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Everything posted by Kode

  1. damn it, that's me pretty much stuck in legacy mode then, can't wait two hours (or until next cycle) to test new builds and how they load from CA. Do you push your changes to github? I could add an API endpoint that you could use a webhook to hit which in turn forces the rebuild to start if that would be any help? It currently takes 3 to 5 minutes to rebuild the feed. If this is something you would be interested in feel free to hit me up in #linuxserver.io on freenode (you can use this webchat if you dont have an irc client) and we can hash out the details *edit* forgot to say, if the interest is there for me to do the webhook integration, I will probably move the feed into a database and load from that, this will enable me to only update if there have been changes and will mean when an author hits the webhook it will only update their list making it a MUCH faster update process, then the full update will run every 2 hours (as it does now) to pick up any stragglers that haven't integrated a webhook.
  2. Well from what I have read most people use Phusion as a base whereas binhex uses something else (Arch i think)
  3. As I understand it no 3rd party dockers are "official" just the ones created and maintained by limetech themselves.
  4. Is the drive connected directly to the motherboard, or through something like an AOC-SASLP-MV8 disk controller?
  5. Not really as the unraid server is networked storage, whereas xbmc is a player, you would need to install a player on unraid, and then attach your unraid server directly to the receiver. A possible work around if it's only for music might be a separate android box instead of running a full fat htpc
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