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Everything posted by jortan

  1. I'm not trying to win an argument. If I post something that's wrong, I appreciate it when someone takes the time to correct me (and will edit the original post containing the incorrect information). The information you have posted isn't a difference of opinion, it's just incorrect as per openzfs documentation. If you don't want to learn and don't want to edit your posts then I guess we're done here. For someone who complains about ZFS misinformation on the internet, I find this bizarre. Have a great day?
  2. Your evidence is based on not really understanding how ZFS allocates memory. If you keep adding deduped data or applications with memory requirements, at some point your system will suffer significant performance issues or might stop working completely. It might be next week or it might be never - you don't know when because you haven't considered/measured it. This isn't evidence or a difference of opinion, it's just factually incorrect. If you don't want to learn, that's fine, I'm trying to correct misinformation for the benefit of others who might try to learn about ZFS here. ZFS Dedupe does have additional memory requirements, regardless of the addition of a special vdev. It's crucial that you have enough memory for the DDT. Implementing ZFS dedupe without measuring/considering memory requirements is inviting a disaster scenario. You may not care if your ZFS pool/Unraid server could potentially fall off a performance cliff or stop working at all. For people who would consider that a minor disaster:
  3. Operating system volumes for virtual machines is a use-case where dedupe is going to be very useful. Glad it's working for you. I don't mean to be rude, but the assertions in your post are bording on misinformation and could lead people to get themselves in to very difficult situations: I strongly recommend you review how ZFS/ARC allocates memory dynamically as you have reached the wrong conclusion from your observations. ZFS ARC is utilising available unused memory in both situations - this is why you aren't seeing any noticeable change. When other applications or the operating system demand more memory, ZFS will dynamically reduce the size of the ARC. Without dedupe, the ARC is caching ZFS metadata and data inside your pools. When you have dedupe enabled it additionally needs to cache the DDT. The DDT is going to occupy some of that space in the ARC that would otherwise be used to cache data/metadata. If the size of the DDT exceeds the memory that ARC is able to allocate, you will suddenly run in to serious performance issues. Yes, the special VDEV absolutely holds the DDT and helps with performance for dedupe pools. However, this is no substitute for carefully considering the memory requirements for the DDT when enabling dedupe with ZFS. It's critically important that the DDT also fits in memory. Think for a moment about how ZFS dedupe works. Every block written is hashed and that hash placed in the DDT - or a reference to an existing hash. The DDT is written to the special vdev, but also dynamically cached in memory by the ZFS ARC. Every subsequent write to that dataset needs to hashed and compared against all the hashes in the DDT. All of them. For every block you write. Each write can't occur until it's been compared to all the hashes in the DDT. If those hashes aren't already cached in the ARC, it needs to read them from the special vdev. That takes far, far more time than if the hash was already in memory. If reading parts of the DDT from the special vdev pushes another part of the DDT out of the ARC (because you don't have enough memory), then very suddenly your performance is going to tank abysmally. Every single block written is going to need hundreds or thousands of reads to your special vdev to complete. Every. Single. Write. The reason your ZFS dedupe is working great, is not (only) because of the special vdev, it's because you (currently) have sufficient memory for the DDT to be permanently cached in the ARC. That could change and very suddenly if you write more data to your dedupe datasets and/or other applications demand memory and ZFS reduces the ARC size. This is not about corporate vs. homelab performance, this is about ZFS dedupe working brilliantly, until it very suddenly works terribly (or stops working at all) because the DDT no longer fits in memory. To say that ZFS dedupe doesn't have additional memory requirements anymore because of special vdevs is simply not true. No, they will become slower when they fill up, but will always get thrashed relatively speaking - because writes to a dedupe dataset in the pool requires a multiple of writes to the DDT:
  4. Nobody here said dedup wasn't worth using outright, I said that in my experience running steam folders over network isn't worth it. If the desired outcome is to tinker and experiment and learn, then I'm all for that. If the desired outcome is the right tool for the right job, then for the benefit of other people who might be reading this and think this is a good idea for performance reasons - it probably isn't (in my opinion). A cheap SSD (on the gaming machine itself) will almost certainly perform better. Network speed / ZFS performance are factors but not the only ones - consider all the context switching between drivers and network stacks for every single read and write to storage. A normal gaming computer application requests read/write data -> storage driver -> disk performs read or write -> storage driver -> application A gaming computer with iscsi storage application requests read/write data -> storage driver (iscsi initator) -> network driver (client) -> transmit request over network -> network driver (server) -> storage driver (iscsi target) -> disk performs read or write -> storage driver (iscsi target) -> network driver (server) -> transmit request over network -> network driver (client) -> storage driver (iscsi initiator) This context switching is not without cost. It's the reason SATA is going away and SSD storage is being placed directly on the PCIE bus now - the fewer protocols/driver stacks that storage needs to go through, the better. If you think a bit more about how dedupe works, it absolutely must use more memory. Every time you're issuing a write to dedupe pool, ZFS needs to hash the data you're asking to write and compare it against hashes of data already stored (the DDT table). If those hashes don't fit in ARC memory, ZFS would need to read the missing hashes from the vdev or the pool every time you issue a write command. Yikes. If you throw a bunch of data at ZFS dedupe and haven't planned your memory/metadata requirements, you could find your dedupe storage grinding to a halt. The special vdev just provides a low-latency place for reading/writing metadata/DDT table because they will be constantly thrashed by reads/writes: So as I stated in previous post, this will add even more context switching/latency than running iscsi alone.
