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Posts posted by uldise

  1. 6 hours ago, Taddeusz said:

    Alright, I just pushed out an update that adds OPT_TOTP and OPT_QUICKCONNECT. Just add the variable and set to "Y" for the extension to be used.

    thanks, updated a container, added OPT_TOTP variable, starrted a container, and i see totp extension added in the extensions folder.

    but still no go - when i press login, nothing happening, i'm still on login page..


    BTW, there are no more logs writing with new version. so how to check what's going on?

  2. 12 hours ago, Garik said:

    Hi all. I have some problem with my LSI 9211-8i (Flash IT/IR 20 firmware).

    My hardware: Dell R620, H310 full pci-e (flash IT P20 firmware), 10 disks 1 TB sata Patriot.

    All disk connected to sas expander. Controller found all 10 disk, in Centos 7.5 see all disks, all works

    But vmware esxi 6.5 and 5.5 see only one disk, in /dev/disks/ only one disk and boot usb. Vmware use mpt2sas driver version 19.

    Can you help me?

    have you pass-through your H310 to unRAID VM?

  3. 6 minutes ago, mweis said:



    anyone have the collabora docker running on nginx reverseproxy on a subdomain with the letsencrypt lsio docker?

    i wanna run the collabora package on office.xxx.de, my nextcloud runs fine on cloud.xxx.de i cant find any solution which is working :(

    this was covered some pages back in this topic: 


  4. On 9/23/2018 at 1:26 AM, aptalca said:

    I connect 2 devices through the same user account on a daily basis. It must be the settings. 

    i'm running on approx default settings, switched on google authenticator.. 

    have you any clue which settings should i check?


    BTW, i setup pfsense for openPVN. looks like everything is working OK, but it have no builtin support for google authenticator.. you can install Radius server, and then use your password fields for both - your password and 2FA code...

  5. 7 hours ago, aptalca said:

    Iirc I tried connecting with 3 devices at the same time all using the same account and it was fine. 

    thanks for that!

    @aptalca just tested this and it don't work for me - when i connect second device with same username, already connected device gets disconnected.. what i'm missing? i have checkbox in settings to allow multiple sessions per user... 

  6. Hi, i just setup this docker some days ago, and look like it's working. Sad to see only 2 concurrent connections in free licence, but time will tell if i can live with that..

    one question (and sorry if it was answered already..) - i have such a two lines at the Client side log:

    Sat Sep 22 10:13:08 2018 ROUTE remote_host is NOT LOCAL
    Sat Sep 22 10:13:08 2018 C:\WINDOWS\system32\route.exe ADD <IP> MASK <GW>

    where <IP> is my VPNServer public IP, <GW> is client side default gateway.

    i'm not routing all internet through VPN, and wondering why this route is needed? for me it would be nice if i can route my VPNs server external address through VPN.. Would it be possible? 


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