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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You are probably overwhelming the recycle bin with files. Is it necessary for all those files to go the recycle bin? Exclude some shares or some file types and cut down on what goes to the recycle bin.
  2. It sounds like a corruption in the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file. This is the file that stores the settings. I would remove the UD plugin, remove the unassigned.devices.cfg file, re-install the UD plugin, and then re-do all your settings.
  3. I did a little research on this problem and it is a Linux design issue. For example to find out the size of a mounted device, UD uses df on the mount point. If df is run on a mounted device that is off-line it will hang (this is by design) waiting for the device to come back on-line. I did what I could for the SMB shares by not doing things like a df on it if UD sees that it is off-line. It would be very unwieldy to try to cover all the cases, and I don't have any interest in doing anything further with LT saying they will fold UD into unRAID. My suggestion is to not mount SMB shares in unRAID for extended time periods, and if you do be sure the mount stays on-line. Why mount an SMB share in unRAID to then just share it again as an SMB share? If you are sharing SMB shares with NFS on unRAID, I'd suggest another answer.
  4. The recycle bin plugin is tightly integrated to the unRAID SMB shares configuration and adding other shares is not advised or practical. You should create your share in unRAID and control access with user credentials.
  5. The plugin will only see shares setup through the unRAID gui or the UD plugin.
  6. The inotify package is built into unRAID. No need to install one.
  7. Remove the preclear plugin and see if the problem persists. Preclear runs a background daemon that UD uses to determine the disk information. I suspect that preclear is getting it wrong.
  8. I appreciate all the enthusiasm towards this issue, but there is a bit more drama here than is warranted. This situation is no different than formatting an XFS disk on another Linux machine, adding data to the disk and then plugging it into unRAID and expecting it to go into the array without a format. LT has committed to fold UD into unRAID and I think it best to not do anything right now that will distract them from that effort. You all need to appreciate that UD has morphed into something that it was not originally designed for. It was originally a USB disk mount and data transfer to/from a USB disk. @gfjardim and I have done the best we can to make UD into what it is and @gfjardim has done a great job coordinating UD and preclear. Now it's time to let LT handle the incorporation into unRAID and determine the features that make sense for their objectives. UD is pretty complicated and LT will have to spend some time fitting it into unRAID. It is best to let them decide how to handle the formatting of UD disks and the array format compatibility issue. I don't want to interfere with their effort and make any changes at this point.
  9. I don't consider it a bug. UD was never intended to format disks for inclusion in the array. I'm really unclear why anyone would want to do this. Just put the disk in the array and copy the data to it.
  10. That is a tool tip and it is probably wrong. The actual function once the preclear is done is to delete the preclear script. You have to delete the script to enable the format of the disk. Yes, it is best to post this issue on the preclear thread.
  11. Once the preclear is done I believe the red X turns into a delete the preclear status file button.
  12. I reported the issue here: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57500-634-unassigned-disks-spin-up-with-system-notifications-enabled/#comment-563291 I've been using the UD plugin so long I don't remember about a spin down on unassigned disks. The UD plugin does not have manual drive spin up or down ability. No plans to add it at this time.
  13. If you remove the UD plugin and enable notifications, the unassigned devices will spin up. This appears to be a bug and it has been reported to LT.
  14. I don't understand what you did with the rm command to get files into the recycle bin. The recycle bin is a samba feature and has nothing to do with Linux file manipulation.
  15. Empty recycle bin: rm -rf /mnt/user/*/.Recycle.Bin
  16. You have obviously done more research on the vdisk caching than I have. It sounds like the 'none' works fine and is equivalent. I believe that Linux does set the Turbo mode on by default. I don't know why I did it that way, but T&T defaults Turbo to off. Maybe I need to re-think that. Probably what I should do is display the current Turbo setting in the status under the 'Governor:'.
  17. Remove the plugin and see if you can view the log with the built in log viewer. If not, then there is an unRAID issue.
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