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Everything posted by Leifgg

  1. The guide in my signature might be able to help you. If you are having trouble to get the Windows client to connect you can always install the CrashPlan Desktop container to get you started. Make sure that both the CrashPlan container as well as the CrashPlan Desktop container are updated and start the CrashPlan container first then the CrashPlan Desktop container.
  2. Probably will make an update on the guide thanks to ljm42, just need to get my things up and running to do some testing
  3. I am using rsync to make a backup once a week of the appdata folder on my cache drive to a folder on my array and let CrashPlan backup that folder. Here is a script that I run manually but it can be automated using a cron job. You could do the same with the flash drive but I believe that the array should be stopped before running the backup. I think I have read somewhere that unless you haven’t done that and do a restore unRIAD will run a parity check when you start the server. #!/bin/bash # # --- Syntax - rsync --- # -a archive # -v verbose # -r recursive (copies directories) # -t preserve modification times # -O omit directories from -t # -J omit symlinks from -t # -H preserve hard links # --delete delete at destination if missing at source # > Output to log file # >> Append output to log file # # --- Syntax - tar --- # -cf archive.tar file1 dir1 Create File (archive) with list of files or directories to include (path if needed) # -cvf Verbose # -cjvf archive.tar.bz2 Compress with bzip2 # -czvf archive.tar.gz Compress with gzip # # --- Syntax - docker --- # docker stop CouchPotato Stop a specific container # docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) Stop all containers # etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop Stop all containers and Docker service # docker start CouchPotato Start a specific container # /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start Start all containers set to autostart # clear # Set start time START=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") echo --- Stop Dockers /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop echo --- Start job: AppdataLocalBackup.sh echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo --- Begin backup: appdata folder on cache drive to Backup share rsync -avrtOJH --delete --exclude-from 'exclude.txt' //mnt/user/appdata/ //mnt/user/Backup/appdata/ >/boot/logs/Appdata_local_backup.log tar -czf /mnt/user/Backup/appdata/Plex.tar.gz /mnt/user/appdata/Plex echo --- End backup: appdata folder on cache drive echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo --- End job: AppdataLocalBackup.sh echo --- Start Dockers /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start # Set finish time END=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T") echo --- Start: "$START" echo --- Finish: "$END"
  4. I thought crashplan clients auto updated? Just installed crashplan desktop and I'm getting the "disconnected from backup engine" error. Damn. Really wanted this to work. Only the CrashPlan engine container, not the CrashPlan Desktop container. Still possible to get the Windows client to connect to the CrashPlan engine container.
  5. Just to give some numbers when using Plex in a Docker container: Streaming a 1080p movie at 40 Mbit with transcoding used about 0.4 MByte of memory. CPU was up to 90% when starting transcoding then dropped to an average around 20% with a Xeon 3.6 GHz (4 cores). Plex has a number of processes running that is more or less idle unless it does its maintenance or when you add new media where it actually can use CPU a lot. It can make sense to assign less cores if you have other applications that needs high priority.
  6. By default the Docker container use all cores but you can limit that if you like. Actually never checked memory usage but I don’t believe PMS is that hungry on memory. Could check later....
  7. I am running it in a Docker container located on my SSD cache drive and that works just fine. Probably a Linux VM shouldn’t be too much different as long as you have the VM on an SSD. The VM is probably a bit more work since you need to have a mapping in the VM to your array.
  8. I believe that the Desktop Container isn’t updated yet to the latest version of CrashPlan.
  9. CrashPlan is primarily intended for backing up files from a computer or a server to the CrashPlan Cloud (their servers) so that you have an offsite backup. You can do local backups as well from your PC to unRAID if you do some tricks http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=17672.0 For doing the above you install CrashPlan on your Windows PC. However, you should be aware that your backup is in a compressed backup archive in a property format so you will not be able to do anything with your files except for restoring them with CrashPlan. CrashPlan does incremental backups as well as keep different version of your files depending on the settings you make. When you install CrashPlan on unRAID the primary reason usually to back up your server. There is a guide in my signature that explains this a bit more.
  10. The recommended default mapping suggested (not mandatory) from unRAID 6.2 is said to be /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan for as system using User Shares. When you change mappings the Container gets downloaded again with version 4.3.0, that’s why it will go through the auto update again.
  11. Never happened to me (heard that one before… ) Suggest checking the log located at your server in log folder at the location where your config is stored. Look for history.log and service.log to start with a see if you can get some hints there. If you see that the version is 4.4.1 that is a good sign. Basically poke around and look for logs with latest time stamps.
  12. Was the server running when you made the changes to my.service.xml? If it was you probably need to restart the CrashPlan container. Then you also need to copy the new files to your PC as well. Have you Disable CrashPlan Backup Service on your PC?
  13. The CrashPlan Desktop container is currently not working, it needs to be updated to version 4.4.1 since it doesn’t update itself as CrashPlan container does. The Windows client is your option at this moment.
  14. It’s probably not as easy as updating the app in the container, the folder mappings inside the container is also likely needed to be updated as well.
  15. Check that the changes in my.service.xml on the server is done. If they are ok leave the CrashPlan Docker running and don’t update it! It must have been able to auto updated 4.4.1 to work. You can check the logs on the server. Check that ui.properties on your PC is ok. Copy the .identity file and the .ui_info file to your PC and change .ui_info file. Reboot your PC and try again...
  16. NTFS is supported, is it mounted? My plan is to do a guide about it in CrashPlan doc as soooon I get some time.
  17. Nothing to do until the maintainer of the Desktop Docker is able to update it latest version and do any changes needed to get it working again.
  18. That’s because the CrashPlan Docker has auto updated itself to 4.4.1 and the CrashPlan Docker Desktop doesn’t.
  19. Since CrashPlan 4.4.1 is now publicly available at their home page I have made an update to the Setup Guide (v1.1) that is linked in my signature. The changes made are only related to the Windows client and how the .ui_info and the .identity files are managed as mentioned in previous posts. But there are still some problems! As long as your CrashPlan Docker is running you will be able to connect with the Windows Client and it will survive a reboot of the PC as well but the .ui_info and the .identity files gets updated as soon as the CrashPlan Docker is restarted making it impossible for the Windows Client to connect again until you manually copy and modify the files. If anybody have some brilliant ideas on how to fix that pls let us know....
  20. Thanks for your feedback guys! The guide will be updated with the latest changes when time permits. My intention is also to include info on how to backup to/from other sources like a USB disk and another unRAID server.
  21. I have been in contact with CrashPlan and they say that 4.4.0 for Windows 64 bit will be available within a week or two.
  22. Updated the both ui_info and ui.properties and still having issues connecting Here's some logs from the docker Crashplan: Thanks for this! Have you been able to find a direct download link for Windows 64 bit version as well?
  23. I have submitted a ticket to CrashPlan support asking for a download link to the Windows version 4.4.0 but no reply yet…
  24. Testing the update right now. Have you been able to find 4.4.0 for download?
  25. CrashPlan has released version 4.4.0 and the CrashPlan Docker will be automatically updated. http://support.code42.com/Release_Notes/CrashPlan_For_Home/4.4.0 It looks like this release is incompatible with version 4.3.0 since the CrashPlan Desktop Docker no longer can connect to the backup engine. It seems be the same for the Windows client. I haven’t been able to locate version 4.4.0 for download on CrashPlan yet. Has anybody else found it?
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