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Everything posted by fat_flying_pigs

  1. Figured out magnet links via the web ui, so posting if it might help others utilizing the forum search. They are tricky, even more so if you are using chrome (on Win 10, probably 11 too). Magnet requires QBT running the web ui in HTTPS. To do this we need a self signed cert. Pop open a console for this docker container, then make a new directory with `mkdir /config/qBittorrent/config/ssl` and enter it with `cd /config/qBittorrent/config/ssl`. Create a new self signed key with `openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server.crt -keyout server.key`. Enter whatever you want when it prompts; don't enter empty strings. Next, fix the damn folder perms! `chown -R nobody:user /config/qBittorrent/config/ssl`. Otherwise the files/folder are owned by root:root and QBT will error later on. Enter the container, Option -> Web UI, then: Check "Use HTTPS instead of HTTP" For Certificate, enter: /config/qBittorrent/config/ssl/server.crt For Key, enter: /config/qBittorrent/config/ssl/server.key Restart the container, and use the HTTPS in the url. The browser might complain about an 'unsafe' website, click advanced and proceed anyway. If you see the UI, all is good. Next we have to associate the magenet link. In the web ui, click Tools -> Register to handle magnet links. The browser should prompt something, accept it. If you're running firefox, that should be it - you can click a mag torrent link and it should work (there might be another browser prompt). I recommend you ctrl+click the mag link, so it opens it in another tab. If you're using chrome however... you will need to do the below. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/12605#issuecomment-1385058678 I'm assuming there is a similar work around on on mac/linux if you are using chrome. Annoying this doesn't work eaiser, and there is this much work involved. Hope this helps!
  2. Sorry for the necro - I was having the same issue and this was the 2nd link off google. I had the opposite fix compared to lurkio, issue presented on Chrome, switching to Firefox did the trick.
  3. I had an issue, which I eventually resolved. Gonna post it here because I'm unsure if it is/isn't related to rc4/rc5. In 6.9, using the web-terminal, I borked my usb drive by running a recursive "mv /*" command. I managed to pull my data from the drive afterward, installed a fresh rc4 on the usb, then copied over a folder (I think it was /config). Most everything worked correctly after. However using a wireguard connection from my phone/laptop would not allow a connection to a docker br0 (specifically adguard-home webui or adguard port 53); it connected to bridge/host/proxynet just fine. After attempting a great number of things, I switched all three of the below options in my docker settings, then toggled back. It worked after. Is there a chance that the above 3 settings could be represented incorrectly? Or that toggling off them then back to them would fix the docker network configuration?
  4. Has rc4/5 changed the behaviour of ctrl+clicking the unraid tabs? Seems like now on all browsers I use (windows chrome, mac firefox/safari), it opens the target link in a new tab (as it should), but the original tab also navigates to that link (as opposed to staying on the same tab).
  5. Yeah, was looking for what ^ said, "none of the above," consider me a control group. Really I only care for credit/debit card, I see extra options as unnecessary.
  6. Have issues trying to build a new image from a dockerfile. From Images -> Build a new image, I'm trying to run a `COPY /df/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh`. In the unraid docker template, I have a path mapping for `/df -> /mnt/user/appdata/docker/`. Lastly, the file in unraid exists at `/mnt/user/appdata/docker/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh`. However I get an error: `COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat df/ffp-n8n/docker-entrypoint.sh: file does not exist` When I attempt to check the path via the dropdown -> Console UI, I get an error `OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: "sh": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown` Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. @GooseGoose I had the exact same error as you. Please see here: https://docs.getpinry.com/passwords/ (read the note at the bottom). If you use the Unraid docker console, then you want to run python manage.py createsuperuser --settings=pinry.settings.docker The official Pinry docs are also super vague on this. Seems very odd that default credentials do not exist... Really it seems like Pinry is a pita to use so far...
  8. I'm trying to run a Mango docker instance with my Windows 10 SMB share. Im getting an error: `[INFO] Starting DB optimization Unhandled exception: database is locked (SQLite3::Exception)` The docker mount setting is `/mnt/disks/MYDISK/`. I can terminal from Unraid and read/write to the folder without issue. From my google searches, this could be an issue with how the docker talks to the SMB share; possibly something to do with "byte range lock requests"? I've tried setting "Access Mode" in the docker configuration (both R/W Slave and R/W Share). This docker does work if I don't use the SMB share, but I'd really like to use it since the SMB share holds 50x the capacity of my Tower. Any ideas how I can get this to work?
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