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Everything posted by RAINMAN

  1. You may need to install those python modules that are listed in the import statements. Some may be included in the default python install but some may not. import socket import collections import time import json import os import sys from typing import Tuple, Mapping, Iterable import requests You can also try adding your path to python in the top line. Default for most installs is #!/usr/bin/python. I'm not sure what it is for unraid. Also try running your script as "python /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/influx_nut/script" instead of just calling the script directly.
  2. Could have been a one-time issue. I restarted the docker and the error didnt come back. I was just thinking it may be a one time error then it doesnt appear again because it says it is unable to monitor in real-time so maybe it disabled that function. I'll monitor it some more and see. I bumped it up to 3.5million as i have the ram to spare and i did verify that within the docker it is the same as the host as you described. Thanks for the quick reply.
  3. Anyone have crashplan complaining about running out of inotify watches? On my unraid system I should have 2 million available and I can confirm I have free watches through SSH on unraid. Any idea why crashplan is complaining? I assume its inside the docker that it ran out. Is there a way to increase this inside the docker?
  4. Thanks wierd. I just checked mine and it expires after 1 year. But is that price accurate? it cant be... Product Name Payment Method Price Auto Renewal Date Expiration Date CrashPlan for Small Business Migration (Details) 2.49 USD 9/13/2018 9/17/2018
  5. Anyone else have issues with the docker. Keeps saying its not up to date but then fails to update. (My docker is up to date)
  6. I just installed this and a bit of a newb with it but I cant seem to get it to run. I keep getting this error when i add a RTSP source: Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' does not exist. zmc might not be running. I can view the source in VLC and it plays fine so I dont think that is the issue: rtsp:// Updated the settings and now i get these errors:
  7. I have the exact same problem except it works on all but one. Sorry to hijack thread. (Disk6 in diagnostics) fileserver-diagnostics-20180212-1027.zip Edit: Also note I just rebuilt disk 6 due to a cable issue. It was doing this before the rebuild though. Just coincidence I guess.
  8. Is there any way to start the docker with the old certificates and bypass the removing and attempt at reissue? I have backups but if i add them in they get distroyed when the container starts.
  9. Great, I tried a bunch of things before seeing this thread and now i am banned for a week. All my services are now down for a week without a way around them? This is pretty crap.
  10. Yes, I deselected the files in the old set and re-selected them in the new set.
  11. I upgraded from gfjardim/crashplan The issue is that I have 2 backup sets. I cant delete the old one. When I try and delete it, I get this error. I'm not sure why I ended up with 2 sets. Maybe I screwed something up along the way...
  12. I followed the steps to update and its working but now I have 2 backups, one without files but I cannot delete it as it says I need to have a default. I cant find where to change the default to the new one. Did I miss a step somewhere?
  13. ok I set it for 60. But its still showing spun-down while if I run the command its showing active/idle. Something is going on there.
  14. I got a bit busy and forgot about this but I still dont think its right. I found the setting to spin down the drives (30 mins) but not the setting to refresh the UI. Its been over 30 mins for sure since I accessed the fileserver and its showing all disks spun down except cache but hdparm is showing active. hdparm -C /dev/sdi | grep 'state' | awk '{print $4}' I'm not sure if the drives are spun down or not but I am thinking not. I seem to remember in the syslog it would indicate spinning drives down and i am not seeing that. The other question is, how does the webui determine spin up or down state? Maybe thats the difference.
  15. Ahh, from the command line I am unsure. I was just doing it from the webUI for dockers. When I make a change and apply it this is the command it shows. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="letsencrypt" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "EMAIL"="REMOVED" -e "URL"="DOMAIN.net" -e "SUBDOMAINS"="plex,cloud,grafana,home,crashplan" -e "ONLY_SUBDOMAINS"="true" -e "DHLEVEL"="4096" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 443:443/tcp -p 81:80/tcp -v "/mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt":"/config":rw linuxserver/letsencrypt
  16. In the configuration you can add subdomains comma separated in the subdomains field. This will restart the container when you save it so not sure if this what you mean by delete and re-create. I believe this is the only way though as it creates the certificates when it loads.
  17. I'm a bit confused now that I am trying to add another subdomain. When I look at the certificates for all my domains they are issued to plex.mydomain.com. Even if the domain is grafana.mydomain.com but its still coming up as valid. Do I have this setup right? I would have expected it to be issue for each subdomain? (Note: I am not using letsencrypt docker for the top level domain. That is hosted separate) Second, I was trying to add a subdomain for crashplan and it appears right, but it didn't load the actual VNC content. It loads the title bar and the certificate is green (but issued to plex.mydomain.com). To resolve this I had to add the following 2 lines to the /location block. Maybe it will help someone if they have the same issue. location / { # Added block for websockets proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; }
  18. So I upgraded to the beta to try it out and of course with the SSL features in that it broke my letsencrypt docker. I tried to turn SSL/TLS to No and even changed the SSL port to 445 (for unraid) but it seems like its still holding 443 for some reason. Anyone else run into this? Edit: I'm an idiot, I had 445 already in use for something else lol. All good... Move along.
  19. I forced it to use v4.5.2 and its working again so they must have changed something that broke on my end. My guess is one of these TLS bugs they "fixed" broke my setup somehow even though I have a valid certificate for that domain. I'll followup on their bug tracker/site I guess.
  20. Anyone else having issues with the grafana update? Since I updated none of my panel plugins are working. I am getting a 401 error. This only seems to happen if I use the domain (via reverse proxy). If I use the IP its fine. Not sure what would have changed however. Anyone have any ideas what to look for?
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