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Report Comments posted by Kilrah

  1. 1 minute ago, isvein said:

    Maybe that is why nextcloud suddenly loaded way faster pictures and stuff, even if my appdata runs only on data ssd in raid1 btrfs 😮

    If you have it mapped to /mnt/user yes, that's why it's usually recommended to use /mnt/cache for nextcloud. Won't be needed anymore as long as the share is exclusive.

  2. Had it happen again today.

    It might be linked to having a docker image used by multiple containers since one of those was updated today. New image downloaded, first container removed and recreated, removing old image gives "in use by other containers", 2nd container removed and recreated, NO message about removing the old image, and then I got a 2nd loop. The old image was never removed even after it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ljm42 said:

    There are no changes to daily use (other than saving a lot of RAM)

    Doesn't this mean that a slow USB drive may now have more impact if things will have to be read from it regularly instead of RAM though?

    If so then it would be better to have a choice, for many setups 1GB of RAM is negligible.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Can someone confirm that with zfs drives the folder of a share will always have to be owned by 99:100 and 0777 perms due to being a dataset?


    For example with nextcloud the data directory is required to have 0770 perms, on 6.11 one can make a nextcloud share then chmod 0770 /mnt/user/nextcloud, and that'll stick. On 6.12 with ZFS drives one can do that but the perms get set back to 777 on reboot. Will have to make a subfolder if that's the case.

  5. 4 hours ago, Koenig said:

    I can not remove the VM either, wich I could with some of the others.


    1 hour ago, SimonF said:

    virsh undefine MacinaboxCatalina will remove the VM Definition.

    Macinabox VMs have nvram and virsh refuses to remove them unless you add --nvram to the command.



    virsh undefine --nvram MacinaboxCatalina


    Maybe unraid could add it to the "remove vm" command. 

  6. Shares with spaces were fine, but on zfs a share creates a dataset and zfs doesn't support spaces in dataset names...


    Seems like a "complex" thing to handle, especially on upgrades. if there's at least one zfs filesystem then spaces should be disallowed in shares, but it's going to be a pain when someone with existing shares with spaces adds zfs drives... 😕

  7. 10 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Perhaps your screen resolution is on a border case.

    Looks like 6.11 will give 3 columns at 1680px, at this point the docker containers section gives 2 by side. At ~1865 px it'll give 3 columns and 3 containers by side. 6.12 won't give 3 columns with any less than fullscreen on a 1920 monitor :(

  8. 3 hours ago, BRiT said:


    What happens in a single-parity ZFS pool setup if you lose 2 devices? Or a dual-parity ZFS pool and you lose 3 devices? Is all of the data wiped out at that point?

    If you're doing a raidz pool then if you have more failures than the tolerance everything's gone, unlike in the unraid array.

    • Thanks 1
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