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Posts posted by uldise

  1. 2 hours ago, Socrates said:

    If you can just post in extremely simple steps i'd stay put, stay calm and go into the wilderness with my fantastic upgraded setup..

    about plopKExec:

    - download this iso and place inside your ESXi server near unRAID VM vmx file. https://download.plop.at/plopkexec/plopkexec.iso

    - you have CDRom already in your VM, choose iso file instead of Host Device, and check Coonect.


    thats all. when boot, ESXi should boot your iso(if not, force boot into BIOS and choose cdrom as first boot device), then plopKExec will find your unRAID USB and continue boot from that. 

    • Like 1
  2. Yes, but how user will access this folder from client browser? a small example - i'm running some app over a browser and want to upload some file to this app. i hit Open button, it opens standard Open dialog. how i can browse from here to the client filesystem? on standard RDP, you can map say your drive C to the Remote filesystem and access it through \\tsclient\c. but if you open your guac connection from Ubuntu from example?

  3. OK, finally got it to work.. and yes, if web-sockets is not used, printing will not work!

    here are fragment of my Apache virtual site:


        ProxyPass /websocket-tunnel ws://YOURIP:PORT/guacamole/websocket-tunnel
        ProxyPassReverse /websocket-tunnel ws://YOURIP:PORT/guacamole/websocket-tunnel


        ProxyPass / http://YOURIP:PORT/guacamole/ flushpackets=on
        ProxyPassReverse / http://YOURIP:PORT/guacamole/


    keep in mind about order - first you need to specify web-socket section, and then the main page section - according to guac docs, they wrote you need to do it vice-versa... BUT, their Docs don't contain any examples with sub-domain at all..


    So, fingers crossed for me! :)


    @Taddeusz, my next question is about file exchange between host and client. what is a recommended way? cos Clients are connected to server from various locations, so i'm not sure, how to map client local drive to upload/download files to server..

  4. 21 hours ago, Taddeusz said:

    Keep in mind also that printing support didn't get added until June this year at which point 6.5.2 was the latest release. I can't reliably say that it will work prior to 6.5.

    Hi, i just updated my main server to unRAID 6.5.3..

    and still no go with printing..

    BUT one think i noticed in the catalina.out file, maybe that's related:

    15:46:45.778 [http-nio-8080-exec-10] INFO  o.a.g.t.h.RestrictedGuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - Using HTTP tunnel (not WebSocket). Performance may be sub-optimal.


    i'm using guac as subdomain - guac.mydomain.com for example. if i read guac documentation about proxies, i cant find a guide how to proxy Websocket to subdomain. Any ideas?


  5. 2 hours ago, Taddeusz said:

    <soapbox>I understand the attitude of "if it works don't fix it" but there have been some notable security fixes between then and now.</soapbox>

    understand, may be this will be a reason to me to move to something newer.  i have a second unRAID server with version 6.4.1 currently installed, will try to setup guac docker here and then i will report back. 

  6. Yes, thanks, i tried already some tweaks on css, and it works..

    and i successfully added DUO support too.

    BUT printing for me is not working. it should open an pdf file, but it just displays 'waiting for replay' and nothing happening, but when i log out from Guac then i see a save as dialog in my browser with that PDF. looks like save as dialog opens something behind them main window? very weird...

    i'm on Ubuntu workstation, tried Chrome and Firefox, the same for both. Any help welcome :)  

  7. Hi, installed this Docker today, works ok for me - tried VNC and RDP protocols..

    and i agree that web interface seem some old-school.

    but have some questions @Taddeusz

    - i have an interest for remote printing too, so i have to install some specific version? 

    - are there any chances to get new 1.0.0 version? i'm interested in two factor OTOP authentication. if i understand correctly, it will be available in new version (from there? https://github.com/apache/guacamole-client)

    - have anyone tried some re-branding? it's possible via extension..


    And Thanks @Taddeusz, for this docker!


  8. 1 hour ago, davidk845 said:

    Is there away to allow nextcloud to access the entire server so that any file on the server can be accessed through nextcloud?

    with entire content you mean all unRAID shares? if Yes, then use External Storage on Nextcloud with storage type Local. and map according folder to Docker in Docker params prior to do that.

  9. 17 minutes ago, jang430 said:

    What port settings should be set?


    I also went into nextcloud, In settings, collabora online, I had https://xxxoffice.duckdns.org in Collabora Online Server.  

    i think your port settings is just fine.

    first - if you access Nextcloud over https, then Collabora must be on https too.

    second - can you sucessfully open https://xxxoffice.duckdns.org from outside? for me, it opens just a blank page, but no error. if no, you should set your reverse proxy to do so.

  10. 4 minutes ago, jang430 said:

    e.g. office.myfirewall.co?  As my firewall's built-in DDNS no longer provide a secondary subdomain.  Can you confirm if this is correct?

    Yes, i'm running collabora on addition subdomain. and i have no idea, if you can run collabora without subdomain, e.g.  xxxx.myfirewall.co/collabora..

  11. 2 hours ago, jang430 said:

    Hi.  Just want to confirm.  I'm experiencing a problem that I cannot open/ edit spreadsheet, and word processing docs.  I believe Collabora requires SSL?  I was able to install Collabora inside my Nextcloud.  Do I need to install Collabora Docker also?  Is this what this step is about?  Thanks!

    Yes, Collabora requires SSL too, and Yes, you need to set up Collabora Docker too cos in nextcloud you just set up a connection to it.. i got mine working from github.


  12. 4 hours ago, Mikecdm said:

    After looking at the load, 5-6 minutes seems very low

    you just need to run UPS run-time battery calibration. it is recommended to run it one to two times in a year. with this procedure your UPS will learn about batteries and after that will show more correct run-time left. it's not recommended to run it more frequently cos of deep batteries discharge.   

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