder names containing only spaces. Interestingly enough, I found out that control characters are LEGAL under linux, MAC, and Windows, but since you're going to have such a bitch of a time using them, I made them errors also There may be other unicode characters that can mess up samba, but these checks at least handle what are at least easy (or somewhat easy) to create under unRaid. Also some bug fixes where some of the docker checks weren't running
  10. The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits Added in dated backups for appdata. If selected, everytime the backup runs, a completely new set is created in a sub folder off of the destination share you've set. Can be useful if your appdata is fairly small, but if you've got a large plex library, its not going to be a great option as it has to do a full backup every time instead of an incremental one. Would be nicer with rolling backup sets (eg set 1, 2, 3 and it just cycles backups into them on a schedule), but that's something I'll have to revisit again in the future. When doing a restore, there's a drop down that will show the available folders (ie: backups) prior to pushing the restore button.
  11. the key here is that on all the docker apps which are required to talk to each other (in this case, sonarr, sab, and probably cp) the mappings (host and container) on the template (edit screen) for the download location (in your case the /data) have to match EXACTLY. If you've mapped /data to /mnt/cache/downloads/completed on one app, and mapped /data to /mnt/cache/downloads on another the imports are going to fail
  12. post what appears after you add the apps (ie: at the bottom of the screen there is the docker run command) Here's the screen shot after installing Emby The reason why Emby isn't working is because you've passed Movies and TV Shows both mapped to /mnt (6.1.9 has a nasty habit of sometimes saying the command finished successfully when it didn't according to the line above it)
  13. Can anyone give me a link to an ad blocker that messes up unRaid. I don't run them as I don't have any real issues with them, and tried an extension for chrome but it still worked AFAIK
  14. I never gave this particular plugin an official status, so your tool is right. Better warn people than to ignore. I foresee a temporary life for this plugin anyway. The issue is corrected in unRAID 6.2 and it can be considered to backport fixes into unRAID 6.1 as well (ultimately this is a LT decision). If it wasn't for that plugin, this actually would have been an error. If / when the fix is released in a GUI update, then I'll probably upgrade the status.
  15. When I get around to auto fixes, then sure. But since there is an underlying issue at play here the action (along with any auto fix) would to post your diagnostics asap. But I'm thinking that since any fix is a temporary fix at best (unless your uptime is from when you were running unRaid v2) that a better way would be to automatically expand /var/log instead of truncating it.) And even there, the problem is that if background checks only run say once a day the odds are good that you're screwed before it does a scan, as its rather easy for a continual error being logged to completely fill the log fs within an hour or so. I'll think about it some more...
  16. In my opinion, any process can use 100% (although realistically, it would always wind up being less than that) if it needs it. Not necessarily an error or a warning as if the process wants it legitimately then it should have it. That, and I don't want to get into pointing out that such and such process is using high CPU as it might only encourage users to kill that process (which may actually be needed) (and I'm certainly not going to ever offer up the ability to kill a process for the same reasons) That being said, I think that a better metric would be sysload. Right off the hop, its an average over 1 min, 5 min, 15 min and lets the user know that they are running too much stuff concurrently for their CPU Maybe something like (sysload / # cores) > 2 generates a warning (sysload / # cores) > 4 generates an error
  17. I want those two to be errors, because without autoupdate, I think that the fix plugin winds up being rather pointless if its running in the background, and the new checks don't get automatically pulled into it. But, I can also see your point (and RobJ's). I'll add an option to degrade those down to warnings (so at least on background checks you can leave notifications on), but I'm not going to add a drop down to select it. Rather it'll be some file or something on the flashdrive you create to set it to downgrade. That way, the I can have my way by default, and you can get yours. The last thing I want is for people to run background checks and ignore errors
  18. We don't even know if the container is installing correctly yet. Which is why I asked for that screen shot Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. Are you sure. The answer lies in sab settings Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. Because your download client is storing the completed download within ITS /config folder and then passing that path name to sonarr. Move completed downloads to (in this case /data) a separate download folder that is mapped to all apps that require access to it.
  21. If you're using 6.2, you need to map the drive with the "slave" option (but then it will need to be mounted within /mnt/disks) If your not using 6.2, then you have to stop the entire docker service (not just crashplan) and then restart it for any app to see the mapping
  22. post what appears after you add the apps (ie: at the bottom of the screen there is the docker run command)
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