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Everything posted by japilch

  1. yes , I am looking to pass hardware through , which was why I hoped some one had used this board .
  2. I am contemplating buying one of these boards , so i tried to research on this forum. I could not find any posts regarding this board. from what the specs tell me this should do ok , but it concerns me that no-one has this board. Is there a problem with it I should be aware of ?
  3. I am having the same issue - however at this time I am only passing through a gpu only ( nvidia gt740) . I have a sabertooth 990 fx board and 8350 processor. I had both xp and w10 VMs running with the gpu pass through for about a week, but as of friday when I start up VM, it crashes everything. I am hoping to merge my pc with my unraid server , so I am testing this out right now, trying to get all the kinks ironed out. I cant post a syslog as it disappears once the server is rebooted . What else can I post to get some assistance ?
  4. I have just started to learn about using a VM, having rebuilt my server . I want to basically have only machine . I have been trying to find out how to get get the shares on my server to show up in my window vm. I am working with Xp at the moment trying to get some older games working , and learning what I need to do to run VM's . I understand that I can use network places , but I dont see the sense in that - and the speed hit that would result in using ethernet to the router and then back into the same machine. I have to assume it is possible - but I have not seen any guides that outline how to do it
  5. I believe I have a pro license , so I have more capability than space to put discs. I am looking to upgrade the case , and if I combine the 3 enclosures I have will have up to 15 discs possible - well 16 may be - I think the ssd holder will fit 2. If I do that - I was going to put the discs I want the OS to use in an external enclosure - which limts me to 4 discs about what I have in my pc now . so I dont think that will be an issue . can you point me at a resourse that will show me how to do it ?
  6. Is it a requirement to create virtual disks - or point to shares in the array , or can you keep some discs out of the array and have the OS use them instead?
  7. I just did some research - is this something that needs to be done right now - or can it wait a couple of weeks ? I will be buying a new 4T drive just after christmas .
  8. I have just upgraded to V6 , and when checking my syslog was getting this error : emhttpd: error: get_filesystem_status, 6475: Operation not supported (95): getxattr: /mnt/user/libary . I googled it and while I found some other users with the issue - There was no explaination in simple terms what the solution was . can someone assist ? M/B: ASUSTeK Computer INC. - M4A88T-V EVO/USB3 CPU: AMD Phenom™ II X3 740 @ 3000 Unraid Version 6.5.3 2018-06-12 tower-diagnostics-20191201-1025.zip
  9. I have bought an installed a silverstone 9211 card flahed it with p19 f/w. I recall reading somewhere - and I did not book mark it, that in order to get s.m.a.r.t info showing in mymain I need to add something to the attribute section , however I cant remember what , and I cant find it again- ( somewhere in the 69 pages of this thread I think ) . can anyone assist ?
  10. the point I was making there is that cost is not a factor as there is about $15 btwn the SM card and the LSI card. Given the Marvel chip issue with unraid 6 , is there anything else that would tip the balance in deciding one card over the other.
  11. I asked this in the wrong thread previously I think. I want to upgrade to an 8 port sata controller card. At this time I dont have any intention of upgrading to unraid 6 at this time as I dont have a need for the features. in the future I may combine my desktop pc with the NAS - but not right now. I am debating between SM SAS2LP-MV8 and an LSI 9211-8i card of some description. I know the SM card has some issues in V6 . could I please have some advice as to which way to go , as I dont have a clear preference. In terms of cost : SM wins , as it works straight out of the box. the cheapest I have seen for an lsi card is $174 for a silverstone tek , however that will need to be flashed. then I saw this : http://www.qbtl.com/new-it-mode-lsi-9211-8i-sas-sata-8-port-pci-e-6gb-raid-controller-card-us-seller.html , it appears to be a genuine LSI , and cost is $124, competitive with the SM card. In a straight head to head, any preferences ? anything else I should be aware of that will help me make a decision? thanks for any assistance
  12. this was the problem I was referring to https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=29236.0 while searching ebay found this http://www.ebay.com/itm/121601853837 , which led me to this http://www.qbtl.com/new-it-mode-lsi-9211-8i-sas-sata-8-port-pci-e-6gb-raid-controller-card-us-seller.html . This seems very cheap for this card - the seller looks legit , and the card does not look like a knock off. any thoughts ?
  13. I am updating my sata card in order to make use of all the drive slots I have. I was looking at the SM AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 until I saw the issues with v6 . That being said currently I have no need to go there as I dont need the extra features it offers . hence I am looking at the dell h310 . I am not scared of flashing it , it seems straight forward , I am more concerned with an issue where these cards cause system boot issues . does anyone have the biostar 690G board ? will it work straight out of the box or will I need to blank some contacts? ( something I am loathe to do )
  14. some advice please - I put my server together in a coolermaster elite 335 , however from a hard drive perspective it is a little cramped inside . I have looked at the corsair carbide series 500r as a replacement . any thoughts?
  15. if running under screen, you cwn reattach. It not,it is in /tmp if you have not rebooted. is temp folder available to explorer in windows ? I can see it via telnet
  16. just upgraded parity - and had a power surge that took down the comp running the telnet session for this - in the last post check of 3 cycles on a 2TB drive - 50 hrs later------. everything seemed ok at time - so decided to add - am running a parity sync as we speak . have attached a smart report - before and after - nothing seems to stand out - nothing increased .. any one see any issues? smart.txt
  17. joe have a disc was preclearing when a storm hit - comp running telnet restarted - unraid server not affected still running script - am monitoring via a laptop - my main showing that it is in the last post read of 3 cycles. can I reconnect the telnet session - not showing any issues to this point . is the last set of preclear data kept somewhere - as the sever seems to have finally recogised that telnet has died.
  18. Joe - I put a new disc in my server - went to pre- clear said it could not be done - as no partition table found - added disc to array thinking ok will let unraid format it for me - did not realsie it was gong to clear the disc as well. can I now take the disc out of the array and pre clear, of have I just screwed up big time?
  19. ok I have a 1TB eads drive , 1st preclear gave up more error results, had a power cut before I could record the results. but since then have run it several other times and the only error count that seems to be increasing is cycle count ?? is this something I sould worry about ? screen cap from 7/30 screen cap from 8/09 below are the syslog links as well
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