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Encino Stan

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Everything posted by Encino Stan

  1. SOLD Pulled from my Unraid server. iStar BPN-DE350SS, Black https://www.istarusa.com/en/istarusa/products.php?model=BPN-DE350SS The fan has been replaced with a quieter Noctua fan. The 3-pin connector is on a 20" cable. Five (5) SATA cables are included. Trays are unlocked and lockable, but I don't have the key. $55 Shipped CONUS US.
  2. LSI 6Gbps SAS HBA LSI 9200-8i (9211-8I) MPN: SAS9200-8i, H3-25113-03A Flashed to IT-mode 2 internal Mini SAS to SATA Cable 3 Feet (SFF-8087 to SATA Forward Breakout) cables. each cable handles 4 sata drives Parting out my Unraid server. This PCI Express controller handles 8 SATA III drives. $37 shipped conus US. Price drop. $18 shipped to CONUS. SOLD
  3. I am using the default settings. I do get that error if I get the chance to click the "Make MKV" button. Half the time I get errors (same error I think, will have to check) during the open disc operation. There is about a 50/50 chance I have of reading a disc successfully, and the same disc may work one time and fail another. One disc opened and had only one title that was 8 minutes. It skipped the < 2 min titles as expected, but I didn't see the 1.5 hr title. I am wondering if I have an issue with my drive, ASUS BW-16D1X-U. I will install MakeMKV on my Win10 box and try there. What drives are people having good luck with (preferably external).
  4. OK. Seems that I get that error if I restart the container to soon after stopping. Maybe I don't give it time to release the ports. If I wait before starting (after a stop), then I don't get that error.
  5. Cache has 298 GB free. I do see the SSD drive lights flashing when running the program. I was going to say that Execution Error occurs as soon as restarting container, but just now started fine. I am going to try another DVD and report what it does... .. OK. Read the DVD and selected just main title and only english audio and subtitles. 2018-08-10_1.png .. click the Make MKV button and get error. 2018-08-10_2.png
  6. I just can't seem to get this to work. Haven't been able to successfully read a create a backup from a dvd or bluray. And, every time I stop the docker it won't restart. If I stop the container, I have to remove and reinstall. MakeMKV.log
  7. Newbie with makemkv. First time trying to rip Blu-Ray discs. I installed this docker and am getting errors. ... followed by ... Is this a known issue that will resolve itself when the beta key gets updated or do I have something wrong? Would registering a key solve this? (And I don't see where to purchase a key.)
  8. They don't list 443 as blocked. Wonder what else they block without documentation. Internet Ports Blocked or Restricted by Cox https://www.cox.com/residential/support/internet-ports-blocked-or-restricted-by-cox.html
  9. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/graphical-and-enhanced-clients/ I am using Toad for MySQL freeware.
  10. Can this repo be upgraded to DDclient 3.8.3? Thanks.
  11. Since unRaid has Let's Encrypt and nginx installed in the OS (as of 6.4), could one use the built-in applications rather than running them seperately in a docker container? Pros and Cons of doing that way?
  12. I wonder if there was something unique about 6.4.1. All my login attempts started within a couple of days after upgrading to 6.4.1 and the log showed they attacked every few days until I upgraded to 6.5.0. There have been no log entries of attempted login since upgrading to 6.5. Either a coincidence or there was some vulnerability in 6.4.1.
  13. MariaDB docker says there is an update. I have updated, but it still shows update available. Pulling image: linuxserver/mariadb:latest IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from linuxserver/mariadb. IMAGE ID [9be5c6869873]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 41 MB. Download complete. Extracting. IMAGE ID [b954adc8b2ea]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 817 B. Download complete. IMAGE ID [7417f525481d]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. IMAGE ID [4e3280041f03]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. IMAGE ID [e26640012edf]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 163 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [43e4d6ff98e1]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. IMAGE ID [3dd04afd22dd]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 14 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [1ed2672d3116]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 450 B. Download complete. IMAGE ID [a1d0ddccc53e]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 68 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. IMAGE ID [242f2575c5e6]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 4 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. TOTAL DATA PULLED: 123 MB Stopping container: mariadb Successfully stopped container 'mariadb' Removing container: mariadb Successfully removed container 'mariadb' Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='mariadb' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD'='x' -p '3306:3306/tcp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/mariadb':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/mariadb' 9cde2120a29827974f3a064185370dc9954d1e779306c3b3d759a9372e55da75 The command finished successfully!
  14. I will next time I see them. Panicked yesterday and shut tower off. Turned back on today, and only see logs for today. I guess system gets reset on boot?
  15. I am getting the same when running regular scan ... Warning: parse_ini_file(/boot/config/share.cfg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/include/tests.php on line 1706 line 1706 of test.php is " $iniFile = parse_ini_file("/boot/config/share.cfg",true);" Confirmed that /boot/config/share.cfg doesn't exist.
  16. Last month (Feb) I upgraded to 6.4.1. During the process of this I made some other changes, and generated an SSL cert, which seems to work fine. Haven't logged onto my system since, yesterday logged on and Fix Common Problems warned me of many logon attempts. GRC Shields Up shows that all ports are stealth. I don't have any ports forwarded in my router.
  17. Newbie question. If I already have Nginx and a database running in separate docker containers, does that change this install? For example, would I need PostgreSQL running in this container if I already have MariaDB running in it's own container?
  18. I created appdata share manually, set as cache preferred. Docker is enabled. I assume all is well. Is there a simple docker container to try out first?
  19. I enabled docker, but it is saying that /mnt/cache/appdata does not exist. I haven't created an appdata share myself, because the instructions I read and videos I viewed all referenced an existing appdata share. I did upgrade from an older version, so the shares may have not been generated.
  20. Are there standard shares that are supposed to be auto-created? Where would I see them? I see in the release notes that for Version 6.2.0-rc2 there was a note that "correct logic auto-creating the shares: appdata,domains,isos,system". That leads me to think that some shares are supposed to be created automatically. The only shares I see are the user shares that I created. I was trying to enable docker, but I don't have a share for appdata. Is that share supposed to exist or do I manually create it? What other shares am I missing?
  21. I like having each device use DHCP and assign static addresses in the router. That way if the router has to change, or if the device is moved to another environment, then everything still works. Additionally... I assign the static addresses with the 4th subnet starting with '1'. (, but I have my router assign dhcp from a pool from 201-249 ( That way I can tell from a glance if I have missed assigning a device or there is a 'guest' device on my lan.
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