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Everything posted by madpoet

  1. Wanted to say thanks for this! I installed it without the added params because I don't have a BD drive on my Unraid so I'm using it to rip my ISOs over to MKV so Plex can pick them up
  2. Thank you! Stupidly simple now that I understand it
  3. Ok... I'm trying to get Plex up and running and could use some help It's a little more complicated than the Windows install! I just don't understand the config at all for installing the docker package. What goes in Container Volume and Host path? I have my videos in a share called "Videos" and then each one is in it's own folder underneath. Thanks for any help.
  4. Manually recovering drive by drive to my new rig is... less than awesome 18 drives to go.
  5. I replaced my 40TB Norco 4224 with the Silverstone 8 bay case and 8TB drives. I got 56TB of space compared to 40 with a vastly smaller footprint Sadly I didn't finish in time as my Norco died last week (bad controller card I think).
  6. Thanks so much! Your build really inspired me I've found a problem with my fan array, it seems like one of the fans isn't getting the power from the splitter so I need to figure that one out. So I'm going to have to take the darn thing apart (again!!!) anyway.
  7. Because I'm an idiot that thought I needed 7200RPM Honestly with the problems I'm having with the controller card I'm going to pull the 4TB drives and use an 8TB as the parity and then fill the other 3 Silverstone bays with 8TB as well. 56TB with parity is craaaazy in such a small space.
  8. Any idea on the dimensions of the skirt? My temps during preclear were insanely high, to the point where I took off the side panel and am running a box fan on it to keep it cool.
  9. I don't use a password share so I can't answer on that one. I just do SMB so first line is Tower and second is Movies.
  10. So I put 2 4TB HGST Desktars in a RAID0 intending to use them as parity for these Seagate 8TBs. unRaid shows it as 8TB but when I assign it as parity I'm told it's not the largest drive I know other members have done it with these exact disks so I'm baffled why I can't.
  11. Excellent thank you I will try the potential fix!
  12. Sorry syslog attached here tower-syslog-20160123-0749.zip
  13. I've got a 4 post controller card (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816115114) that shows fine in the BIOS. I can see the drives and all appears good. unRaid however isn't seeing any of the attached storage devices. I'm guessing it's driver related? Anyone have any advice on what I can do for this? Is there any way to get it recognized or do I need a different card (and if so what card). Thanks, Paul
  14. Ok... looks like the reset did it! Apparently the advice is to never ever unplug it again! Now I have to get a new key from Tom and I can be up and running again, then need to manually transfer my old stuff.
  15. Nope. Just a blinky green LED. Reading around it looks like I'm far from the only one Just pulled the power cables and CMOS battery, hopefully I can reset it to working.
  16. I'm building a new unRaid server to replace my old stable one (that of course went boom a few days ago before I could finish this one!) and having an issue. I'm using an ASRock E3C226D2I Mini ITX Server Motherboard with known good supported RAM and a Intel Xeon E3-1231V3. I can't get past the system startup. Never even get tot he BIOS screen as far as I can tell, it's obviously not happy about something. I tore it apart and checked the CPU pins, it all looked good. Reset all the wires and tested the RAM in another system, no problems. I don't have another board to test the CPU with so I'm stuck between it being a CPU issue and a MB issue. ASRock support is of course saying it's the CPU . Any ideas which is the more likely?
  17. Yes on the BIOS for the controller cards they each actually show as detected without issue. I'm guessing it's a controller problem. I agree that the disks should be recoverable, once the new system is up I'll pop them one by one in an external enclosure and copy them over I guess. Just a pain in the ass while I figure out why my new one isn't working either Got a hardware issue somewhere.
  18. My poor unRaid went boom last night. When we recovered from a power outage things didn't spin up too well It went down gracefully (I use a UPS) but when it came back up 6 of the 14 drives are saying they are missing. I'm not sure why, they all show on the controller cards. I tried rebooting again and got the same. It's still running on unRaid 4.7. I was in the middle of building my replacement box for it but having some issues with the new build. Sooo... I'm guessing I will need to pop the drives and manually try to recover them one by one once I get my new box up and running?
  19. Ordered 5 to go with 2 of the 4gb HGST and a 500GB SSD Cache drive to go in a Silverstone DS380B. Still have room for 1 more 8TB. That will put me at 48TB, more than what I have in my current Norco 4224 fully populated with 2TB drives The Norco can become a backup/offload server I guess. It's ticked along for so many years I feel bad putting her out to pasture!
  20. Ahhh ok. I'll be honest I haven't built an unRaid in a few years (it just keeps on cooking at v4!) so is configuring a RAID0 parity something that can be done now in unRaid itself or do you do it in hardware and then present it? Thanks!
  21. Wondering the same about Parity... Normally I'd use the 7200RPM but there's nothing like that in 8TB obviously
  22. Very nice build, and similar to what I was looking at. Question for you any recommendations about SATA expansion? Looks like you have 6 onboard that MB and the case can theoretically support 8.
  23. Ok, yep... will do that. Just got it yesterday. I've got an SSD to use as the write cache but I may have to hold off a bit until I can get those drives.
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