  5. Impressive numbers - just keep in mind that these may not reflect real-world performance due to a number of factors (not least of which your reads are likely coming straight from ZFS ARC memory, not from actual ZFS storage) >>and play with IT stuff Have fun then, sorry I don't have any answers re: ZFS de-dupe in Unraid.
  6. Your mileage may vary, but I have played around with network steam folders in the past and found it wasn't worth the effort. Adding network i/o to storage is always going to impact negatively on performance, and adding ZFS dedupe is going to make this even worse. Another approach you may want to consider is lancache: This will cache all steam downloads from computers on your network - so you can delete games from your computers knowing you can reinstall them again later at LAN speed if required. ps: lancache docker does require a workaround when using ZFS as your cache repository:
  7. Do you have the "Community Applications" plugin installed? This adds the "Apps" tab to unRAID. If you're already searching in "Apps" and still can't find it, what version of unRAID are you running? I'm still on 6.10.0-rc1, not sure if it's published for rc2 yet?
  8. Not aware of Recycle Bin functionality, but you can have ZFS publish snapshots to the Shadowcopy / Previous Versions tab in Windows, so you can view older versions of your shares from Windows: Scroll to "ZFS Snapshots – Shadow copies!!! Part 1, the underlying config" here: edit: You can enable Recycle Bin as well:
  9. Could be bad cable? More likely, you might need to disable NCQ in Unraid Settings | Disk: @MikkoRantalainen Apparently some users have the issue only with queued TRIM, some need to disable NCQ entirely. It depends if you have "SEND FPDMA QUEUED" (queued TRIM only) or "WRITE FPDMA QUEUED" (NCQ in general). Me personally, I get the latter, and the only fix is to disable NCQ entirely via kernel command line. (Samsung 860 EVO + AMD FX 970 chipset) – NateDev Jun 12 at 3:10 Keep in mind that LSI Controllers don't support TRIM, so you're going to have performance issues with your SSDs as time passes. Use onboard SATA ports if possible. I have my LSI firmware on P16 as that's the latest version is the latest that works with TRIM. edit: UDMA CRC Errors These are most commonly cable issues I think?
  10. I have all my dockers running on custom bridge with dedicated IP. I've tried adding the IP assigned to machinaris docker in the worker_address variable, but I still can't get machinaris running again. I'm using a basic full node setup, chia only. debug.log webui.log Anything I can do to get this running on a custom bridge network again?
  11. It's not the only option though, that's what pools are for? There's a case to be made that unRAID should not require an array to be present if you don't need one. That one I agree with, though there is clearly a lot of code currently hanging off whether the array is up or down (ie. you can't run docker/vm services without the array running). It will probably happen one day, but that's a massive change for unRAID. I'm a huge advocate of ZFS and very appreciative of @steini84 / @ich777's work on this, but unRAID's array is still arguably the better option for large libraries of non-critical media where write performance isn't that important - ie. media libraries/copies of your blurays, etc. With an unRAID array, if you have a 12 disk array and you lose 2 disks - you only lose the data on those 2 disks. With the same RAID5-style BTRFS/ZFS pool and a single parity disk, if you lose 2 disks, you've lost the entire pool. There's also the flexibility where (as long as your unRAID array parity disk is equal in size to your largest disk), you can add individual disks of any size and fully utilise their capacity. To each their own, but my 2c is that these features will continue to provide value long after ZFS support for pools in unRAID becomes mainstream.
  12. Yes, and that's the secret sauce of unRAID - the ability to add redundancy to an array of dissimilar disks via block level RAID5 equivalent parity (even when those disks contain different file systems) and combine these in to a single virtual filesystem. But it's for this reason that It simply makes no sense to have ZFS pools inside unRAID's array because they're trying to do similar things things in completely different, mutually exclusive ways. In the same way it makes no sense to have a RAID5/10 BTRFS pool inside the unRAID array and why this functionality is already provided in the form of pools separate from the array. Agreed, if anything just don't upgrade your ZFS pools with any new feature flags introduced from now if you don't need them, just in case.
  13. It's mentioned that ZFS will be an option for storage pools, not the array: ZFS File System Ever since the release of Unraid 6, we have supported the use of btrfs for the cache pool, enabling users to create fault-tolerant cache storage that could be expanded as easily as the Unraid array itself (one disk at a time). Adding ZFS support to Unraid would provide users with another option for pooled storage, and one for which RAID 5/6 support is considered incredibly stable (btrfs today is most reliable when configured in RAID 1 or RAID 10). ZFS also has many similar features like snapshot support that make it ideal for inclusion.
  14. Is this confirmed anywhere? Seems more likely to me it will be offered as an alternative pool file system, not an array replacement?
