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  1. wil try to update it again next weekend thanks already for checking it im getting nuts about it cant even use the addon any more for the app store
  2. i did go back to 6.11.5 i did lose all dockers and homeassistant is also running on it and dont want to lose it again. it happend yesterday maybe it is in the log i used the upgrade and downgrade tool hope i can try it again next weekend so i can reproduce it if needed. nas-diagnostics-20240204-1115.zip
  3. Hi when i upgrade from 6.11.5 to a newer version my dockers wil stop working after 40-60 min i need to restart my unraid for it to work again for it. i did have it with 6.12.1 did try it with 6.12.4 and now the 6 also every time the same problem just stops and you wont get them back up same with new dockers i make a new docker and it will crash after 40-60 min
  4. The error is gone its working now all files up and running got only a router lock but is fixed
  5. wil try later first updating my unraid i had there also a error earlyer hope it is fixed with .6
  6. Hi, i did setup mu enshrouded server but i get a strange error in the docker Crypto API failed certificate check, error flags 0x00010008 for '/jurisdictionC=US/jurisdictionST=Washington/businessCategory=Private Organization/serialNumber=602 290 773/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Bellevue/O=Valve Corp/CN=store.steampowered.com' any idea what did go bad?
  7. yes it works now only next problem is here. i have some maps there that have files bigger than 4-5 gig but i cant see them in the server but when i go to the map via windows i can see the bigger files 2 realy dont get it it looks like the old file system but its only in the server
  8. wont get it to work yes it works but cant give a location for my settings etc so every time i restart it its complete fresh
  9. Hi all im looking for a mobius docker for some sharing in our group and this is one of the oldest that we did use but we all did love it is it posible to make a working app for it for unraid? or how can i can i make one that uses this app? https://github.com/jhalter/mobius Thank you all
  10. Hi ich777, First thanks for all servers. and is it posble to create a memories for mars server docker file Thanks
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