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Everything posted by theone

  1. New plugin version posted 0.5.3: 0.5.3 - Added changelog history - Enabled changing of Mount and Startup options also when virtualbox is running - They impact only during plugin start - Only if VirtualBox installed give option to update from local or online versions if exist otherwise download options - Changed "vboxmanage" to correct case "VBoxManage" and added full path "/opt/Virtualbox/VBoxManage" - Added to log confirmation that installation of packages completed correctly. - If "VirtualBox LOCAL version different than INSTALLED version" then function changed to "update" instead of "install" - Duplicated all "logger" output also to regular output "echo" - Added --timeout=60 on all wget commands - Minor UI Change
  2. I think I found the problem. I run VBoxManage commands without full path to /opt/VirtualBox. In latest compilation this doesn't work for some reason. I will fix plugin to include full path when using VBoxManage.
  3. I use the default vboxwebsrv ip and default port 18083.
  4. You access it via the webserver plugin port you configured with the path to phpvirtualbox you installed under the wbserver root folder.
  5. My plugin supports automatic starting of VMs upon plugin installation/startup. Post your CFG files located in the plugin folder and a screenshot on the plugin UI.
  6. To install after each reboot all you need to do is enable it in the plugin setting page. The amount of RAM depends on how much memory you have allocated to each VM.
  7. I have it installed OK on RC16c. Maybe you should try and download the package again - delete it and redownload.
  8. GregF, Have you set up a webserver (not part of this plugin - there exist other plugins for this)? have you installed phpvirtualbox (also not part of this plugin - no need for plugin just extract to your webserver location)? once you have you should access your unRAID server address (not and path of your webserver. See here: http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php "Setup a web server" and "Download phpvirtualbox" although the download location has changed to http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpvirtualbox/
  9. If I am not mistaken TVHEADEND has a dedicated kernel - It is not just a plugin.
  10. Please post the output of: VBoxManage list vms
  11. all running VMs will be automatically saved (savestate) when unRAID array is stopped/shutdown.
  12. You can download the guest additions (need to install manually inside the VM) via the Plugin WEBUI.
  13. The plugin takes from lainie website so once it is compiled and on the site then it will be usable from the plugin.
  14. New version 0.5.3 Added 60 second timeout to all network accesses Added comment regarding swap file location in WEBUI
  15. I will add the comment for the limitation of not using a user share as a location to the plugin WEBUI for clarity. Thank you WeeboTech for testing and finding this limitation.
  16. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=10978.0
  17. Can you try another port for example 1357. You should also post it on the virtualbox thread as I don't know how many are reading/subscribed to this plugin thread.
  18. Place a simple index.html file with "HELLO WORLD" in it and see if you can get that? If not I think you should post on the WEB SERVER plugin support thread.
  19. Did you try to remove authentication from phpvirtualbox? http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=25715.msg226337#msg226337
  20. There seems to be a --timeout=seconds option in the wget command I use for checking and downloading from the Internet. I will give it a try.
  21. I am considering adding a timeout of 60 seconds to all of my plugins. What do you think?
  22. Show us your SF Web Server settings page. Where did you extract phpvirtualbox? Show full path. What is your server's IP?
  23. What do you sqlite for? You seem to have a non standard request. Post your SF Web Server issues on the specific thread: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=19508.0 or http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=12698.0 I will not incorporate the Web Server installation into my plugin and don't think it is wise to do so. You can install a different web server on another PC just to access the virtualbox WEBUI.
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