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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  2. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  3. According to the diagnostics you HAVE enabled the option to run rebuild/sync in increments, and the increment active time is 01:15 to 04:00 so outside that timeslot it will be paused.
  4. Spinning down the disks will not guarantee a clean shutdown. You would need to stop the array before the shutdown to guarantee this.
  5. You have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed and it looks like it has paused because of the settings you have set for that plugin. If you post your system’s diagnostics zip file then it should be possible to tell you which setting is causing this.
  6. According to your diagnostics you have writing going on to disk1, disk2 and in particular disk3. This will dramatically slow down any parity check while these writes are happening.
  7. Cables can definitely work themselves loose over time due to the vibrations from the drives rotating. It is definitely worth checking that all cables are well seated.
  8. You might get better results using the Dynamix File Manager plugin.
  9. You have to be able to pass the Unraid flash drive through to the VM to get Unraid to finish booting. I could never get this working in Hyper-V so nowadays I use VirtualBox instead to run Unraid in a VM for development/testing purposes on my Windows system. If there is a way to pass through the flash drive in Hypet-V I would love to know what it is.
  10. This is confusing - plugins should not load in Safe Mode so not sure how it is running. You can rename all the .plg files in config/plugins folder on the flash driver to have a different extension (so they will no longer load when you boot) and then rename the ones you want to test back to the .plg extension and reboot.
  11. This is a pen drive of the type that you boot Unraid from - can be very small (only a a few GB) as you are not going to store anything on it, merely use it to satisfy the requirement (in the current Unraid release) that there must be at least one drive in the array. This restriction is planned to e lifted in a future Unraid release but this is a way to get around it at the moment.
  12. If this happens you have to manually decide which copy you want to keep and delete the other one.
  13. To do a basic confidence check of the network it is not even necessary to get a trial licence for the flash drive you try.
  14. If it works in Safe Mode then it is a plugin causing the issue. The tailscale one is the most likely culprit. If it is not that one then it can be a trial-and-error exercise to identify the culprit.
  15. It can be a 'pool' device without it being used for any caching.
  16. The XMP profile means that the RAM is being over-clocked which is never best for stability.
  17. Sounds as if the docker.img file may have been reset as the diagnostics show it to basically be empty? Simply restoring the appdata will not do anything if the system thinks no dockers are installed - it simply puts the working data back for containers but you still need the containers to be installed. You can reinstall containers with their previous settings intact by using Apps->Previous Apps.
  18. Are you sure you ran the make_bootable command (in admin mode) as that should be what sets the correct boot type.
  19. Actually it would as it would help sort out any networking issues as we could then get diagnostics that would tell us what is going on under the cover if there are still issues. Also if the super.dat file from the existing flash drive was put into the config folder for the latest release it would show your current disk assignments if it booted up successfully to the latest GUI.
  20. I actually disagree with this as I think it would confuse things even more. In the case you mention it makes sense that User Utilities be under Settings as it is a sub-heading for where the settings for additional utilities are found. The Settings tab should be where you configure things and the Tools tab where you execute things. Note that or plugins it is up to the author of the plugin where additional items are added to the GUI. There are definitely inconsistencies at times and maybe this is where some tidying up should be done.
  21. I used to use powerline adapters with a notional 1000Mbps speed but found that in reality the actual data throughput ended being more like 200-300 Mbps. I think that other noise on your electrical circuits can also adversely affect throughput. I can also see that using jumbo frames may not be a good idea as those adapters are probably not optimised for that. Nowadays jumbo frames provide little (if any) performance befit so not normally worth trying them because of the additional complications they can cause.
  22. Can you make a ssh connection from your PC? If so you could then run the 'diagnostics' command that would give us something to work with.
  23. Never seen anything like that display so no idea where it could be originating from.
  24. I have requested that Limetech set the word 'unmountable' in a post to be a link to the part of the online documentation that describes how to handle this. I think that might help users with finding out how best to handle this. There have also been some requests for small visual changes to the GUI to make some of this a bit clearer, although how hard they might be to implement I have no idea. Since the GUI code is open-source maybe some user might step in and work on this.
  25. Actually no as this is the status of the 'emulated' drive - not the replacement drive. The rebuild process overwrites every sector on the replacement drive and reinstates the file system of the emulated drive on the replacement drive so whether it is formatted or not before you begin is irrelevant.
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