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Everything posted by Kode

  1. Did you enable it (right hand side of the config section)?
  2. In general I try to keep updates as seamless as possible, but this was such a big change that was always going to be practically impossible. If v2.0.0 wasn't only released less than 3 weeks ago this would have been labelled v3.0.0, which would have better conveyed the possibility of breaking changes. There shouldn't be any such breaking changes again, at least not in the v2 series.
  3. You also need to make sure you are running the latest version of the docker, there have been several releases since yesterday
  4. You need to click "Update Apps List" in Items list, then you need to go to each item and make sure the correct application type is set.
  5. https://blog.heimdall.site/index.php/2018/11/05/version-2-1-0-the-app-revolution/ https://blog.heimdall.site/index.php/2018/11/06/version-2-1-apocalypse/
  6. Comically late to the party, but I'll throw these in here as a very simple concept. and It's just a simple logo that could be used to brand unraid, with the blocks representing parity, it would work at any size, and would be dead easy to render as a vector. At this point though I'm sure something much better has been designed, it just stuck in my head.
  7. Latest version should fix the nzbget bug. Also master version now opens in a new tab, so it will be in the next version
  8. Not to mention not all our contributors use unRAID, so wouldn't be able to use "Dry Run" when helping out creating templates
  9. I personally would run it again, as I understand it, because unraid runs from RAM, logs don't survive a reboot (or loss of power) so there is no way to tell what the previous preclear indicated, if you really don't want to, you could run a SMART test and if everything in there is OK you will probably be fine, what you wont be able to tell is if there were any changes before the start of the preclear and after which can indicate possible problems. *edit* looking at that smart test there is nothing that stands out to me, but I'm no expert, Current_Pending_Sector and Reallocated_Sector_Ct are 0 though so will probably be ok.
  10. why not use the fan headers on the drive backplane?
  11. That's the cloudflare ip address from the looks of it, so if you have cloudflare ip's blocked... well... good luck with that...
  12. @danioj is it 57mm from the case or from the fan edge? I'm thinking of creating a cardboard tunnel that fits over the fans so I can route wires round the fans without them blocking airflow (there looks to be space above and beneath the fans, so this might give me a bit of extra room to hide cables. Normally I don't think this would be possible due to the USB3 header on the front, but I have already removed that anyway.
  13. LOL I didn't mean it like that, it was quite hard from the pictures to work out what was going on, until I got to the picture which focuses on the cardboard, but even then it's hard to see how it fits against the drive cage (does it just butt up to it?), but I think when I have the case in front of me it will make more sense. I should have the cpu/cooler/case by Wednesday so I will be able to see for myself then, but if it's the same cooler as this: http://www.mihaimatei.com/intel-boxed-cooler-dimensions-1150-1155/ then it should fit in (46mm), though the specs on that state it should be in a space at least 81.3mm in height, so we'll have to see how it gets on. And hey, if it works, why not, my point, if I had a point at all (which I'm not sure I did) is if such a simple thing makes such a big difference, you would think Silverstone would implement it as standard. Anyway, thanks for the help *edit* I've seen on pictures now that it might not be that big an issue with the extra height needed as the CPU cooler should only be partially obstructed over 57mm with the drive cage, but the rest is open air.
  14. So from the looks of it, it's just a bit of cardboard, wonder why the case doesn't come with a skirt built in if it makes that much difference? Anyone know what the height of the stock cooler is, struggling to find the info anywhere, my google fu is on the fritz.
  15. Thanks danioj and dmacias, I'll check the height, and will defintiely check out the skirt mod, thanks.
  16. Any suggestions for a CPU cooler for this case with an E3-1231v3? I'm thinking either a Crtorig C7: http://www.ebuyer.com/719014-cryorig-c7-slim-heatpipe-cpu-cooler-cr-c7a or maybe an Arctic Freezer 11 LP: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/arctic-freezer-11-lp-low-profile-processor-cooler-for-intel-socket-1150-1151-1155-1156-775-100-watts Or would the stock cooler be fine?
  17. If it doesn't look like it's doing something, try clicking on the logs icon, it will probably give you an idea of what is happening.
  18. Yeah, the problem is anyone could pass a fake GUID and we wouldn't know that it wasn't a real one.
  19. That wouldn't be that much of an issue with the GUID hash and the application identifier, the combination of which would easily allow for editing
  20. Not directly query it, that is what REST API's are for Don't take this the wrong way but that is the wrong attitude, if it's possible to do it (and it would be very easy to do it if not designed to prevent it), it *will* be done, hacking the database is actually less of a concern if it's someone who knows what they are doing doing it, if it's you doing it, well, that is something else as you clearly aren't that comfortable doing it. I could probably do the entire thing in a few hours all you would do from CA is post to a url with the hash, an application identifier, the rating, and a comment, maybe a username as well if you wanted that displayed (else it would be anonymous), but there are too many unknowns at the moment
  21. The database part is actually very easy, the hard part is trying to stop people being able to game the system. From a quick think about it, the only way I can see it would be possible is if limetech allowed us to query their system in some way, so if we sent a sha256 hash of a GUID, whether that was a valid hash, to do that they would have to store the hash next to the licence on their own system and allow us to query it, at which point they might decide to just do it all themselves.
  22. Who would opt in to that though? Practically noone, making it useless, or worse than useless because maybe at first people would opt in but then later opt out, so even though they are still using the app it looks like the app has become less popular.
  23. I'm pretty sure we talked about this before, the issues you would have is either you would need to make it a completely seperate stand alone system where people have to sign up / register to use, or you would have to tie it somehow to a unique identifier, perhaps the GUID or a md5/sha1/sha256 hash of the GUID, but then you also need some way to verify that the GUID being passed is real and not made up, that's not to say it's not possible, it just needs thinking about. My preference would be an API feed that integrates with, for example, CA, so a user could click a rating and put a comment directly in CA and that is pushed to the the service, that would allow them to change it if they wanted as well and would be transparent to the user, but we would have to work out some way of verifying that they belong to a real system.
  24. How would you want the "full blown" one to work? How would you stop people "gaming" the system?
  25. If you don't need the plexpass version I'd probably stick with the limetech one, if you want the plexpass version I'd use the linuxserver one, but bear in mind that I am also part of the linuxserver group (though not part of the docker team). Switching dockers is very easy though, see here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41609.msg394769#msg394769
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