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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Genius comment... But, that being said, while not strictly applicable to you, we all know how well the Maginot Line worked for the French.
  2. That would be the US southern border. Here we got the reverse. Yanks coming up for the health care.
  3. lol Seeing as how I spend most of my time in an igloo, anything above freezing is hot jk Actually, I'm about 15 minutes from the border with Buffalo NY. While its not like NC gets, warm is warm
  4. This is implemented in the sense that a first announcement of a new version is shown, when dismissed this won't appear anymore unless a newer version becomes available. This prevents the constant popups each time the plugin version check is run. lol... And I ruin that feature by update upon update upon update. You could probably say that I'm a perfectionist with regards to my baby here. The littlest bug drives me bonkers. At least, very few updates have been pushed through with any bugs that a user has noticed / reported. I'll try and limit myself to a weekly schedule from here on in. Unless of course its a show stopper.
  5. My wife's been gone for the weekend also. So it was either do some programming, or yardwork. I elected programming (and will probably get yelled at for not doing the yardwork later on today)
  6. Thank goodness! I was contemplating asking LT for a new "feature" to limit update frequency notifications on certain applications! Completely understood. I'm of the belief however that when a bug is fixed, there shouldn't be a delay. And, unfortunately with the release of 6.1rc1 and the appfeed there have been a few to squash. Actually, I posted a feature request a long time ago about the ability to be able to dismiss updates on plugins (so that you're not inundated with notifications for an update that you may not want)
  7. Why don't you do something like substr( $overview, 0, 200 ); And let authors know there is a limit of 200 chars (or whatever you decide), anything over that will be strpped out, might make them take more care of their overview. Was thinking about the same thing, but in conjunction with this:
  8. Updated to 2015.07.20 Primarily a bug fix release. Most notably, under certain conditions when adding an application a blank template could appear should now be fixed. Few notes: Under the constant cajoling / threats from sparklyballs, table mode is going to receive the same treatment as icon mode here on in. To bring it now up to date with icon mode, clicking the application name will now display the pop up with expanded details about the app. Coding is now almost unified between tables and icons, so it will be far easier to keep them both in sync with each other. Hovering over the icon in icon mode now displays the description of the app. However, not all authors properly implemented the "Overview" tag in their templates, so some applications are displaying far more information than they need to. Kode's appfeed looks like the majority of bugs have been worked out, so in a week or two I will make it the default mode of operation for this plugin (if nothing else pops up in either CA or the feed). Basically waiting for sparkly to add another template to his repository. Still to come -> a unification of the UI between table mode and icon mode. Have to think about this for a while. Options in icon mode for when fewer columns are used to display greater information on the screen. (Have to really sit down and learn CSS for this) Hopefully the last update for a bit. Now on vacation, and desperately need to have a few pints.
  9. I'll keep table mode if you add the tags Seriously though, every single tag I've added has always been optional (even categories were optional). But, this one will have some benefit to the end user, (and I've even updated table mode to support it, albeit through a pop up)
  10. k You've switched the display mode to be table mode. There is help text available by hitting "Help" in the top right corner
  11. You either need to add the repository URL to the section in the docker repositories tab and then go to Docker Containers and add a container (it will be in the list), or install the Community Applications plugin (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.0) which makes the whole system a lot easier to use I understand what you have explained. I do have the Community applications. There is nothing allowing me to add the repository. I assume I could go to the GitHub page and get it but i thought that was the idea of the Community Applications or this page. So when I click on the Community Application for Krusader I get the entry area to add the container information but since I do not have the repository none of that info is transferred. What am I missing ? The OP's list on this web page definitely does not have the repository. Or maybe my Community Applications is not working correct. Are you saying that when you click "add" from within community applications, the resulting tab that appears is not filled out? If so, can you try hitting refresh for that tab or close the tab and try it again. With CA, the only entry that *should* be blank that is sometimes confusing is the first line that's asking you to select a template. Just ignore that line. You never need to enter in a repository when using CA. (Or post a screen shot show I can better understand what you're describing including the URL address in the browser )
  12. You either need to add the repository URL to the section in the docker repositories tab and then go to Docker Containers and add a container (it will be in the list), or install the Community Applications plugin (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.0) which makes the whole system a lot easier to use
  13. 6.1 rc-1 moved around (and renamed) some files. Updated the plugin to 2015.07.19. This update is required if you run 6.1 rc-1. The plugin has logic to determine if you are running 6.01 or 6.1 and will adjust itself accordingly.
