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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Found a bug. It will be fixed in the next release. Unfortunately, I'm working on zfs integration and php8.1 updates currently and I'm not comfortable releasing the updated version until I have done more testing.
  2. When unmounting the disk, $DEVICE is set to '/dev/mapper/mountpoint' and this is what gets unmounted on an encrypted disk. An Unraid api call is used to spin down disks and it does this by the 'sdX' device designation. Like I said, when the disk is encrypted, use the $LUKS variable. This is the physical device. The $DEVICE variable is the mounted device on an encrypted disk.
  3. Your command is wrong. It should be: /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned spindown $DEVICE If the disk is an encrypted disk, use $LUKS, if the disk is not encrypted, use $DEVICE. An encrypted disk's device is /dev/mapper/mountpoint and not /dev/sdX. The best way to handle disk spin down is to set a disk name (alias) and use that.
  4. I'll check it out. Don't use the "sde" in the script because it will probably change after a reboot. Are you updated to the latest version of UD?
  5. UD is keeping the last device that was assigned to the disk in the historical information and is not replacing it like it should when the device is re-attached. I'll work on a fix. For the moment, go to the device settings (three gears) and clear the disk name and cick save, and the correct devX designation will be assigned.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion. Nice idea. I'm including this in the UI. I'm not a fan of users having to go to the command line to do things.
  7. Probably in the next few days. The php error means a variable is undefined.
  8. I'll have a fix in the next release. If you're not using UD preclear, uninstall it to stop the log messages.
  9. Looks like your problem is solved. This is from 6.11.5 (testparm): idmap config * : range = 3000-7999 idmap config * : backend = tdb
  10. A couple comments about your setup. You should use UD to mount a remote share. UD manages everything for you - mounting/unmounting, and proper share setups. You shouldn't be adding share settings to smb-extra.conf. The settings in that file are global and share settings could overwrite your global settings. Writing files in a command prompt on the mount point will not respect the samba permission settings because you are not going through samba.
  11. How are you accessing Zoneminder? Don't make any changes to the template settings until you get Zoneminder working. Do you see any errors in the docker container log?
  12. Look at the docker container log and see if there are any errors. Did you make any changes to the docker container template?
  13. I see it. I made some changes so I could add parameters based on the file system on the encrypted device. The way it was before was just a happenstance that you could mount an ext4 disk. I'll make a change so the ext4 encrypted disk can be mounted and release an update.
  14. UD+ will not install if UD is not installed. If UD is uninstalled, UD+ will not install on the next boot. Those are the packages installed by UD+, but the plugin has to be installed to install those packages. Go to the 'Apps' and re-install UD+. Everything should work then.
  15. There's no risk. It's additional security by including the IP address.
  16. You can't. If you removed UD and the problem continued, rolling back wouldn't do anything to help troubleshoot.
  17. Set your docker custom network to 'ipvlan' instead of 'macvlan'. You have network or remote server issues. The mount command is taking too long: Dec 13 18:03:13 Unraid-NUC8BEH unassigned.devices: Warning: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_scratch-DS411' '//DS411-II/scratch-DS411' '/mnt/remotes/DS411-II_scratch-DS411' 2>&1) took longer than 10s! Dec 13 18:03:13 Unraid-NUC8BEH unassigned.devices: SMB default protocol mount failed: 'command timed out'. Try using the IP address for the remote server instead of the name and see if it makes a difference.
  18. Start by trying turning off SMB Multichannel. Later versions of samba have an issue with it.
  19. If you have all your Unraid shares set for Public access, you'll need to make some changes on your Windows clients. Microsoft has made some changes recently that causes this issue with Public shares.
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