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Everything posted by xyzeratul

  1. 5105的软路由机器,i225 BV3网卡,16G傲腾+1TB 镁光SSD,6.10.3的系统。 不知道算不算长期,不过好歹也跑了两个月了,除了挂载SMB共享后CPU占用有点高,没其他问题,自己手动重启过几次,因为docker设置错了。 跑了几个docker,一个openwrt的VM,esir的固件,直通了3个网口给它。
  2. 和我遇到的问题一样,也是同样的主板,加了一块I350 T2的网卡,但我还是用的6.10.3版本,在这个版本上面我的IOMMU ACS分组都不行。 我准备试试R8125的补丁,LZ如果试了6.11的补丁请告知一下是否可行?
  3. 迫击炮么?我试过各种方法都没法拆分,最后只能把网卡插在X16槽下面。 华擎的板子就没问题
  4. 好像找到原因了,因为在另外一台UNRAID NAS上面用SMB挂载了这台NAS的几个目录。 但这几个目录并没有什么大规模的读写,而且改成NFS挂载后CPU占用就降低了。
  5. 最近搞一台N5105的软路由,上面装了一个openwrt和几个docker,准备24小时挂机,让主力NAS有需求再开。 结果发现CPU占用很莫名奇妙,跑BT的时候到80%我还能理解,但没有任何工作的时候,一直在40%左右,把docker全部关掉,VM也关掉的情况下,还是要到30%以上, 只有把阵列完全停掉的情况下,CPU才会闲置。 按理说这机器的配置也不至于这么弱吧:N5105+4口I225+8GB DDR4L+16GB傲腾+1TB 镁光SSD,我的主力NAS上面也是unraid,从来没出现过这种问题。
  6. I did recreate the macvlan like before, I think the NPM has its own problems for using existing config. But the other docker(Alist) icon not showing up is quite an odd one, I tried clean its app data, re-pull docker image, even reboot unraid, still not working.
  7. I did it........with mix results, the docker not from CA is fine, but some dockers from CA are running to all kind of problems, mostly the "nginx proxy manager": bad gate way, config not working.... have to clean the whole app data and reinstall and setup, also one docker "Alist" icon is missing, I can see the icon in CA but no matter how I install and config it, it just won't show up my docker page.
  8. Thank you, I just worry about my docker container setting gets mess up or something worse, tho the config should be fine if I don't touch appdata.
  9. well, there is one docker container in my setup, which is not from CA, what would happen to it?
  10. Sorry my description of the problem was confusing, my dock.img isn't growing bigger right now cuz misconfiguration, but I'd rather switching it from btrfs format to directory format, to keep the rasonable docker img size and able to shrink down when possible. But I already have some docker container setup and running, so I'd like to know if it's possible to swtiching docker format like this, and what would be lost during the switch?
  11. I made a mistake on my new unraid server, cause my new machine has a very small SSD as main drive(16G) for docker and VM, I planned to set the docker disk format as directory format, but forgot it when I setup docker, now it's in btrfs format, which would took a lot space and grow ever bigger. Now this server already has a few docker canitaner running, I'd like to know could I switch to the directory format and what would lose during the switch?
  12. me too, once it go tho NPM, none of dynamic app info can be displayed, could not even test the connection in config
  13. So it's intended, Thank you, I just want to make sure it's not something mess up in my end, other than this, everything else working correctly.
  14. Base on the wiki, I should use: This does sort of work, but like I mentioned the 1st post, change my custom certifcates' name to [servername]_unraid_bundle.pem, SSL working but no ca info displayed in unraid at all. If I change ca name to certificate_bundle.pem, SSL still working and all ca info displayed correctly except for the Certificate expiration. So which one is the correct way for custom certificates?
  15. update: found the problem, need to correct the name to certificate_bundle.pem, since old xxxx_unraid_bundle doesn't work anymore. But there is another question, the Certificate expiration: still showing: DNS Propagation is PENDING. Is this normal? I remember in 6.92 it can show the correct expire date.
  16. Hi, I just upgraded one of my NAS from 6.9.2 to 6.10.3, everything else works fine, but the unraid reset my remote access back to lan ip, so I set the remote ddns acess to the original one, but it doesn't take my ssl ca certification like before. I menually rename my ca in flash drive, ssl connection is back and ca is correct in my browser, but still no ca info in unraid, no idea this is intended in new version or I am doing something wrong?
  17. My company's server has a webdav share for me, which I like to mount on my unraid server like other smb shares, but I can't find any clear way to do it, unraid seems only support smb or nfs share, is there any docker app or plugin for this?
  18. So these features are here but not in web UI or android app? Sorry I don't use iOS myself, if so you really need to improve these fuction to web ui first.
  19. Easiest photo backup tool I ever use, but also the most limited photo management tool, hope dev can add more management features like location, date or even facial recognition.
  20. +1 Yes, this is the most useful feature that lacking right now, yes I use docker and mc, mc can only support some basic op, none of these come close to Synology or even Qnap. When I control 2 of my NAS( one DS918+ and one unraid) from remote location, I truly feel how a simple file manager set 2 OS apart, the experence is not even at same level: I can easily serach, copy, cut and past 1000+ files in DSM via a nice web UI, with all the files transfer happening in the local machine itself, turn off my laptop and go to sleep. in unraid it's nearly impossible, at lest I can't find a way to do that.
  21. 在unraid里面装了一个黑裙918+后直通了一块硬盘,因为目前考虑入一个白裙220+放父母家里用,请问我把这块直通的硬盘拆下来后能直接装到220+里面数据吗使用吗? 另外有什么办法能在群晖里面直接挂载unraid的xfs格式硬盘,然后转移数据吗?
  22. 目前我常用的网络环境不太适合OPENVPN, 端口实际上我也只开了两个,一个unraid的WEBUI,一个nginx的反代端口。 我只是想在内网调试的时候用http和ip访问。
  23. I am using a 128G nvnm drive for all my appdata, domains, ios and system share folder (set only include this disk), it's sort like cheaper way to get read speed boost. So right now I am planning to upgrade my cache pool and upgrade to a new ssd, and just put all these folders into my normal HD drive and set cache to prefer. So by my understanding I should do these to keep all my system and docker data: 1. Change "including disk setting" of these folders, add the new disk 2. Copy all these folder to the new disk location(using disk refer not user refer), 3. Change "including disk setting" of these folders, remove the old nvme drive from it. 4. Run "clear an array drive" on the old nvme drive, wipe its data. 5. Stop Array, remove the old nvme drive from array and rebuild array without it 6. Remove it from my NAS So could anyone help to check if this is the correct procedure, did I miss something? Thank you
  24. 为了让我的unraid能在外网访问,我在路由器上面做了自己动态IP的DDNS,然后unraid里面配置了SSL证书,但我一旦在Management Access里面把Use SSL/TLS设置成YES,在lan环境下输入unraid IP地址也会自动跳转到https。 有没有能一种方法,能在内网用IP地址访问的时候不自动跳转到https?
  25. Yes, I tested my certs with docker app running on this nas, all correct and working. Just unraid itself won't go with NPM.