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  1. I am having the same issue after upgrading. Letting it sit for a couple of minutes and then reloading the page just shows the same message. After several hours the scan has not completed. I will not be upgrading to 6.13 immediately after release. I can provide diagnostics or logs if they will help make this plugin work again on 6.12.6.
  2. I just updated to the latest version of this plugin and now am being spammed with notifications every six minutes - "Array operation not resumed - outside increment window". I have tried turning off "Send notifications for Pause or Resume of increments" but I am still receiving notifications every 6 minutes. My scheduled parity check is in-progress, but currently outside the increment window (the notification is accurate), but I would like a way to turn this off if possible, and only display notifications for when it is being resumed and when it is being paused. Attached are screenshots displaying the above.
  3. Disabling transparent hugepages (per binhex's instructions above) has resolved the crashing for me. I'm running unraid 6.11.5 and the latest binhex-delugevpn container. Before (since moving to 6.11.x) I was crashing at least every other day, now I have had over 6 days of uptime. Finally! If anyone else having this issue doesn't want to go through the hassle of changing docker images to one that is using libtorrent 1.x, I'd give this a try first. Haven't noticed any major performance differences, but I didn't do any formal performance benchmarking.
  4. I have been experiencing the same issue. There's another thread here with some other users experiencing the same error, not necessarily caused by Time Machine: I reset my smb extras configuration to default, and the errors went away, but now periodic Time Machine backups are not working (even created a brand new Time Machine share). For now I have had to turn off time machine until this is fixed
  5. Periodic time machine backups stopped working again. I'm going to just stop using time machine for now, it seems like a lot more effort to fix your product than its worth to me. I can't keep kicking my users off my production unraid server to try to fix untested features in your product. Best of luck fixing this issue.
  6. After a fresh install of macos, removal of samba extra config parameters, new time machine share, and several reboots, I still wasn't able to get time machine periodic backups working (the initial backup works fine). Luckily I was able to get time machine periodic backups working with just one change to my /boot/config/smb-fruit.conf file. Periodic backups are working and my /var/log/syslog is not being spammed anymore.
  7. Thank for for the detailed response, that makes a lot of sense. I'm going to first try some steps I saw on other threads to try and make time machine work without these fruit settings in the first place (reinstalling macOS, and following spaceinvader one's time machine video). If it's not working with the defaults I'll use this method to try new fruit settings and I'll report back here. But, in response to the original bug for this thread, my fruit settings were the same between 6.10 and 6.11 but my log files were not filling up in 6.10. I'll be curious to see if that is still the case if I manage to get time machine working with the default smb/fruit configuration.
  8. I'm a little confused by this, you're saying I shouldn't have any entries in SETTINGS -> SMB -> Samba extra configuration? Is the destination path supposed to be /boot/config/smb-fruit.conf or /flash/config/smb-fruit.conf? you mention both. What parameters should I edit in this file? How can I check if all of my SMB shares are "set up with the vfs objects = fruit"? Does my array need to be stopped before I perform these operations? Do I need to remove all the configuration in SETTINGS -> SMB -> Samba extra configuration after doing this, or just the part within the #macOS config start / end comments? I am also getting the error when I simply browse the Time Machine share via Finder on my Mac, mounted via SMB.
  9. Just tried swapping to netatalk, but now timemachine is unable to backup: (from time machine logs on my mac)
  10. I am having the same issue. syslog filling up with: My SMB extra configuration looks like this: My time machine backups seem to be working fine, just filling up my /var/log. I tried in safe mode as well, the logs synthetic_pathref errors are still showing in safemode. Watching the logs, it looks like these errors only appear when something is trying to read the .sparsebundle file (such as Time Machine or viewing the share via SMB). When I turn time machine off on my mac the errors stop showing.
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