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Everything posted by smashingtool

  1. Thanks, It's great that you made that, I'll give it a shot. My only other question now is whether it's possible to pause or stop unBALANCE after you start it.
  2. I tried to use this to empty a disk so I could format it. It should have finished overnight, but didn't. It stopped at 120 gigs. So this morning I set it to run again, and it stopped at 116 gigs, but ~120 gigs disappeared from my array. I checked my disk shares, and sure enough, the drive that was supposed to be emptied had copies of files that were also on other disks. So now I'm paranoid that I have a bunch of copies of files on various disks. Is that something that the built in unraid mover would ultimately fix? Or am I doomed to have to compare files over my 4 disks for a while?
  3. Once I added the ports it started working consistently. Before, it would randomly sync(using the relay servers, most likely!), but it never maintained a constant connection to other devices, and i went a few hours where nothing worked. Avoiding the relay servers is better anyway. Higher speeds, more direct of a connection. According to the documentation anyway.
  4. Syncthing is set to listen at tcp://, both officially and in the config present for this docker. But the container template is not set to forward that. I installed Syncthing yesterday and it was great, but this morning it has had connection issues. I noticed this at that time, and was wondering if it should be a part of the template? There may be a great reason why it's not included, but I figured I would bring it up. Edit: The documentation says to also listen to 21027 with UDP, fwiw.
  5. Did it leave out only the Annuals? Or just random issues?
  6. Okay, so let's say you have a folder of issues for Saga. Open Mylar, and search for Saga in the top search bar. It should pull up lots of results. Go to page 2 and add the Saga with 32 issues. At this point, it should add the comic and scan your current comic folder and notice that you have issues of it.
  7. Thank you. Due to that, I found out that the official Limetech BTSync docker was the culprit for me. It had created a 7GB log file since last night!
  8. It wasn't my thing either until a friend of mine basically forced me to read one. If a Hunter S Thompson type character in a dystopian futuristic society dealing with politics and journalism and a corrupt government sounds interesting, definitely Transmetropolitan. That's what my friend had me read, and I was hooked within a few issues. It starts out slightly slow, but by the end of the third one, I liked it a lot. 60 total. Y - The Last Man is great. Basically, in the first issue (of 60 total), every male mammal on the planet dies except for 2, a guy and his pet monkey. Watching how society reacts to such a thing is explored while the main characters try to figure out what happened and why. Fables is a comic about a bunch of fairy tale and fable characters who had to flee their homelands and move to New York. 150 total. We3 is a short 3 issue comic about 3 prototype animal weapons who escape a test lab and try to survive. Emotional story with basically no spoken words. Saga is like a Star Wars and Romeo and Juliet-ish story mashed together. Unlike the above two, this is an ongoing story. Maus is the famous graphic novel that depicts living in Nazi Germany, but mice are the characters. I believe it is required reading in quite a few college courses these days.
  9. There's lots of great non superhero comics/graphic novels for adults. Let me know if you want some recommendations or options
  10. Another option is to search for the comics themselves and add them manually. Then it will scan the comics and see that you have them. Obviously this is painful if you have a ton of comics.
  11. I've never used this or NZBMegasearch before, but I'm really glad to have access to it now. Thanks for making it!
  12. Oh, I ran into this (again!) a few weeks ago when I migrated from Phaze's plugin to Pinions docker. Nothing will add until you go into settings, Web Interface tab, and set Comic Location Path to where you keep your comics. I wrote the above before rereading your post, but I would bet that you need to turn the containter off fully and start it back up. Additionally, my file CHMOD is set to 0660. That was the default, i believe. Otherwise, if you were using a different version of it before, as long as you mind your paths in that config.ini file and where you actually place them, you should be able to just move everything over
  13. I had to edit the config.ini to include some info from my previous docker config.ini file, but once I did that, Mylar came back up with my database and all my settings. I haven't grabbed anything yet, but I'm betting that will work fine. The only oddity seems to be the ever present "Could not locate exceptions.csv file. Make sure it is in datadir: /config/mylar" in the logs. I added a blank exceptions.csv to the directory, which causes "Cannot create custom_exceptions.csv in /config/mylar. Make sure _sample.csv is present and/or check permissions." This may just be an issue with Mylar itself, IDK
  14. Hooray! This is exciting! I'm about to go install it.
  15. Do you understand docker volume mapping? Yes, but I am coming from a plugin, not a docker, so if I keep my plex config, then it will be working with a different folder structure. I have lots of users on my setup, so I'd like to avoid that.
  16. Is there any sort of guide on how to specifically migrate from Phaze's Plex plugin to this docker? https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41562.0 said this docker is easy to migrate to from plugins, so I know that for permissions, it shouldn't be a problem. My concern is handling the mapping of the media folders and ensuring Plex doesn't wipe my library database during the switch.
  17. I am having the same issue as Keepitshut. Nginx is working, but css files are not.
  18. Alright, I got the official container up and running. I think I was just too tired last night to approach this correctly. Now to just figure out Redis and the Reverse proxy. I have DuckDNS all set up for other purposes, but the reverse proxy thing is entirely new to me.
  19. Where is the official ownCloud container ? and does that official runs the latest 8.2.2 owncloud? I'm using https://hub.docker.com/_/owncloud/ And yes, it's running the latest 8.2.2. Haven't used in-app update yet, so don't know how persistent it is. I've mapped the whole /var/www/html to /mnt/cache/appdata/owncloud and added a mapping of /data:/mnt/user/ownCloud, pointing the installation wizard to save user files at /data instead of the default location of /var/wwww/html/data (if that makes any sense to you). I've also installed the official Redis container (https://hub.docker.com/_/redis/) for memcache and file locking. The only caveat I still have is cron jobs, but am using www.crondash.com for webcron. Hope that helps S Ok I have it running on the Official Docker for Owncloud. How did you use Redis? can you share screenshot of the Docker GUI page you have for Redis? (edit the docker and show advanced). thanks. How are you getting the official docker installed? I am doing it through Dockerhub, and it seems to install okay, but it never works. The log file is empty and trying to access the webui just leads to a blank page Edit: Argh, I'm giving up for the night. The l3iggs container isn't capable of adding a local 'external storage'. The gfjardim container works great unless you want to be up to date, in which case you end up breaking it. And I can't get the official one working whatsoever. I figured it might be the config.php file, but using the ones from my previous working installs makes no difference to the official docker. I'll take another stab at this tomorrow, but this has easily been the most frustrating docker/plugin experience I have had on unRaid yet. Edit 2: I didn't give up, but im about to. I got it working with the command from spants, but then editing it doesn't seem possible within the gui. So i added it manually, which worked! Except for the icon. Despite giving the icon field http://i.imgur.com/EX4qL2V.png as a source, the icon stays a grey question mark, and is a completely broken link on the dashboard. I don't get it. The docker seems to work, although I have not had a chance to put it through it's paces, and honestly, that icon thing might piss me off too much if i can't fix it. idk
  20. Mylar does not seem capable of updating itself. https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/commits/master shows that I am a few commits behind. When I press "check for new version", the bottom right message says it was successful, yet the logs say "WARNING Could not get the latest commit from github"
  21. The app does not seem to remember anything i add to the top list, whether I add it manually(and press the save icon) or if i scan and add that way. When i exit and leave, and then return, everything is blank. Is this working as intended? I would expect it to remember the top list.
  22. PlexPy is telling me that I'm 93 commits behind, but updating in app seems to do nothing, and checking for docker updates also does nothing.
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