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Everything posted by Urban

  1. @Squid Am I right in my thinking? I should be good to proceed?
  2. Ok I was able to to simply copy the contents of my backup to the new drive and it booted this time. The reason I thought it had to be a zip is because the Unraid Flash Creator required a local zip in order to work, I didnt realize I could just copy it over myself. It seems to have booted up correctly and I was able to transfer my licence key over. I now just need to assign my drives and start the array. The message saying "All existing data on this device will be overwritten when the array is started" is normal correct? As long as I assign the drives the way they were before (using Disk_assignments.txt) Unraid will just re-create the parity again and no data will be lost?
  3. My flash drive has given up on me and I'm having some issues replacing it. My only backup is pretty old and for some reason is already unzipped. I have tried zipping it back up and making it boot-able but its not being recognized as a boot-able device when I attempt to use it. Within the backup files I see config files and the disk_assignment.txt. Would the best course of action be to fresh install Unraid and somehow use those files to get me back up and running? If so how can I go about doing that?
  4. I finally got around to fixing Sonarr and Radarr after the recent iptables update. However I'm still having trouble getting the FireFox extension Torrent Control (similar to delugesiphon on chrome) to work anymore. I'm using it on my normal desktop computer with a DHCP assigned IP address without a port number so I cant just add the port to the "VPN_INPUT_PORTS" variable in the template like I did for the others. Do I need to change the deluge server address setting in the extension on top of any other changes in the template?
  5. Yes this has been the case from at least 6.8 through to the current 6.9.1. If you change the network type to "none" and then add "--net=container:<ContainerName>" to extra parameters in order to route it though a different container it removes the "WebUI" option from the context menu. Everything else works fine but its just incredibly annoying accessing containers setup this way.
  6. There's a small typo in the description after the recent name change. Instead of "Tandoor" it says "Tanmdoor". Obviously not a big deal but thought id let you know.
  7. There is two posts here explaining how to it with FreeNAS but I have no experience to know how to translate it to Unraid. I also feel like simply disabling NFS based logs would work as well if that is possible. https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/iscsi-reconnecting-every-10-seconds-to-freenas-solution.21205/post-247628
  8. I found an old thread where a Proxmox dev stated "Hi Every 10s seconds, we check the status of the NFS server with 'showmount' and then gather statistics about disk usage *if* 'showmount' successfull. We need to report early if a NFS server is down, hence the regular check.". There doesn't seem to be an easy toggle or anything. I see some later threads about the issue with workarounds for FreeNAS. Ill see if I can gather info from those and apply it to Unraid. If that fails is there a command I can use on Unraid to disable all logs related to NFS?
  9. There probally is but this is the one that will be getting all the support from the devs so I dont suggest it personally.
  10. Until now Ive been using SMB on windows but i've recently made the switch to Linux and I can't seem to get NFS to work correctly on this machine. I had a single NFS share setup before for a different machine and that one worked correctly so I understand this might not be an Unraid issue but when asking for support from in other places I was told its most likely a permissions issue with my server. The problem is If I just use my Unraid IP I only see the "mnt" folder and if I try clicking on it I get "invalid protocol". If I specify the path using "nfs://"ServerIP/mnt/" then I can see the user folder with all my created shares in it but I get a different error if I try to access one of the files inside the share "NFS error 10,001". I've attached pictures below, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  11. While diagnosing a separate issue a helpful moderator on here noticed that my logs were being spammed. Looking at them I know exactly what is causing it. I have set up my Unraid server to be used as external backup for a Proxmox server I'm using to separate some services on different hardware. I created a dedicated share on Unraid and pointed Proxmox to that share and everything has been working correctly but unknowingly this has been spamming my logs and I can't figure out why. If I disable the connection on Proxmox the log spam stops. Any idea why this is happening and how I can stop it?
  12. After a reboot the drive showed no errors and I have run a second parity check it it has come back clean as well. I guess theres nothing to do now but to monitor it like you said. The log spam seems to come from the fact I have a NFS share mouted to a proxmox machine for backups, can you point me in the right direction for how I can fix that?
  13. I recived an error after a parity check telling me I have 128 read errors on a drive but once the parity check finished it said completed without error. I assume what it means is parity is still vallid but one of my data drives has issues? However I can seem to see what the problem is. I ran an extended SMART test on the drive in question and it came back clean. No Reallocated sectors or pending sectors. Im very new to this so Im probally missing something. Can anybody tell me the the problem and where I should go from here? I have a attached my diagnosics file below. tower-diagnostics-20210202-1541.zip
  14. I recently setup a new pfSense box which involved me bridging my modem and changing the IP range from 192.168.x.x to 10.0.x.x. Once that was done UnRaid picked up a new DHCP IP address as expected and I was able to connect to the machine no problem however after I set up a new static IP for UnRaid on pfSense I seem to be having an issue. I can still access the WebGUI with the new static IP I setup no problem but when I try and access any of my containers using the WEBGUI it tries to connect to the IP address at it was auto assigned by pfSense using DHCP. If I manually input the IP and port I can still connect to the container no problem but that's obviously not ideal. Would a restart of the server fix this or is there another way I can fix this via the WebGUI or terminal? Also does this issue sound like it would be affecting any other part of UnRaid that I have yet to come across? Edit: When I check the settings for the containers it shows the correct IP allocation and I've also tried using a different browser to make sure it wasn't a cache issue. Edit 2: For anyone reading this with the same issue what I ended up having to do is edit in each individual container manually. Click on edit, switch to advanced view, edit the WebUI section by adding a space to the end and then removing it. This makes UnRaid think their was a change so you can then hit apply and the container will update with the correct IP.
  15. I remember this being a setting when installing unraid but I cant find it now that its installed, do you happen to remember how you did this?
  16. I think this would be a nice little customization tweak. We can already move items up and down within their column but I have empty space on the bottom right that I would love to be able to fill with something else.
  17. Any idea why "Remote access to LAN" doesn't handshake with my device but if I keep everything the same but change the peer type of access to "remote tunneled access" it seems to work perfectly? I understand the difference between the two options but im confused as to why one of them works but the other doesn't if I've configured everything correctly. From reading the thread it seems like "Remote access to LAN is the more simple way to set everything up as well.
  18. Awesome job with this! Glad you took my suggestion and thanks for putting in the time.
  19. When I go to the application section it shows the reads and writes by containers but when I click on the individual containers they all show no activity on the disks. Anyone know a fix for this? Is there something I need to change in the install or something I need to configure within the WebGUI? Ive seen some people recommend using cAdvisor (id much prefer to use this if possible) for this purpose but I cant see that info their either.
  20. Have you had a chance to check this one out? https://github.com/vabene1111/recipes
  21. Im also having this issue, uninstalling lychee and deleting the installation folder is not fixing the problem.
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