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Everything posted by rix

  1. Can you send me a link with recaptcha so I can test? Done
  2. It works except for recapacha, which is becoming increasingly popular.. Rrcaptcha won't work without the browser..
  3. Hi aptalca. I am the guy who poked you about the (awesome) letsencrypt integration into you nginx docker. Thanks for that I am here to request another nerdy feature: I have written a script that crawls (german) sites for JDownloader jobs. The crawling works perfectly, but for some advanced (cf. Recaptcha v2) captchas JDownloader needs an actual browser to work with. More details are found here: https://support.jdownloader.org/Knowledgebase/Article/View/42/0/jd-opens-my-browser-to-display-captchas Sadly it is not as simple as "docker exec -it JDownloader apt-get upgrade && apt get install firefox", because JDownloader relies on typical OS-features to open the captcha tabs. Here is my request: Would you (maybe optionally even) integrate some sort of browser into your JDownloader container, so we can keep using it with modern captcha solutions? -------------------------------------------------------- Should have read ANY of the previous posts before posting this The request still stands, because merely installing firefox is not enough. The system needs some way of knowing how to handle http links Maybe along the lines of sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
  4. Woot! Thanks for referring to it here and making us aware. You're welcome. He kindly PMed me about it
  5. Anyone still interested? I have set up a Windows VM for this purpose, but it seems overkill to me, running an entire virtual device if docker should be able to do it as well. Concept would be: ownCloud client that syncs to /mnt/user/ownCloud internal (symlink?!) workaround to also give Google Drive client access to /mnt/user/ownCloud and sync those files to Gdrive.
  6. congrats to Paul_Ber on his delugevpn-flexget container: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48629.0
  7. Update your plugins, then reinstall flexget. Should do the trick, it's not specific to this container. I have stopped using FlexGet myself and set up my own automation script, so I can't help you on the config.yml part . My container does not pass through any variables (at least I have not set up any in the template). In this case you should be fine passing through the port set in your config file (3539, I assume) from the container. This can be done easily on the container's settings page! Since the FlexGet webinterface is still totally beta (from my last look at it) you might be forced to use the default name: flexget/password: flexget login... and have no way to change this. The way docker works, you can run any console commands using docker exec -it Container-Name your commands In this case docker exec -it FlexGet flexget execute -v Be aware that you might need to run "service flexget stop" or "flexget stop" through docker exec first.
  8. Previously it was all docker with a USB dvbc card. I have just switched to a (techno trend ct2 4500) PCIe card which doesn't work with the custom driver builds. I have just done a quick Ubuntu server install with tvheadend because it works well with my cable provider (and ci card), has German picons and supports Plex. Pretty fine setup if you only require one concurrent stream/recording PCIe pass through has become an ease to set up with the latest betas
  9. So I have stopped using the openelec builds and Wol started working again... seems this had nothing to do with your plugin after all. My tvheadend now works inside a vm, so no need for those custom builds anymore
  10. Thanks, that fixed it Have a great rest of a weekend!
  11. Hey aptalca. Sorry to bother you again : I've noticed that fail2ban is not starting for me. * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban * Socket file /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock is present ...fail! *** Running After manually executing in ssh: docker exec -it Nginx-Letsencrypt rm -rf /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock It works again. Would you add a line that removes the file in question before starting fail2ban? * Starting authentication failure monitor fail2ban ...done.
  12. I have investigated this further. Seems the new default vm config broke things. Setting virbr0 to br0 immediately got things working again. Seems like the unraid vm default bridge needs to be the same as the one set within a vm's template for things to work.thanks for the help update.. doesn't work again. This time the bridges match. Seems this is still an issue
  13. Hi, typing python /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/libvirtwol/scripts/libvirtwol.py br0 And using your Wakeonlan plugin from within my unraid server does indeed wake up the vm. I have no idea why my android app suddenly is not getting through to the plugin anymore. Haven't changed any router settings, nor did I apply new iptables rules... Any idea what could be blocking my access? Okay here is the following: Wake on lan from your Wake On Lan support plugin does only work if I have ssh open with the python /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/libvirtwol/scripts/libvirtwol.py br0 command actively running. Then it still wont work from my phone, but that sounds like the issue. Could it be, that libvirtwol is not listening on the right interface (eth0?) and thus causing issues? Or could it be that it's not running at all (even though it seems to be running without issues)?! Another addition My domain.cfg SERVICE="enable" IMAGE_SIZE="1" IMAGE_FILE="/mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img" DOMAINDIR="/mnt/user/domains/" MEDIADIR="/mnt/user/isos/" VIRTIOISO="" BRNAME="virbr0" WOL="enable" My network.cfg # Generated settings: USE_DHCP="no" IPADDR="" NETMASK="" GATEWAY="" DHCP_KEEPRESOLV="no" DNS_SERVER1="" DNS_SERVER2="" DNS_SERVER3="" BONDING="no" BONDING_MODE="1" BRIDGING="yes" BRNAME="br0" BRSTP="yes" BRFD="0" And my vm is running on br0 also.
