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Everything posted by theone

  1. peter_sm, They are not just temporary files. When moving this symlink in my plugin I also move the files to the new location. BillyJ, please post your syslog and virtualbox.cfg
  2. New version: 0.5 - Added option to download GuestAdditions Package - Added option to change /boot/custom/vbox to different location including moving of files - Changed configuration update code I added the option of downloading Guest Additions package so you don't have to look for it online. Changing the /boot/custom/vbox to a different location was requested so that there will not be any writing to the flash drive by VirtualBox.
  3. New version: 0.5 - Added existance check before deleting swap file - Cleaned up temporary file.
  4. New version: 0.4.2 - Fixed: Icon file couldn't be saved because plugin folder doesn't exist on first run.
  5. New version: 0.4.4 - Fixed: Icon file couldn't be saved because plugin folder doesn't exist on first run.
  6. do you really need the authentication? If not disable authentication: var $noAuth = true;
  7. Congratulations What exactly did you do to install phpVirtualBox?
  8. It is not the plugin but the package. Can you change the ownership of just the opt folder on your cache drive /mnt/cache to root:root ? And then try again?
  9. I can maybe add a parameter to the plugin configuration that you could change /boot/custom/vbox location and it will change the symlink from existing to anything the user wants and even move existing files to the new location. I just need to understand when this location is used so I change it after every install in time.
  10. this is something that lainie should answer as he is compiling the package.
  11. Once you have the webserver and phpVirtualBox installed (see http://vbox.a1aina.com/install.php) you can find many tutorials on youtube of how to setup a new VM.
  12. I do not have lampp or newznab installed so I don't know what they install and where. Can they be installed directly on /opt? why the symlink?
  13. New version 0.4.1 - Fixed: Icon file deleted when upgrading plugin without restarting server
  14. New version 0.4.3 - Fixed: Icon file deleted when upgrading plugin without restarting server
  15. I thought about it... To give option of installing phpVirtualBox if SimpleFeatures webserver is detected... Maybe in the future . I hope phpVirtualBox is not going to be discontinued according to the author's post on the google code website.
  16. Can you try running as user nobody: sudo -u nobody VBoxManage extpack install /boot/config/plugins/virtualbox/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.6.vbox-extpack
  17. It does not try to install on /mnt/cache. It installs under VirtualBox folder /opt/VirtualBox/ specifically /opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/. Are you trying to run: /etc/rc.d/rc.virtualbox install ? What is the output for ls -las /mnt/cache? What is the output for ls -las /opt/VirtualBox? What is the output for ls -las /opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks? What do you see in the WEBUI?
  18. From testing done here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=23515.0 It seems OK to keep previous file - I added the option if future problems occur. The option to enable the swapfile upon mount should usually be set to "YES" unless you don't want to automatically use a swap file.
  19. When you set up a virtual machine using phpVirtualBox (not through the plugin) then you can specify the amount of memory that you allocate for that virtual machine. Are you using phpVirtualBox?
  20. New version released - 0.4 Main issue is workaround for installplg "problem" described here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=25894.0
  21. New version released - 0.4 Main issue is workaround for installplg "problem" described here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=25894.0 Edit: Sorry - new version 0.4.1 - previous version 0.4 not showing local plugin version
  22. New plugin version 0.3. Startup sequence changed - virtualbox installed and started only after array mounted.
  23. New plugin version 0.3. Please update - startup sequence changed (previous version caused my server to slow down).
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