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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. I'll check it out. I noticed some weird behavior with chrome on my phone too. I'll just remove the download animation. It's not necessary and only works on the first package anyway.
  2. It's mainly for those running unRAID in a vm but you could use it to monitor another server. You just enter the ip address and the ipmi username and password. Edit: maybe network monitoring would be a better term.
  3. I'll try a few more and see how it looks
  4. If you're meaning the fan control page, all fans that are connected will show. If you mean at the bottom of the unRAID webGui, that might be too many as my motherboard supports 6 fans and some supermicro support as many as 10.
  5. Give it a try now. I just filtered any sensors without the proper data. Also if your using the dynamix temp plugin you should uninstall it and set up temps through this plugin. Who wants to use that lm_sensors witchcraft anyway when you can use ipmi data. Also if anyone had input on the number of sensors to display in the footer, I could add more. 2 temps & 2 fans or 3 & 2. I'm not sure how many is too much though.
  6. Ok, thanks! Thanks it was the chassis intrusion that was throwing if off.
  7. I updated the plugin back to the previous version. I'll test later with your ipmitool output and get it fixed. Thanks for your help.
  8. Give me a min. I'll pull the update, you'll have to uninstall the plugin then reinstall
  9. Does anything work despite the error?
  10. Are you using remote access? If not, can you give me the output of this command "/usr/bin/ipmitool -vc sdr"
  11. I updated the plugin. See op. I added temp and fan display to the bottom of the unRAID webGui and event monitoring daemon start and stop with unRAID independent of the array. I also added a fan control page. It's not fully functional yet. The page works fine and you can save and apply settings but the fan script is not finished yet. Soon but not 6.2 soon [emoji6]
  12. Added charts. It's not along side but there's a switch to enable them. It'll graph download and upload based on filters, visible or all data.
  13. Updated the plugin. Let me know if it fixes it.
  14. The missing quotes didn't fix it? I'm gonna rearrange some things and see. FWIW I have NO issues in Safari with this Plugin. I have checked Chrome too - and IF anything there is actually an issue there with the visibility of the "remove all" link. For me it is no issue though as I don't use Chrome. If it helps I am running: OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.2 (15C50) on an iMac (27-inch, Late 2013) Safari Version 9.0.2 (11601.3.9) Chrome Version 48.0.2564.103 (64-bit) Screen shots below: Safari Chrome Let me know if you need any help. Thanks I see the problem.
  15. The missing quotes didn't fix it? I'm gonna rearrange some things and see.
  16. Thanks for the /root backup. Is there some way we can get selectable color schemes? I have 2 servers and I need a strong visual reminder which server I am talking to. Did you want different colors through shellinabox or any terminal connection? If through shellinabox, I added bunch of custom css. You can right click on the web terminal and choose a color scheme. If you want different colors through any terminal, the included screenfetch is customizable. I had planned to add selections in the webgui for custom ascii art logos and colors. Run screenfetch --help and you can see the available options. You can edit /root/.bash_profile and add options to screenfetch.
  17. Updated to run independent of the array. It will stay running if the array is stopped. Added a choice to backup /root on reboot. e.g. save mc settings, ssh keys bash profile. Also added a choice for a command line screenshot on login showing array status, #disks, parity check %. You can run 'screenfetch' to refresh it.
  18. I didn't push a whole new version for a letter. Just pushed a plg file with event instead of events. The event script is executable anyway unlike the previous version. I just added the chmod just in case. Which I messed up too. You could edit your /boot/config/Nerdpack.plg file or uninstall and reinstall.
  19. Thanks. It should be event. I updated the plg file. Everything installed on boot though?
  20. I have noip setup in the router but how does the Asus free DDNS work?
  21. On my android phone I use OpenVPN Connect. I just setup and save the client1.ovpn. Then import into the app. I also use noip.com for dynamic dns
  22. Your welcome. Still can't thank you enough for the skirt! [emoji6]
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