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Everything posted by mattie112

  1. You have to run these commands within your NPM container, please see the posts here: and check a few posts before and after to see if you have the same issue
  2. Do you also need this due to IPv6? You can change it yourself if you want or you can use my fork: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/mattie112/docker-nginx-proxy-manager https://github.com/Mattie112/docker-nginx-proxy-manager/tree/default-ports
  3. Did you ever find a solution? I'd like to have Unraid in Hyper-V just to test / demo it. It works perfectly by booting from a VHDX but no network really makes it unusable
  4. So: You have some hosts you want to be able to access publicly? And some host you only want to use internally. I also consider VPN internally. In that case you can simple leave out the access list for the first one and on the second one you should only have to add your internal IP range (e.g. 192.168.x.x/24 or whatever your range is). Your VPN will most likely assign you an IP in your internal/private range. If it uses an other range you should allow that range as well. If you still have trouble provide us with some more info in your IP ranges and a screenshot on how NPM is configured.
  5. Unraid is already using 80 (and potentially 443) so if you want to use those ports you should give your NPM a dedicated IP
  6. Ah great! I did not know that that was not fully integrated yet. I have now added the script (and yes this pool had errors, reset them now so i know if it still is a problem). Thanks for the tips!
  7. Yeah could be but (yes that is no guarantee) it worked perfectly for the last year, other disks also work fine and now it works again so for now I won't change anything. Mostly I am just confused on what the UI was reporting.
  8. Well... that was strange: When I stopped the array only 1 disk was missing the other one was "unassigned". (They both where not listed in the "choose device" select) But then after replugging them: Not really sure what happend. They where on the same controller yes, but also other disks where on that controller. So the questions I have left (perhaps for some Unraid employee): - Why was it listed as 1 disk OK? - Why was the pool still accessable? But then not everything could be accessed? edit: Oh and another question: I now notice my pool was converted to non-raid? So why?
  9. Oh that's interesting, I didn't notices that it had issues with 2 disks. I thought it was only 1 because in the UI only 1 disks is "not installed". But yes if both disks have issues (perhaps the same controller need to check) then I can assume it has trouble accessing my data. I will try to fiddle a bit and report back here.
  10. Hi, I have 2 disks added to a 2nd pool (Unraid 6.9.0-rc1) and I have some issues with it. Last night my server crashed, did not see anything when I connected a monitor so I just hard-rebooted it. Now the thing is, I have a pool for my VirtualMachines and one of that disks looks to be dead, well OK But this is a RAID 1 pool so the data should be ok right? But when I try to access the files (or start a VM): root@Tower:/mnt/vmpool/domains# ls -alh /bin/ls: cannot access 'server': Input/output error /bin/ls: cannot access 'Xpenology': Input/output error total 16K drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 48 Aug 14 09:47 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 14 Jan 2 04:40 ../ d????????? ? ? ? ? ? Xpenology/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 8 14:00 debiandns/ d????????? ? ? ? ? ? server/ root@Tower:/mnt/vmpool/domains# Did I configure this incorrectly? Shouldn't my data be here? Any ideas? Diagnostics added. edit: I have not tried to reconnect the disk at this point, also I know this is not the latest Unraid version but I won't execute an upgrade in a problem state tower-diagnostics-20210102-1016.zip
  11. You can try to stop your docker container and then use the `exec` step so that you are the only one running certbot. I assume a restart of the container did not work? You can check to see if your DNS is configured correctly by using https://dnscheck.ripe.net/ for example. (Or sharing your domain here)
  12. Did you try the things I suggested a few weeks ago: (also see the other posts on that page)
  13. Perhaps you need to also add some other directories? For example I found this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/3xz4ph/plex_behind_a_ssl_nginx_reverse_proxy/cy9l9fj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  14. The 'custom locations' can be used for a /plex solution or do you run into trouble there?
  15. As it basically is just Nginx you can look into: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/web-server/reverse-proxy/ For example: location /some/path/ { proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_pass http://localhost:8000; } I did not test it but I assume you can use this in the advanced config part
  16. I would suggest to do that yeah. It seems not to resolve correctly (or at least what you expect) You don't Your external ip: Your NPM: You forward external:80 and external:443 to NPM Then you can do: domainA.com -> domainB.com -> domainC.com -> NPM can then do: if i get some connection that wants domainA.com -> go to domainB.com -> domainC.com -> So NPM is your only "visible" endpoint and that takes care of multiple hosts / subdomains
  17. So it seems that letsencrypt cannot access the fiel it want's. When I go to the website mentioned I get redirected to a site "survey-smiles" (with a huge alert from MalwareBytes) so I can only assume that letsencrypt faces the same issue. If you go to your site do you end up correctly? (Assuming the survey-smiles thing is not yours). And just for funs here is the output of that domain: xx@xx:~# curl irc.spectralforceservers.net <html><head><title>Loading...</title></head><body><script type='text/javascript'>window.location.replace('http://irc.spectralforceservers.net/?js=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQ<removed>TUsInRzIjoxNjA2NzQ5MjE1MzI2OTIyfQ.iwTewrvuWy6FWsN3bbD0pVnXh36dwDhFwp0Hamm07RY&sid=9db9<removed>cc3238fa');</script></body></html> So yes your site does issue a redirect (the same happens with /.well-kown/acme-challenge/somerandomstring)
  18. Perhaps you can try `certbot renew --dry-run` just to see if that works? Or perhaps `certbot --test-cert` ro verify letsencrypt could be reached. And just to be really sure: can you ping from within the NPM container to the internet?
  19. I'm not sure what exactly is in this log (I don't seem to have this file so I guess it's only created when it fails). I would recommend to check it perhaps it is already clear then why it is failing?
  20. Can you check the logfile mentioned: /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log (this file exists in your docker container so docker exec -it NginxProxyManager sh and then cat /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log) Also: Is this the only domain that fails or does everything fail?
  21. Hm that is strange (perhaps restart your container?) But yes you should be able to do it from the CLI. Again SSH to your unraid and do: docker exec -it NginxProxyManager sh (If your container has a different name use that you can see it on the web UI from Unraid) In your container do: certbot renew or certbot renew --force-renewal This will renew everything or use the --cert-name flag to only do the ones you need edit: I would restart my container after doing this.
  22. The 8181 port should be the webinterface, but perhaps you use an other port? You can also go to the docker tab in unraid and then click on NPM end then choose "WebUI". I think the container uses certbot internally but I'm not 100% sure so if the UI works I would suggest to try that first.
  23. If you go to yourip:8181/nginx/certificates you can 'renew' the certificate. This should generate a new one and store it to your disk. I'm not really sure if you can see what site "9" is so I guess the first one on that page? Or perhaps an error is already displayed there? edit: You can see it in the config files /mnt/user/appdata/NginxProxyManager/nginx/proxy_host and then look into (`cat`) the 9.conf file
  24. You could try logging in with ssh as root and then access the file. Or from the webinterface go to SSL Certificates and then renew it to see if that fixes the problem.
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