  14. Thanks for the swift response. I double checked by completely removing the NerdPack and typing python -v outputs 2.7.11 on my unraid server.. My wake on lan app on android is configured to broadcast the VM's MAC to ( being my Unraid machine). Also just sending the command to does not work. Changing the MAC has not changed things either. Seems my fiddling with the VMs somehow broke this plugin. It was working without problems for the last few months. Is there any way I could debug or troubleshoot why it suddenly stopped working?
  15. Thank you very much for the last (giant & awesome) update. I am deeply satisfied looking at this:
  16. hey, i am running the latest beta (21) and my wol calls go unanswered. i have tried multiple vms, even set up a new one.. the mac adress is most certainly correct. is this plugin still working for other users?
  17. Damn, then there is not much I can do to get it to work myself.. maybe kindly ask the original creater of the delugevpn container to implement flexget.. or try forking his setup and adding flexget yourself.. you never know. That's how I got a community dev
  18. Hey, do the commands work without sudo? Good luck!
  19. This might not be related to unraid at all. It might be that the USB card doesn't support resetting. As a workaround you could try to safely remove it in the VM before you shut it down. You do this the same way as with a USB stick. That actually makes sense. I'll report back right away! Edit: my unraid server just crashed. After safely disconnecting the USB controller inside the I was able to reboot without the stuttering issue. The controller wouldn't come back after that, however... Unraid crashed when I then shut down the vm and tried to boot it (not restarting it). Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.. if lime tech can't do anything about this, do you know a place to get a replacement USB controller?
  20. Bug: Stubbed USB 3.0 Controller only working on first VM boot I have noticed this behavior quite early on passing through my PCIe USB 3.0 Controller. Now I have pinpointed the situation where things break. I have currently stubbed 2 PCIe devices (excluding my GPU) to Windows VMs. A minimalistic Windows 7 VM is using GoodSync to automate my Backups/Cloud Uploads and is being passed through a SATA controller for automatic ripping purposes (Blurays, etc.). This is working fine. My Main VM is running Windows 10 x64 and I am passing through my PCIe USB 3.0 controller to achieve hot-plugging. On my first (and only the first) time booting the Windows 10 VM the USB controller works fine. The attached screenshot shows my C: Drive (50G vdisk) and one USB 2.0 flash drive (e:) and my external 3.0 drive (d:) working. On a second boot the vm becomes stuttery and is not passing through the devices anymore. It does not matter whether they stay attached to the ports during the VM shutdown or not. I presume the stubbed controller is not detached from the VM correctly, if that makes sense... Only when disconnecting the devices does the vm run normal again (without the controller working, however) on its next boot. To get this controller working again I have to reboot my entire server, which is a major annoyance. Please find attached my diagnostics file (I downloaded inside my Win10 VM after a working boot, stuttery reboot and then booting without the controller working/having devices attached). ninja-diagnostics-20160409-1053.zip
  21. I have just taken the liberty to create a pull that should allow me to use 4096 Bit keys. I have manually replaced my dhparam file but would rather not do manual tinkering with letsencrypt. Would you be as kind as to add this option to increase the 2048 value? Thanks (find attached the reason of my messing with your setup.. the 2048bit key is the only thing keeping me from a 100/100/100/100 score. unneccessary though that might be)
  22. Yes, mounting iso files in Windows 10 should work now without overriding the max protocol value. In addition, VHD files also should be able to be created and mounted over SMB. And on top of that, some users may have had issues trying to use the native Windows backup utility (from 7, 8.x, and 10). This also seems to be resolved with this release, but please report back if you use this feature and have issues. Aaaaah that's why my origin vhd gaming vm setup failed recently!
  23. My router might be the issue....your guide is saying: "Make sure that your server is reachable through your.domain.url:443" and mine is not. I do believe that I resolved all issues (see both screen shots) but ca't access the webUI. The router webUI is also using port 443 for external access but I switched this off. Sorry for being a pain. @german stell mal sicher, dass die ip deines unraid servers die ist. Mit anderen Worten, wenn du unter nginx im lokalen netz erreichst liegt das problem bei der portfreigabe deiner fritzbox. erreichst du unter dieser adresse nginx nicht, dann stimm etwas in deinem unraid (docker) setup nicht translates roughly to: ensure the ip set in port forwarding is the one your nginx docker listens to locally.
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