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Posts posted by master.h

  1. This is a bit of an older topic but I'm having the same problem as Ivegottheskill and Hugh Jazz.... except I can't figure it out like they did. I've got Data Storage mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/.airdcpp (container path is default of /airdcpp). If I reboot the container, all seems to be fine, but if I modify it by adding a new data path or remove one, the container is rebuilt and all my changes are lost. I've copied the default config files into /mnt/user/appdata/.airdcpp and I've added -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 in Extra Parameters (as the container wouldn't even start for me without specifying PUID/PGID). Any help would be appreciated.


    On 4/2/2021 at 1:00 PM, Ademar said:

    It took some tinkering, but I've figured out how to do it with python.


    import sys
    import time
    import json
    import urllib
    name = sys.argv[1]
    user_key = "user key goes here"
    app_token = "application token goes here"
    import http.client #Python 3
    def pushover():
        conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.pushover.net:443")
        conn.request("POST", "/1/messages.json",
        "token": app_token,
        "user": user_key,
        "message": name + " has finished downloading",
        #"message": " has finished downloading",
        }), { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" })



    I had to tweak this just a bit for my purposes. For some reason the script would fail to execute if I passed through the tags and size (even if I had the %G and %Z specified in the "run external program" section of qbittorrent). I just deleted those variables in the script and stopped passing them through the "run external program" section. I also renamed the "token" and "user" variables in the script to make it easier for me to follow. At this point I'm successfully receiving notifications on torrent completion, TYVM @Ademar!

  3. On 4/2/2021 at 1:00 PM, Ademar said:

    pushover_user = "USER"

    pushover_token = "TOKEN"

    Well, so far I've not received any alerts. Fairly certain I've got the path and and the "run external program" sorted out properly, but I  think I might have this section wrong. What should the values for USER and TOKEN be (inside the quotes)? Right now, I have USER set with my pushover user token and TOKEN is set with my application api token I created.

  4. 8 hours ago, Ademar said:

    It took some tinkering, but I've figured out how to do it with python. The docker image includes python3, so this is what I did:

    • Mount a folder, "/mnt/user/path" to "/script"
    • In qBittorrent, put this under "run external program": "python3 /script/notify.py "%N" "%G" "%Z""

    Thank you very much! I'm not much of a scripter at all and know nothing about python, this is hugely helpful.

  5. Been having some issues with my server this past week. Got some UDMA CRC error messages on disk5 then it quickly disabled after that. I was able to successfully rebuild the data to that drive, then the same thing happened with disk2: udma crc errors then disk2 disabled. Only this time, the disk goes offline again as soon as I start the data rebuild process. The server has completed one data-read check, so I tried to rebuild existing disk2 again, but once more disk2 immediately disabled then paused a read-check. My assumption was the data cables are bad (they're pretty old at this point) but now concerned my drive may actually be bad. I've attached logs, I would appreciate any advice or suggestions.


  6. On 12/7/2019 at 5:16 PM, EgyptianSnakeLegs said:

    Thanks so much!


    I had that same issue, except after startup my calibre log was full of the timeout error messages. I resolved it by editing the calibre docker and removing the fields for GUAC_USER and GUAC_PASSWORD. Started up like a charm and I can get to the webui without issue.

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  7. Some time ago I had created a cron job to run a simple file copy script to copy out material periodically to deliver to my parents. I've since removed the file, and I can't find any entries for it when editing my cron jobs with "crontab -e" but every minute or so I get these same three entries in the system log:

    Sep 25 23:11:01 Saidin crond[1730]: exit status 127 from user root /boot/custom/ToParents.sh
    Sep 25 23:11:02 Saidin sSMTP[29924]: Unable to locate
    Sep 25 23:11:02 Saidin sSMTP[29924]: Cannot open :0


    It's not a big deal at all, my server functions just fine, but it's certainly cluttering up the log. Any suggestions for a fix?