  15. This is normal but ZFS will release this memory if needed by any other processes running on the system. You can test this, create a ram disk of whatever size is appropriate and copy some files files to it: mount -t tmpfs -o size=64G tmpfs /mnt/ram/ Outside of edge cases where other processes benefit from large amount of caching, it's generally best to leave ZFS to do its own memory management. If you want to set a 24GB ARC maximum, add this to /boot/config/go echo 25769803776 >> /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max Yes, but if you're optimising for performance on spinning rust, you should probably use mirrors. Optane covers a lot of products. As far as I'm aware, they all just show up as nvme devices and work fine for ZFS. Where they don't work outside of modern Intel systems is when you want to use them in conjunction with Intel's software for tierered storage. I use an Optane P4800X in an (old, unsupported) Intel system for ZFS SLOG/L2ARC on unRAID.
  16. Nice job, looks great! Live read/writes stats for pools? ie. 'zpool iostat 3' ? Perhaps make the pool "green ball" turn another colour if a pool hasn't been scrubbed in >35 days (presumably it turns red if degraded?) Maybe a similar traffic light indicator for datasets that don't have a recent snapshot? This might really help someone who has added a dataset but forgotten to configure snapshots for it. Maybe make the datasets clickable - like the devices in a normal array? You could then display various properties of the datasets (zfs get all pool/dataset - though maybe not all of these) as well as snapshots. Some of the more useful properties for a dataset: used available referenced compression compressratio as well as snapshots
  17. Well that confirms it - ZFS lacks sendfile syscall support, at least on Unraid. This should be configurable in nginx, it might be fairly simple to disable this as presumably that file will be stored in appdata. Look for nginx.conf and just change "sendfile = on" to "sendfile = off" I had to do some scripting to ensure sendfile is disabled in my lancache docker as the relevant configuration file was inside the docker image, not inside appdata, so my changes were overwritten every docker update. As an alternative, swag docker doesn't have this issue, though it doesn't have the nice front-end of nginx-proxy-manager
  18. I also had unusual problems with certain dockers trying to use docker in directory mode on ZFS last time I tried it. Glad you got it working.
  19. The df output for ZFS pools is incorrect
  20. I have an unraid server for testing that uses a single 8GB thumb drive for the array. You don't need to assign a parity device. Keep in mind that by default the "system" share (libvirt image, docker image) is going to be placed on the array, as presumably you also won't have an unraid array cache device either. If you're going to use a thumb drive for your array + ZFS pool for storage, you will want to make sure all of these point to appropriate locations in your ZFS pool: Settings | Docker - Docker vDisk location - Default appdata storage location Settings | VM Manager - Libvirt storage location - Default VM storage path - Default ISO storage path Note that some dockers from Community Applications ignore the default appdata storage location, and will still default to: /mnt/user/appdata/xxxx Make sure you check these and change to a path within your pool when adding any new docker applications I'm no ZFS expert, but I'm not sure that this is a good idea. From what I understand, this setting could add to write amplification for asynchronous writes and cause other performance issues. For a dataset of bluray images, this makes sense. Not so much for dockers/vms. The ZFS ARC will use up to half your system memory for caching by default (I think?) - but is also very responsive to other memory demands from your system and will release any memory required by other processes. In most cases it's best to just let the ZFS ARC use whatever memory it can - unless you have large databases or other processes that could make better use of unallocated memory. You should still setup a user script to run "zpool trim poolname" manually in addition to this:
  21. Just helped someone diagnose something with very similar errors. This was caused by the NVME controller being configured for passthrough in Tools | System Devices - even though this device had never been configured for passthrough. This happened due to a single unrelated pcie device being removed - this changed pcie device assignments in some way that caused the wrong devices to be enabled for passthrough.
  22. Don't want to labour the point, but it matters if your use case isn't huge streaming writes as in the case off chia plotting. For most people: Chia plotting = Abysmal ZFS pool for some dockers and VMs = Great The Firecuda 520 isn't in this graph, but most (consumer) nvme devices have similar reduction in write performance after their fast-cache fills up:
  23. Agreed, Firecuda 520 not optimal for chia plotting. You're hitting SLC cache limits as well as potentially reduced write speed due to TLC / drive filling up: I'm doing some background serial plotting now, but just using an old 1TB SATA disk and -2 pointing to a 110GB ramdisk. Takes about 5 hours per plot, but Chia netspace growth has really levelled off now, so I'm less keen to burn through SSDs/nvmes: I was more interested in TBW rating. Doesn't compare to enterprise SSD, but good ratings compared to other consumer nvme. I'm hoping these will run my dockers/VMs for 5 years or more.
  24. For what workload? Outside of "370GB of sustained writes filling up the pSLC cache" scenarios, they seem to perform well I'm currently using 2 x Firecuda 520 nvmes in RAIDZ1 pool (for possible raidz expansion later) No issues encountered, though mine are sitting behind a pcie 3.0 switch.
  25. Any shares configured in /boot/config/smb-extras.conf will appear after restarting samba service: /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart