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Everything posted by RealNerdyViking

  1. Hey guys! Anyone able to set up SSL on this docker so they can use audio/video chat? I tried using the method provided from foundry, but I have to download the files on my computer and upload them to my server, so the certs are invalid and the program won't start up upon directing to the certs. Once I delete them and restart the server, it works fine, but now with no ssl.
  2. Hi all. I'm having a problem getting my swag set up and can't figure out why I'm getting this error. I've already got the port forwarding set up and have tried several different ports (updated in the config files as well as the router). I'm using a domain name that I purchased on google domains and have confirmed that both ports 80 and 443 are in fact open and correctly routed. They are not being blocked by either my router nor my ISP. I've set up dynamic dns on google domains with the correct subdomains entered and have even tried the generic duckdns set up using a subdomain and encounter the same problem. I have tried this from a fresh install and unmodified config files as well as some edits after failed attempts. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Any way to get a forge 1.18 server working in this? Currently it needs to run the run.bat file, but it only lets you select jar files.
  4. Is there a way to run a 1.18 forge server using this docker? With the recent java changes, I now need to run a .bat file to start a forge server rather than a normal jar file.