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Everything posted by RAINMAN

  1. unraid is the peer as I mentioned before. The remote VPN server has: ens3: lo: tun0: wg0: Local unraid uses: br0: docker0: eth0: some ipv6 address? lo: bunch of vethxxxx: ipv6 wg0 No overlaps except the wg interfaces on both which is proper. Note, I am not using wireguard to connect from outside in. I am using it to route unraid traffic out over vpn.
  2. Those IPs are not connecting to wireguard. They are only connecting to the nginx docker via my external IP. The one is a 192.168.0.x network the other i dont know since its not mine but i doubt their internal network address would be relevant when they connect via my external public IP. The only reference to wireguard in this is that when its enabled they cant hit my dockers, when its disabled they can hit them fine. Its like a routing issue where the reply to the request is going out over the VPN instead of directly back, if that makes sense.
  3. The wireguard subnet is 10.9.0.x Local Lan is 192.168.254.x Remote IP example that doesn't work is Remote IP example that does work is Docker subnet
  4. I'm still getting weirdness connecting to my dockers. From certain external IPs they can't connect at all to any of my docker services unless i disable the vpn connection. Other external Ips are working fine so i am not sure how this would get messed up?
  5. If I put by MQTT docker on a custom: br0 network and assign it an IP and port forward to that IP, then I can get my outside connection to work but all my internal connections are dead because I have to go through and re-program them all. (many are arduinos so its a PITA if I need to change the IP) Edit: it gets weirder, from a different webserver it does seem to connect fine. I'm not sure where it would be blocking traffic from that server only, and only when the VPN is enabled. Any suggestions where to look or what to look at?
  6. Ok, maybe I had some field wrong, when I go through it again from scratch it works. There is no way to set DNS though. Perhaps there can be a field for additional custom options. My VPN will try and push as its DNS for my external devices but when I am internal to my network I want to force DNS =, I have VPN tunneled access, yes. I am not trying to send to the VPN though. Remote server -- 1883 --> Home IP (Router) Forward to -- 1883 --> --> MQTT Docker. I wouldn't expect the VPN to have any impact on this route? If I disable the VPN it works so somehow the VPN is blocking the connection to the local IP of my unraid box. If I use MQTT internal to my network its fine VPN on or off.
  7. I'm using wireguard to have all unraid outgoing connections go though a VPN. Pain to setup as some of the options needed wont allow. I had to export the config it generated, make the changes and import it back, and if I make any change though the UI it fails again. Either way, that's setup now but it seems like any outside data I forward through my router to a docker doesn't work. Example, I am using a MQTT docker with bridge networking. I setup port forward on my router for 1883 to unraid. It was working fine/is working fine. If I have the VPN connected I cant connect to the MQTT server from outside my network. If I turn off the VPN it works fine again. Is there something i need to do to make this work?
  8. How do you set WSD options? Also having the same issue with 100% CPU due to WSD.
  9. Ok so in my cron just add bash? * * * * * /boot/custom/influxdb/influxStats_1m_Disk.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 change to * * * * * bash /boot/custom/influxdb/influxStats_1m_Disk.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
  10. So to confirm, I cant run any of my bash scripts from the flash anymore? I have a folder of scripts that execute as cronjobs. Do I need to copy these somewhere using the Go file then execute them from there? Is there a standard location to copy them to?
  11. Makes sense. Figured it out now and rebuild in progress. Thanks.
  12. Using the guide for removing drives and rebuilding parity but I am stuck on this step: In my options I dont have this selection. Which option(s) do I choose to just rebuild the parity drive with the existing data drives?
  13. Reading other situations I came to this possible option. I have a spare 3tb drive that I can use as a backup. So I'll take the 4tb out (only ~2tb used) and backup the data to the 3tb using my desktop PC. I will remove the 4tb from the array and rebuild the parity drive. Once the parity drive is rebuilt I can re-add this drive as a new drive and copy the data from my backup back to it. Do these steps seem logical? But I am not 100% clear on the best way to rebuild the parity drive from the data disks.