  14. Not sure. --cpuset-cpus=2 works perfectly on my system... Only my core #2 is running folding@home. Maybe open up a terminal window and run htop to confirm your cpu usage
  15. not sure if it makes a difference, but --cpuset has been deprecated. You should be using --cpuset-cpus
  16. Updated to 2015.07.18 - Some coding efficiency improvements - Revamp of the description section (paving the way for future improvements) - Support for a Project Home page link Project Home page link (if implemented by the authors / maintainers - see here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg394762#msg394762) will take you to the Project's home page (eg: plex's home page or couch potato's home page). The link will show up either in the description pop up or in the changelog pop up. Also updated the OP with a poll on table mode (should I continue having it)
  17. I've just added in support within CA for an optional <Project> entry This entry should be a URL to (ideally) the home page for an application. eg: https://plex.tv or https://couchpota.to/ See one of limetech's templates or one of linuxserver's for an example
  18. If you have problems with CA and are trying out the app feed mode with it, can you post the contents of this website as soon as possible (with whatever application you were trying to add): http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json That way both Kode (responsible for that feed), and myself (responsible for scraping the information from it) can figure out what's going wrong. (The feed is >20000 characters, so you won't be able to merely paste the contents. You'll have to save it to a file and zip it.) CA with app feed disabled should still be 100% rock solid.
  19. There was a slight change in Kode's application feed which caused that. The system was working correctly with the feed as it was on 7/15. Sometime on 7/16 the feed changed (The notice that the feed was changing probably got lost in a PM along the line) Since you were running in the appFeed mode, you could have reverted back to the old template mode and it would have worked correctly. (Or, with the update 7/16, hit Update Applications, and the error would have fixed itself) Thanks for this! I didn't see the error but when I went to add an application the add container page would be empty instead of prefilled. Clicking the "Update Applications" on the Docker tab for CA worked and now I can add applications again. Just so I can understand what went wrong here, are you using the app feed with CA?
  20. There was a slight change in Kode's application feed which caused that. The system was working correctly with the feed as it was on 7/15. Sometime on 7/16 the feed changed (The notice that the feed was changing probably got lost in a PM along the line) Since you were running in the appFeed mode, you could have reverted back to the old template mode and it would have worked correctly. (Or, with the update 7/16, hit Update Applications, and the error would have fixed itself)
  21. Updated to 2015.07.16 - Private repositories will now work with Kode's application feed - Reduced the memory footprint of the plugin by ~2 Meg if using Kode's feed and ~1 Meg if not using it - If Kode's feed is for whatever reason unavailable, the system will revert back to the normal template downloading system - Application feed changed slightly between yesterday's update (2015.07.15) and this one with the net result that applications were not installing properly - fixed. - Added baseOS to the description in Icon Mode. Note that this information is ONLY available in the application feed mode. - Update Applications works a little bit differently is you're using the application feed: Hitting Update Applications while using the application feed will temporarily revert the system to the template downloading method. This is useful for when you know that an update or a new application or new repository is available, but the application feed hasn't picked it up yet (and you just can't wait for its next hourly update). Note that if automatic updates are turned on in conjunction with the appfeed, then when you leave the docker tab and then re-enter it any changes which Update Applications found will be lost either until the next cycle of Kode's feed (hourly), or you hit Update Applications again. Also note that as of this writing, there is an issue with the application feed itself where it is not completely populating gfjardim's repository (it's missing gfjardim and needo) This issue does NOT affect CA in the template mode. I have no doubt that Kode will address this shortly.
  22. Just to clarify, I wanted to point out that Kode's feed is still what I would classify as being "beta" feature of CA. As you could tell from the previous bunch of posts, there still are a couple of issues to work out. Nothing harmful however will happen should you enable Kode's feed within CA. The worst thing will be that a few applications may not show up in the list (as of this writing, there are a couple). Should you choose not to help us debug this new feature, then do not enable Kode's feed within CA's settings. As an aside, the next update for CA (probably tomorrow) will support private repositories in conjunction with the app feed, and will also lower the memory footprint of this plugin by ~2 Meg (if using the app feed) and by 1 Meg if you're not. Once everything is rock solid, then the application feed will become the default method of using CA (with an automatic fallback to the template mode if the app feed for whatever reason is unavailable)
  23. There is an "Updated" tag with a UNIX timestamp Ok I was confused because 25 apps were just added to the list not sure why, for some reason ones like SynaMan are showing up twice, will need to investigate Its sparkly's fault I'm sure. [emoji12]
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