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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The Dynamix Cache Directories plugin. Settings->Folder Caching. I think the better way to do it is to just set the folders you want to cache, rather than let it cache everything. It's the 'Included Folders' setting. As this user found out, Cache Directories will add UD disks unless you either set it to only include certain folders, or exclude the UD mounted disk specifically.
  2. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    Post your complete diagnostics. The log snippet does not have enough information.
  3. I have to take a closer look at this. Unraid uses Sweet Alert for dialogs and user interface, and I am by no means an expert at it.
  4. What on the Unraid server has access to this remote share? Could an app constantly be reading the share? Post diagnostics and I'll take a look.
  5. UD will unmount all devices and remote shares whenever the array is stopped. UD does not know if it is a stop array event or a shutdown/reboot. Everything has to be unmounted for a shutdown/reboot. Any devices marked as auto mount will be mounted again when the array is restarted. Be sure you have the latest version of UD because there was a bug that prevented remote shares to mount in some circumstances. If it is still not working for you, post diagnostics.
  6. The log is the best place to start. If you can't figure it out, post your diagnostics.
  7. Prior to RC1, UD set a timer in each disk that would spin the disk down after 15 minutes. This was not that reliable because some disks would not respect it. With RC1, Unraid has taken over disk spin up/down control. RC1 only has manual spin up/down by clicking on the disk status ball. RC2 will have spin down control of UD devices so disks will spin down after inactivity. The only risk is that the UD webpage and the Dashboard will not show the correct running status.
  8. I see a device /dev/sdd that looks like it is being mounted when your server wakes. Is this the one you are missing? Can you show a screen shot of the UD webpage?
  9. You shouldn't spin down the disks this way. Unraid needs to manage the spin up/down. It keeps track of the disk spindown status so it doesn't have to query the disks. Use the UI to spin up/down disks.
  10. I'll have a fix for this in the next release of UD,
  11. This is a known issue. UD does not currently do an automatic refresh. You have to do a page refresh to update.
  12. Those entries were out of place and I believe enabled some excessive smb logging to your syslog, instead of to the samba log.
  13. Remove these lines: log level = 3 logging = syslog from SMB Extras You can click on Settings-SMB and change it. This looks to be some left over entries from the Recycle Bin plugin.
  14. Not really. You also needed the UD update so the quote character would be blocked.
  15. You didn't need to recreate the remote share. All you needed to do was unmount and remount it after setting the UD setting for legacy mount point. It will mount to the /mnt/remotes/ mount point automatically.
  16. I just added the block for the quote. It comes from the information supplied by the drive when it is installed. I'll update UD in a few minutes to fix this, Remove the drive and then delete it from the Historical devices. If you can't remove it from the Historical devices, post back here and I'll explain how to force its removal. Once it is removed, then update UD and re-install the drive.
  17. Read the recommended topic at the top of this forum. The remote shares mount point has changed.
  18. It is now. UD will remove the quote character. If a quote is entered in the mount point, UD will replace it with an underline.
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