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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I switched to Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) base image. I have no idea how this could have affected chromecast devices.
  2. When you unmount a disk, confirm it actually is unmounted. If the disk is busy, it will not unmount. Just clicking the "Unmount" button doesn't guarantee the disk will unmount.
  3. That happens when the disk was not properly unmounted before being re-inserted. You need to reboot to clear it up.
  4. Very strange. I set up 100000 max open files and it worked. Testparm showed the new value and didn't issue a warning. smbd picked up the large value.
  5. Why are you using a routable IP address for your server? It is generally a non routable IP address - 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x. I also see some disk messages: Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: Device inventory: Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST10000NM0096_ZA28AN6X0000C84990VP_35000c500a6887b8f (sdj) 512 19532873728 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: CT4000P3PSSD8_2240E671E196 (nvme1n1) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST18000NM000J-2TV103_ZR5AATG8 (sdk) 512 35156656128 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST10000NM0096_ZA289X5X0000C84970L4_35000c500a688f673 (sdh) 512 19532873728 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdg problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: CT2000P3PSSD8_2236E6620BCF (nvme2n1) 512 3907029168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdw problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: WD4001FYYG-79SL3_WMC1F0678389_350000c0f011a8fc8 (sdd) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST18000NM000J-2TV103_ZR5AASEN (sdt) 512 35156656128 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST10000NM0096_ZA25B1XW0000C83025ZP_35000c5009538c473 (sde) 512 19532873728 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdu problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: WD4001FYYG-79SL3_WMC1F0582250_350000c0f01bfcf08 (sdb) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST10000NM0096_ZA25B2360000C82959F1_35000c5009538bcd7 (sdr) 512 19532873728 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdf problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdv problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: WD4001FYYG-79SL3_WMC1F0677098_350000c0f01c01870 (sdc) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: CT4000P3PSSD8_2240E671E178 (nvme0n1) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST18000NM000J-2TV103_ZR51J2MF (sds) 512 35156656128 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdn problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: WD4001FYYG-79SL3_WMC1F0611178_350000c0f01bfcf2c (sdq) 512 7814037168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: CT2000P3PSSD8_2236E66208FE (nvme3n1) 512 3907029168 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdo problem getting id Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST18000NM000J-2TV103_ZR53BJBY (sdl) 512 35156656128 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: ST10000NM0096_ZA27GE950000C845LGLY_35000c500a65a6ab7 (sdi) 512 19532873728 Nov 18 01:28:03 Tower emhttpd: device /dev/sdp problem getting id I'm not a disk expert, so maybe @JorgeB can offer some insight to whether or not these messages are an issue. As for UD, I do not understand how it could cause these problems.
  6. I'm adding a setting to the Tips and Tweaks plugin to set the max open files (ulimit). This is the max open files used by Linux. Samba will be set to this max open files limit.
  7. If Linux doesn't find a partition on the disk, UD can't mount it. Try scanning the disk for errors.
  8. If you are on Unraid 6.11.2, there is a bug when formatting drives larger than 2TB with UD. Upgrade Unraid and try again.
  9. Why are you using thep ip address to referecne the server? Use the name and see if that works. It looks like all your shares are set up public. Is that what you intended?
  10. I'm not seeing it. but try this: - switch to advanced view. - click on force update.
  11. Check the log for a message about not enough inotify watches. if you see that use the tips and tweeks plugin to add more.
  12. Post diagnostics and what does can't use SMB mean?
  13. The original design of UD included the partition buttons to unmount a partition. Not sure why that was implemented. You can use them to unmount a partition you don't need mounted. If clicking the wrong 'Unmount' button is an issue, you can set the 'Disable Mount Button' for the device and the 'Unmount' button will be disabled. The other thing to do is to not expand the partitions on a device. The partition 'Unmount' buttons would then be hidden.
  14. It will fix itself. You can ignore it. What I did was what UD should have done.
  15. It's the UD plugin. Will have a fix shortly.
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