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Everything posted by yippy3000

  1. Seems like it was a corrupt DB. Don't know if it was related to the upgrade or not but the mongo DB got corrupt and restoring the app data folder from a backup fixed it.
  2. After upgrading to Unraid 6.8 the controller suddenly doesn't work. It appears to start up just fine but I can't access the controller using an IP or via the cloud. The container logs look fine too. [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0. [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0. [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes... [fix-attrs.d] done. [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts... [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing... ------------------------------------- _ () | | ___ _ __ | | / __| | | / \ | | \__ \ | | | () | |_| |___/ |_| \__/ Brought to you by linuxserver.io We gratefully accept donations at: https://www.linuxserver.io/donate/ ------------------------------------- GID/UID ------------------------------------- User uid: 99 User gid: 100 ------------------------------------- [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing... [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing... [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0. [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing... [custom-init] no custom files found exiting... [cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0. [cont-init.d] done. [services.d] starting services [services.d] done.
  3. I am starting to get a very consistent error with one of my backup jobs to Backblaze where the CloudBerry process is crashing with the error "Plan process stopped with system error. Send logs to support" In the logs is 2019-07-18 09:32:53,762451 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 7 ] End Listing : Status: QProcess::ExitStatus(CrashExit) code 11 2019-07-18 09:32:53,784091 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 7 ] Update destination statistic, id: {fe9d330d-0d5f-4971-bdc4-31fcf9a5da66} CloudBerry support says "Usually that error occurs when open GUI or use web UI during the backup run. That is why as workaround I can only suggest not to open the GUI when the backup plan is running and let us know if that helps. " Is there any way to close or prevent the GUI from running to work around this?
  4. +1 I have found some docker containers (https://hub.docker.com/r/netboxcommunity/netbox/) claim to require it so not having it keeps me from using it)
  5. Followup. It seems that my connection issue is on the Crashplan side. Chat support said my server is having issues. Now, having issues for 5 days is... unacceptable, even for just a backup.
  6. Both. Currently the UI says "Unable to connect to destination" under the Crashplan Central backup set. App.log says it is trying to connect to dgc-sea.crashplan.com and is not getting a response.
  7. My container can't connect to Crashplan central for the last 4 days. Anyone else having this issue?
  8. There seems to be a missmatch on versions in the docker. Logging/statistics keep breaking/stopping and the fix is to delete the /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf and restart the container I figured this out from the developer here: This broke again, with the same fix working to fix it, after the Unraid 6.5.3 upgrade and reboot so it makes me think that the docker has the wrong config file set as the default.
  9. I am seeing the same with the latest update, in addition, it seems to be chewing through my docker.img space at the rate of 1%/5min. The latest update really broke something
  10. I used to have 16GB but then I had memory issues so I maxed min out with 32GB of DDR4 ECC Memory.
  11. Nope, I am not sure why I would.
  12. This sucks, I make very heavy use of computer to computer backups, now I am going to have to re-think my entire backup strategy and infrastructure. This doesn't just affect me either, my parents and in-laws both back up to my unraid server. I *just* started backing up to Backblaze B2 which helps for the cloud part but I wanted redundant cloud backups and does nothing for computer to computer backups.
  13. Does anyone know why Dynamix Stats and the Dashboard/top show WILDLY different RAM usage? This is what I am seeing on my system with 16Gb of RAM Top: KiB Mem : 16456200 total, 1648428 free, 5736864 used, 9070908 buff/cache KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free, 0 used. 8231952 avail Mem Unraid Dashboard: 50% System Stats: (see attached)
  14. Add me to the list of people who the Crashplan docker will not auto start. After a server reboot, all of my dockers come up except Crashplan which fails with the error: ERROR: openbox-xdg-autostart requires PyXDG to be installed Manually starting or restarting it works just fine though. Annoying that I have to go manually start it every time the server is rebooted (so far only for UnRAID updates at least)
  15. Excluded Files and Folders do not seem to be working for me. I have two of my shares listed in the excluded Folders section (using the nice checkboxes to select my shares). However, I keep getting warnings that files in those shares (but accessed via disk1/disk2 instead of usr) have a hash mismatch. The files are Crashplan backups so they change very frequently and there is not much point in me checksuming them. How do I get it to actually honor my ignored folders? EDIT: Added screenshot of settings
  16. I just got the email as well. My understanding is that the image is running Ubuntu 14.04 which should be kernal 3.13 which I would think meets those specs. I also ran ldd --version and it says it is eglibc 2.19 again should be high enough. Not sure if it is miss detecting or if the image needs updating.
  17. Has anyone upgraded to Owncloud 9? Do I need to wait for the docker image to be updated or can I do it now by logging into the docker image and following the upgrade instructions for Owncloud?
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