  8. I manage an unraid server for a friend of mine, recently rebuilt from scratch on some new-to-him hardware. Everything's been fine for a few weeks, but overnight had an unexpected reboot. I got a notification the server started an unscheduled parity check approximately 1:30am CST, and when I checked on it around 6am, it had only been up for something like 5.5 hours. So it definitely rebooted. Normally I'd just attribute it to a small power blip, as he doesn't run it on a battery backup (his whole house is on a backup generator in the event of a true power outage) but I saw several errors in the syslog for "missing csrf_token." Never seen that error before, no idea what it means. I've attached diagnostics, and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!


  9. 16 minutes ago, emod said:

    How do I pull linux/resilio-sync image to my unraid?



    I installed the plugin Community Applications on my server. It will add an "apps" tab to your main Unraid webpage. It's sort of like the iOS app store, or Google Play app store. Search/browse for the docker/plugin you want, and it automatically installs from there. You can download the plugin here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/


    That's how I install all my dockers. I don't know how to add repos in manually.


  10. I can't remember off the top of my head how to clear logs, I think you can force an update on the docker and it'll wipe all the logs. To prevent it you can add this to the "extra parameters" field week you're editing the docker with the advanced settings button turned on. It will limit your max log size to 50 megabytes


    --log-opt max-size=50m


  11. It's been a bit since I've installed the docker, but it looks from your screenshot that you're missing some configuration options. Here's what mine looks like. "Host Path 2" is what shares I'm syncing. In my case I passed through /mnt because I'm syncing disk-to-disk between two Unraid systems.


    EDIT: I see you're actually using the Resilio from the limetech repository, I'm using Linuxserver's repo. Not sure what settings to use or not use on the Limetech version.



  12. I've been using Resilio-sync successfully for quite some time now, but recently it seems to have gotten stuck "indexing" one of my read only shares, which in this case, is /mnt/disk1. Indexing ran constantly overnight, I woke up to over 44 million reads on disk1 at the main unraid management page. I know I can view the logs for resilio on the docker page, but how do I grab those out short of a copy/paste of the log window?

  13. 5 hours ago, Fireball3 said:


    OK, now you have the same output as @EdgarWallace. See 2 posts above.

    Have you been trying other things on this controller before you started 1.bat?

    On an untouched, stock card this is not normal!

    Obviously your card is also wiped already!

    Is the megacli command also failing? This is only shown on screen.


    Continue with step 5_DELL_IT

    You won't have a SAS address as the card is already clean, just copy the one

    inside the 6efi.bat and use that. Same for you @EdgarWallace





     AFAIK this came directly from a Dell T3400 (or something like that, some sort of desktop machine geared towards CAD applications) but it's sat in a drawer for about three years. This was the first time I've ever plugged it in, anyway. And yes, there was a message about megacli failing as well. I'll continue on with 5_DELL_IT and report back. Thank you kindly.


  14. I just tried to flash a Perc H310 with the toolset linked here (the update from 11.04.2017). While running 1.bat I got this error. I typed quit to exit because I didn't know what to input for the firmware.


    C:\SAS2FLSH.EXE -l Adapters.txt -c 0 -list 
    	Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)   
    	Controller is not operational. A firmware download is required.
    Enter firmware file name or quit to exit: 	Due to error remaining commands will not be executed.
    	Unable to Process Commands.
    	Exiting SAS2Flash.


  15. Well I just fixed it... it really helps if you read the setup instructions completely. Ugh. I missed the line that said "set your library to config on first run." Once I did that, I was able to add the environment variable and map it to my existing library just fine. All my books are showing up in the docker and are being served out over 13579 just fine.

  16. 5 hours ago, master.h said:



    Is this what you're referring to? The "library" entry is the location of my preconfigured Calibre library, and LIBRARYINTERNALPATH is the variable I got from your post here.






    I just deleted and recreated the docker twice, and had the same issue both times. The first time I added in a preconfigured library as in the screenshot above, the second time I created a new library. Both custom and new library give the same error pages as I described earlier.

  17. 10 hours ago, aptalca said:


    Don't enable the server in the gui. There is already a separate server instance running at the other port. You probably didn't set the library path variable in the container settings. It's described on the docker hub page.




    Is this what you're referring to? The "library" entry is the location of my preconfigured Calibre library, and LIBRARYINTERNALPATH is the variable I got from your post here.




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