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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I don't see this behaviour. If it continues, can you do this before and after a manual backup and let me know the results: docker ps -a (and also post a screen shot of the dashboard showing the stopped / running containers before and after)
  2. Backup Now button - Will fix tonight. Dashboard / Main - Not going to happen as it would require modification of system files for the GUI -> that's why there are notifications.
  3. One message an hour if you didn't wind up setting up a job for it. As far as the package install is concerned, at the time I wasn't that particularly worried about it as it would have required a big revamp to the workflow that I do, etc but may investigate that again (although there is an easier way of doing things - just copy over an old txz onto the flash drive with the new date -> md5's aren't checked if the txz already exists) Either way, an update is now available for the spurious crontab errors in the log.
  4. Just woke up. I'll check it out after work. Always a couple of updates after every new feature release Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. I am going to hazard a guess that its the docker service itself that gets cycled so those that have "autostart" turned on will be running after its done. At least that is how mine worked out. It's whatever dockerMan thinks was running at the time. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. Just be aware that the first backup can take awhile (45 minutes) especially if you run plex. Subsequent backups are a lot faster as only changed files are copied. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  7. What if you're in hell and you get mad at someone? Where do you tell them to go? Enhanced: Notifications now sent when applications autoupdate themselves Changed: CA now defaults to autoupdate. (All other applications still default to not autoupdate) Added: Optional appdata backup The appdata backup / restore feature can be found under Settings (Community Applications Section). In a nutshell it allows you to either manually or via a scheduled job to backup your appdata folder to your Array http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f109/squidaz/Untitled_zpsgayo2aji.png[/img] Appdata share Select whatever share is storing the appdata for your docker /plugin apps. Only shares which are cache-only or mounted with Unassigned Devices will be listed. If your appdata share isn't listed (ie: your appdata is already stored on the redundant array), then this module will not function for you. Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to. DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share. In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh. Save To Disk Because most docker applications use hardlinks / symlinks in their appdata, the destination share HAS to be written directly to a disk share in order for the backup / restore process to work. Set this in conjunction with the Destination Share. Note that if you happen to set any split levels, include/exclude disks, etc they are automatically overridden by this setting Path to Custom Stop / Start Script Prior to issuing the Docker Stop (and after the Docker Start) command, the backup / restore scripts will call the scripts if this is filled out. Use this to perform any custom shutdown procedures (ie: stop plugins). Rsync Options If you don't know what you're doing here, just leave it at the defaults Run scripts in place of rsync or in addition to Setting this to in place of has the effect of disabling CA's rsync command to backup, so that the custom scripts can handle everything Scheduled Backup Frequency Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Custom The temporary log file is stored within the docker.img file and upon completion is copied to the flash drive (in a DOS format). This is primarily because the log files (especially on the initial backup) has the potential to completely fill the space allocated to /var/log, I didn't want to force anyone to have to increase their allocation for the logfiles - My initial backup log file size is ~400Meg. Logs are not rolling, and are deleted at the start of each new backup / restore set.
  8. Doesn't matter what you call the container, so long as there isn't another one named identically
  9. I did it. (but if he's not around to defend himself then I'll find a way to blame him) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Never designed for that, but I already saw it in yours and was thinking about adding it. I'll let you know. But won't be for a week or so. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. No drivers required. APCUPSD comes with unRaid.
  12. You'll be safe with anything from APC. Most other manufacturers are also compatible (By and large, they are all APCUPSD compatible) but there is no definitive compatibility list. You would test it by first setting up the monitoring, then stopping the array (just in case something doesn't work quite right) followed by pulling the UPS out of the wall. Your server should shut down according to how you set up the UPS settings in unRaid
  13. I'd try and rework it so that it stands alone without involving the other thread
  14. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg463355.msg#463355 Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  15. Here's a thought (admittedly from someone who doesn't use this plugin - no need for it - sorry dlandon) My understanding is that if destructive mode is not turned on, then the red-x doesn't appear. How about something like showing it there but greyed out if destructive mode is off with a tool-tip or something telling you to enable it in settings
  16. I didn't know that! I thought moderators and admins were the only ones who can make changes. I make the occasional edit on Wikipedia so if the procedure is similar this is something I'll definitely investigate. For pointers or what-not, get in touch with RobJ - also, I think users only have the ability to modify the User Contributed Content (which is the bulk of the wiki). The Official Content (pretty much only the manual AFAIK) is most likely locked to admins / moderators
  17. You're 100% correct there. The wiki is a continuing WIP, and there really is only one person here who particularily cares about it. But like most wiki's, every member here has the ability to add / modify the information contained. But, I've been trying to push the FAQ's in this forum to make up for that a bit http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48508.0 http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.0
  18. You can point it at all the exact same folders. As long as it is the only one running it will work fine Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. TBH, I haven't been doing it (and only have a single cache drive to boot). But I do see the need for it, and am (in between the wife watching movies) been working on integration into CA with a full GUI, cron settings, etc. Would have been ready this weekend, but I underestimated the actual amount of time that she actually spends in front of the TV, and I can't test during that as docker must be stopped to properly backup the appdata. So net result is that I'm a couple of days behind schedule. The script that I'm using will not work standalone, so there's very little point in giving it to you. In the meantime however on a quick glance, any of the scripts within the backup appdata thread should work fine for you. docker.img, I think is completely pointless to backup, as all that's needed to recreate it in the exact same state is to re-add all of your apps via CA's previous apps or the my* templates. After the downloads are completed, you're right back in business without even having to rethink about your setup, paths, etc.
  20. Exactly like that. (although always use /mnt/cache/appdata/... and not /mnt/user/appdata... not quite sure what you mean here since appdata is a share
  21. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47912.0 Haven't really fully tested this ^^^
  22. So long as you've stored the database outside the docker.img (within appdata) you don't need to worry about it. If its stored within the docker.img then no real easy solution. Since they're going to be named differently, just stop the compassionate one, then reinstall. If everything goes fine then you can delete the first.
  23. According to the forum stats, 87.4% of the users here will never read a manual (or ask for directions). http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?action=stats That's because this forum is archaic and doesn't have proper spam-bot prevention. That went over your head. [emoji14] Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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