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Report Comments posted by eagle470

  1. 13 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    Thank you for this post. I ran the update at work over the VPN. Once I get home I'll try disconnecting and reconnecting the flash drive! Hopefully this is the issue!! I'll report back later on.

    Many times I've had your issue I've had to rerun the makebootable script.

  2. 4 hours ago, limetech said:

    The sluggishness, including terminal open delay are tell-tale signs of DNS issues.  It looks like you have Network Settings set for both IPv4 and IPv6?  Maybe try IPv4 only and see if that helps.

    I have it set ONLY IPv4 in settings. Are you seeing IPv6 turned on in the logs?




    I use Pihole exclusively for my DNS services in my house, that may be why. I may have to get dedicated hardware, I'm having a hard time believing it's slowing things down that much, but it must be.

  3. @limetech I have to say I'm disappointed in the lack of the auto redirect.

    I did open a sperate bug report. I will also add that the whole UI is super Sluggish on loading. Someone accused a bad BTRFS cache group, but I don't really see how that causes the UI to slow load or fail to load even non-drive related info on the dashboard.

  4. 2 minutes ago, eagle470 said:

    My web terminal has stopped working. I'm also unable to sign in over putty, yes it's the right password.


    Also the web UI no longer auto redirects from the IP address to the DNS address.


    After leaving the page up for 15 minutes it FINALLY loaded. 

    The font was fine this morning, now it's all messed up again.

  5. The flash backup and restore function is nice, but I can't get the USB creator to work on my windows desktop. It won't recognize any USB stick I plug in to my machine.


    I'll add, that it doesn't seem to be compliant with apple very much these days either.


    @limetech moving to an img or iso file and telling people to use rufus would probably be less work to maintain.

  6. 39 minutes ago, SomeRandomSod said:

    IMO if you want stability, roll back to 6.8.3 if you can, it works beautifully if you don't need the new multiple cache pools feature. It's what I did after a few bugs and instability under 6.9.

    You'll just need to recreate the cache since the setup files for the cache have been moved between 6.8.3 and 6.9.

    I already implemented two other pools, on for my dockers, one dedicated to downloads and a thirds for my video surveillance drive


    5 hours ago, ephigenie said:

    The Kernel part is included - but there is a nvidia-driver plugin that you need to install via "apps".
    That will allow you to download the driver / software package you need. 
    In my case once that was installed all containers that needed GPU started working as before just with newer drivers etc.

    If built in features REQUIRE CA to enable, it's time that CA came configured by default. Maybe you just have to check a box to use it or something.

  8. Just discovered when I go to the OS Update tool and I try to select 'Stable' branch, it fails to load and it reloads that I am on the current 'next' branch release (6.9-rc2)


    Tried a clean browser with no safety blocks and it did the same thing. Last reboot was 5.5 days ago.

  9. 34 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Any per disk settings to go back to defaults after New Config because they are effectively all "New" disks.

    That would make sense if the issue occurred anywhere other than in and changed to


    Settings->Disk Settings-> Enable Auto Start -> No


    Settings->Disk Settings-> Default Spin Down Delay -> Never


    I set them back manually, but the picture shows you where the settings are at.

    2020-12-05 10_12_36-Unraid1_DiskSettings — Mozilla Firefox.png

  10. On 4/7/2020 at 6:09 PM, AlphonseCapone said:

    I have the same MB and only bad experiences with newer (>4200) BIOS-Versions. They break GPU-passthrough and make random kernel panics happen, like you described.


    The problem with GPU-passthrough did not only occur with ASUS-mainboards, see this thread as example:


    The last stable BIOS-Version I can use is 4024 -> GPU-passthrough works and my PC is running since December without random crashes.

    I hope the new kernel in 6.9 will let me use a more advanced BIOS, in a few days I will begin testing on a second machine.



    For you @eagle470 - if you want to try this, you can downgrade your mainboard, but you may brick it.




    This is the procedure I used to try all BIOS-versions on my X370-Pro, from 5220 to 4024 which is as I said the "newest stable" version I can use.

    Makes me wonder what I wouldn't gain from a motherboard upgrade. But I think I'll wait a while longer. No sense in unnecessarily spending a bunch of money in the middle of all this.

  11. While I understand that what I reported doesn't help anyone, I have no logs to provide. If I did, I would have given them to you. My machine locked up and became entirely non-responsive and the ONLY thing I could have done was taken a picture with my phone of the cash cart monitor. 


    I didn't think about that until I had already reset the system the first time and the second time I was running in GUI mode, so all I would have taken a picture of was the frozen lock screen.


    I have logs being written off to the syslog server, but apparently the system locked up so fast no useful information was laid down as the last syslog roll up I had was from the day prior. 


    I didn't have a secondary system up and running to capture logs, though that is something I can setup now. 


    I'm not trying to be unhelpful, I'm just VERY limited on the information that I have to provide. 


    If the kind of reporting that I CAN provide is annoying or undesired, I'll simply stop posting any results at all.

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