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Posts posted by uldise

  1. 10 hours ago, prostuff1 said:

    Would you be willing to elaborate on that a little bit more?

    Sure i can, just ask.. for Nextcloud install see here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/48383-support-linuxserverio-nextcloud/

    Then i install Nextcloud sync client (https://nextcloud.com/install/#install-clients) on every machine i wish to backup. Sure, i backup some folders only, not a whole computer image.

  2. see my plg file attached..

    no special steps performed, just look at your boot/packages to delete previously compiled version(open-vm-tools-10.2.0-xxxx.tgz). if file exists, it will not compile it again until you update your unRAID version that changes Linux kernel.. then i copy plg file to flash root directory and choose install it from unRAID plugins section..


  3. 3 hours ago, dev_guy said:

    I plan to have the flash drive inside the rack enclosure so it won't be vulnerable to damage, loss, etc.

    I had the same config some time ago - when i rearranged PCIe Cards and placed one very close to internal USB port, USB Stick starts drop out and then completely dies. i replaced it for new one and noticed the same drop outs.. then i put it outside a server on usb hub, and all is working since.

  4. 46 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    Looks like that got rid of one error. Still get lots of vt-100 errors though using the web terminal. My guess is that this is a screen issue though. I notice many of my keyboard keys don't work correctly in screen. For instance the delete key generates a space instead.

    see here about vt100 - http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Configuration_Tutorial#Preclearing_With_Screen

  5. 31 minutes ago, loz678 said:

    is there an alternative to the pre-clear plugin?

    just use a script insteed.


    26 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    It's not really necessary.

    each have their own approach of testing drives.. 

  6. On 2/1/2018 at 7:52 PM, SeeDrs said:

    Here is a plugin I wrote that will compile openvm tools for you as the kernel version changes between unraid version. I've been using it since version Unraid 6.2 and has been working well for me.  


    It will compile it, package it and store it on your flash.  The package will then be installed during reboots without the need to recompile.  It will only recompile if it detects a new kernel version.


    I don't plan on maintaining it outside of my personal use, so anyone who wants to run with this, feel free.



    i just tried this method on my test server - and success!

    Here are steps what i used - i created fresh new unRAID VM with version 6.4.0. then i installed openVMTools plugin - before you install it, you must change some filenames in PLG file - some paths on Slackware repo was changed(at the moment of writing - Linux Headers and Perl versions). plugin install takes a few minutes because of recompilation. then i rebooted unRAID VM, and next time it loaded already compiled version of openVMTools plugin. Next, i initiated ESXi Host reboot and watched how unRAID shutdowns - all worked very well, after host comes back, unRAID VM boots, i looked at syslog, there where no "Unclean shutdown detected" message.

    Next, i updated unRAID OS to version 6.4.1, unRAID VM reboot took a bit longer cos openVMTools plugin was recompiled at boot time cos of kernel version change. But compile was sucessfull and VM starts normally. then i repeated a test with ESXi host reboot, and all still working as expected.


    if you wanna something more to test with this, just let me know.  

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, DZMM said:

    I can edit docs in Nextcloud, but I can't access the collabora docker at office.mydomain.com although I can via the docker url.

    if i access my Collabora via docker url, it just display blank page with text "OK" in the left corner :)

    so, via Collabora i can edit docs form Nextcloud too, so that it is..

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Zeron said:

    It is not a simple task to build this plugin.  Every time the unRAID kernel is changed, you have to create new patches to get open-vm-tools to work with the new kernel version.  This is also why I never build for beta and RC's as it would take me a full 8-10 hour day to get it building again.

    i'm wondering why you can get pre-compiled version from Slackware build.. i can install open-vm-tools for Ubuntu for example simple by downloading  deb file.. and i have not to reinstall it with every kernel update..

    am i missing something?

    BTW, thank you for your time taken to us with this plugin! 

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