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  1. I can confirm, tested twice, even without reboot. Host access to custom networks enabled = "on 1 br0 -> *multiple*" by ntpd Host access to custom networks disabled = not logged
  2. Your comment made me realize I have another server that doesn't experience that issue so I can compare settings to it. The first difference I found was that it had "Host access to custom networks" turned off while other servers (Tower & Sam) has this setting turned on. Turning on this and rebooting the server started logging this message: Jul 20 12:33:00 Fanta ntpd[1668]: on 1 br0 -> *multiple* @JorgeBdo you have "Host access to custom networks" turned off? I am turning this setting off again and rebooting the server to see if it is the root cause
  3. Tower: interface ignore wildcard interface ignore ipv6 interface listen # eth0 Sam: interface ignore wildcard interface ignore ipv6 interface listen # eth0 interface listen # eth0 Both having this issue tower-diagnostics-20240720-1208.zip sam-diagnostics-20240719-2213.zip
  4. Attaching my diagnostics which also has the same message for a server with IPv4 only Linking similar reports so we have a single discussions: sam-diagnostics-20240719-2213.zip
  5. Thanks for the quick fix, values are now correct: Is it possible to increase the space between two stats boxes?
  6. After the change the VM maximum size is correct but I think the used memory is incorrect: This is the memory use report from the VM: Which makes sense according to services it is running. vmstats1
  7. Yes they are different xml attached HA.xml
  8. I attached the result as a file since it is a little bit long. Thanks for looking into it. vmstats.txt
  9. 1. A negative value is displayed in the used memory for the Home Assistant VM 2. Minor display issue, the "MB/s" from the first VM box doesn't have any space from the "Disk" on the second VM box sam-diagnostics-20240718-0113.zip
  10. I tried to compare settings with another server that doesn't experience this problem, while doing so I noticed that the problem disappeared after editing the settings since it restarts the ntpd. I wonder if it helps in your case, it might hint where the problem is. Settings -> Date and Time --> edit something (you can just add a char to the ntp server and delete it) & Apply
  11. I am not using IPv6 so I don't have the deleting and adding route issue, but I thought it worth mentioning that the log line with IPv4 *multiple* is still logged every ~5 minutes which spams the log anyhow.
  12. Thanks, this indeed removed the email attempt, I just wondering if this specific type of errors Ignores the email settings or the updated script checks that.
  13. Output of fstrim -v -a: disk3,2,1 are mechanical disks in the array (boot of course is the flash drive) Note that on the nightly run I don't see it:
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