  14. I had a 4tb drive go bad so I unassigned the slot and rebooted the server. It then started up but it put in my unassigned disk that is a 5tb drive and started rebuilding onto that automatically. So I probably lost all the data on that which isnt a big deal as its mostly a temp storage drive. but the problem now is that when I try and put the 4tb drive back in that slot it tells me "The replacement disk must be as big or bigger than the original." Is there any way I can put the 4tb back in that slot or and I SOL?
  15. Hm, I had that already toggled and it wasnt showing up. I tried it on and off a few times and randomly it worked. Wierd. Thanks.
  16. For some reason I cant figure out how to share my unassigned drive. I have it mounted I can see it in /mnt/disks but I cant figure out where to turn on smb share. The instructions on the first page say to toggle the switch but I cant find a switch for the life of me. I can see that in the settings Enable NFS Export is set to No but its greyed out so I cannot adjust it. The rest of the settings on that page I have tried all without success. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  17. I posted them on github. Browse into the Windows directory. https://github.com/Scott-St/InfluxDB-Stats-Collection I have most likely updated and changed them from when I posted that but I haven't updated Github. If I get some time I should go through and update the scripts. Edit: I'm also not a programmer so this may or may not be the best way to do any of these scripts but the hackery works for me lol
  18. Anyone notice extremely slow upload speed the last week or 2? Trying to figure out if its me somehow or crashplan.
  19. I think you nailed it. So what I did is enable Grafana's auth.proxy so that it passes the username from the basic authentication to Grafana to use for logins instead of the Grafana login box. I added the header I needed to pass that to nginx conf. Made a few other changes like usernames and some settings I found online (may not have done anything but it seems to work so I left them in, and it seems to stay logged in for at least longer. Was able to do an hour before I posted this. Hopefully it continues. Thanks Aptalca for pointing me in the right direction.
  20. It seems about 10 minutes. Give or take. There is authentication in Grafana but its not .htaccess based.
  21. This has been bothering me for awhile but I never got to it. My Grafana docker is reverse proxied with .htaccess but it seems to timeout frequently and need to re-login. Even trying to re-login seems to not really work and I need to refresh the page then it works fine for a bit until I get the login prompt again. Has anyone else run into this issue or have a suggestion on what to try? My dockers are all accessible with a subdomain and all work fine except for this random, I'm assuming, timeout issue. This is my configuration which seems pretty standard. # Grafana # server { listen 443 ssl; root /config/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; server_name grafana.*; ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-G$ ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; client_max_body_size 0; location / { auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } }
  22. Better way is to create a file on your flash drive under /config/plugins with the extension .cron. This will be loaded into crontab when unraid boots. You can test it and import the cron files by typing update_cron
  23. Updated this morning and it went better then the other release. I am joined to the domain and I can access my fileshares. Not sure what changed but works for me.
  24. Also having samba issues. I cant connect to it via IP or hostname since the update. I actually cant even get it to leave the domain anymore. Getting errors in the event log when I try. Oct 14 00:08:52 FILESERVER emhttpd: req (20): DOMAIN=AD.<DOMAIN>.NET&DOMAIN_SHORT=<DOMAIN>&DOMAIN_LOGIN=<MyUsername>&DOMAIN_PASSWD=********&cmdLeaveDomain=Leave&csrf_token=**************** Oct 14 00:08:55 FILESERVER emhttpd: shcmd (691): /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update_access Oct 14 00:08:55 FILESERVER sshd[15034]: Received signal 15; terminating. Oct 14 00:08:56 FILESERVER sshd[15631]: Server listening on port 22. Oct 14 00:08:56 FILESERVER sshd[15631]: Server listening on :: port 22. I can SSH to it, access the webgui and everything except access windows shares. Edit: I turned on smbv1 in the control panel as i found in another thread but it didnt help.
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