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Posts posted by uldise

  1. 4 minutes ago, jang430 said:

    e.g. office.myfirewall.co?  As my firewall's built-in DDNS no longer provide a secondary subdomain.  Can you confirm if this is correct?

    Yes, i'm running collabora on addition subdomain. and i have no idea, if you can run collabora without subdomain, e.g.  xxxx.myfirewall.co/collabora..

  2. 2 hours ago, jang430 said:

    Hi.  Just want to confirm.  I'm experiencing a problem that I cannot open/ edit spreadsheet, and word processing docs.  I believe Collabora requires SSL?  I was able to install Collabora inside my Nextcloud.  Do I need to install Collabora Docker also?  Is this what this step is about?  Thanks!

    Yes, Collabora requires SSL too, and Yes, you need to set up Collabora Docker too cos in nextcloud you just set up a connection to it.. i got mine working from github.


  3. 4 hours ago, Mikecdm said:

    After looking at the load, 5-6 minutes seems very low

    you just need to run UPS run-time battery calibration. it is recommended to run it one to two times in a year. with this procedure your UPS will learn about batteries and after that will show more correct run-time left. it's not recommended to run it more frequently cos of deep batteries discharge.   

  4. 10 hours ago, tola5 said:

    Hi I read little in this post if you need a motherboard for 24 HDD   got this one now link  it are whit 2 sas controllers in the pci-e  and if I also like to get my GTX 970 in it.
    there are we only talk abut a X470 right ?  I find only this of the B450 but the price and all are there any benefit then B450
    also to be sure I like to use  it for my VR also so the VM must also have the USB of the host that will not be a problem or ? 

    sorry for any misspelling 

    keep in mind,  X8ST3-F is very old board with SAS1068E SAS controller - it wont support HDDs > 2TB..

  5. 3 hours ago, jj_uk said:

    For a quick way to search the forum in chrome, this plugin (no affiliate) seems pretty useful.

    thanks for your link! and according to topic search - i think it's possible with this extension too, just turn on advanced option where you can select site sub-directory..

  6. 11 minutes ago, guruleenyc said:

    is there an easier way to mount over net to esxi

    i have one unRAID VM that boots from vmdk and this vmdk shows in unRAID as Unassigned device. as i have unassigned devices plugin, i can easy mount it in unRAID.

    one more thing to prove: on ESXi VM configuration under Advanced settings, have you enabled this option: disk.EnableUUID = "TRUE"?


  7. 10 hours ago, ptmuldoon said:

    EDIT.   Its' been so long since i need to post (unraid just works solid) that I think a lot has changed in way people run unraid as a VM.   My setup was done using plop boot manager.   So I think to use vmtools plugin correctly, I would need to move and create a VM from using one of the vmdks from here?  But that makes upgrading unraid more difficult and would rather stick with plop.

    No, just stay with plopKExec, it works just fine.

    BTW, which plugin are you installed? there are more than one.. 

  8. yes, and you should copy them to vmdk..

    BUT, as i wrote, it's much easier to boot unRAID with plopKExec. you will not need to copy over files every time after unRAID version change..

    just download this(https://download.plop.at/plopkexec/plopkexec.iso) iso, copy it to your ESXi server next to you unRAID VM files, assign it as CD-Rom, and boot from it - when it boots, it selects your unRAID flash drive and continue to boot unRAID..

    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, billington.mark said:

    Page 4-10 of your motherboard manual....

    i think it is not so clear. i asked SM support some time ago about their AOC-SLG3-2M2 which is very similar and also need PCIe bifurcation to work properly. Look at the answer:


    I'm sorry to tell you that you are not able to use the NVMe SSD with your current system since our X9 series only has BIOS that supports EFI only or Legacy only. You can try it out with your own discretion.
    To use NVMe, you must have PCI-e slot where the NVME SSD installed with EFI enabled. Otherwise, the system will not detect it, usually there is an option to set only one slot as EFI if you need Legacy for your other cards, but since this X9 board is relatively old it must not have that feature. Our X9 motherboard series only has BIOS that supports either Legacy mode only or EFI mode only, you can’t combined.
    Add-on Card AOC-SLG3-2M2 only compatible with the following motherboards as shown below. It will not work with any other motherboards and you can try it out with your own discretion.

    i'm not sure about my other cards: i have one IBM 1015 and one QLogic BR-1020 10Gbit Ethernet card.  

  10. 10 hours ago, markswift said:

    I assume the last version you posted is best?

    take it, but correct all the filenames. i was done it by just trying to download one by one from my browser - if it says not found, then look at repository for correct one. file names should be very similar, just file versions are changing.. if file name was changed, then replace it in all places in the script.  

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