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Everything posted by levster

  1. So, just to be clear, can I update from the Nextcloud app itself, or do I reinstall from the apps page?
  2. I would like to update but am afraid of breaking the delicate installation. Could you please elaborate on what you meant by your statement?
  3. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I guess I should pay more attention to the syntax. I am on the main user page. Looks very similar to owncloud. Lev So far I've been able to add a total of 4 users; however, when I try to add additional users, nothing happens. No error messages. The page just sits there. I can do pretty much anything else with NC, but clicking "create" does nothing. PS. I think I answered my own question. I created that user with a complex password, and when changing it to something simpler was greeted with an error message - too simple password. I think that NC did not like the simple password and did not notify me of "why" it did not want to create the user.
  4. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I guess I should pay more attention to the syntax. I am on the main user page. Looks very similar to owncloud. Lev
  5. I changed the binlog format to mixed, but did not remove the "#" in front of it. Did not notice that. Thank you. I'll redo all now.
  6. When you say you copied the entire prompt, you did edit it before using right? Changing $MARIADB-ROOT-PASSWORD to your actual password? EDIT: Also there's an error in my instructions should be chmod rather than chown, which I've now changed. Uh oh....[emoji10] I feel a little bit embarrassed... I left the string as is... If it makes you feel better, you're not the first.... OK, so I removed both MariaDB and NC. Reinstalled MD with the correct parameters, and a new password. When running the I used the correct, matching password. Installed NC. Now, when I try to go to the WebUI, I get "This site can’t be reached refused to connect." I see the correct NC logo on the tab, but the page does not load. I am confused. I did not really change anything else. I really do not know what else to suggest. I just did a fresh install to check the instructions inside of five minutes. Definitely working. Have you checked the logs of both containers and cleared your browser cache? I guess I just needed to wait a few minutes, because subsequently I was able to get to the create admin screen. Now, new error message
  7. When you say you copied the entire prompt, you did edit it before using right? Changing $MARIADB-ROOT-PASSWORD to your actual password? EDIT: Also there's an error in my instructions should be chmod rather than chown, which I've now changed. Uh oh....[emoji10] I feel a little bit embarrassed... I left the string as is... If it makes you feel better, you're not the first.... OK, so I removed both MariaDB and NC. Reinstalled MD with the correct parameters, and a new password. When running the I used the correct, matching password. Installed NC. Now, when I try to go to the WebUI, I get "This site can’t be reached refused to connect." I see the correct NC logo on the tab, but the page does not load. I am confused. I did not really change anything else.
  8. When you say you copied the entire prompt, you did edit it before using right? Changing $MARIADB-ROOT-PASSWORD to your actual password? EDIT: Also there's an error in my instructions should be chmod rather than chown, which I've now changed. Uh oh....[emoji10] I feel a little bit embarrassed... I left the string as is... Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  9. Yes, I went past this prompt; however, the original password used during the setup of Mariadb was not accessible. I had to leave the password blank and hit enter to get to this prompt. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk I'm confused, you'd only see this screen if the password was correct when you entered it. Well, I guess I'm just as confused. I could not pass it with the original password, and I tried it twice, wiping out the entire Mariadb and Nextcloud containers, including the leftover folders. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk Only other thing I can think of is once you set the MariaDB root password in the template on the initial pull you can't change it afterwards by changing the template. It ONLY works that initial time. EDIT: The other problem I've seen with this is people not including the semi-colons at the end of the mysql commands here. I copied the entire prompt, including the ";". I saw that as an issue in one of the previous posts... I just checked the MariaDB install and the password is there. I am using "root" as the Database user. Password created during the initial MariaDB install, nextcloud as the Database name. IP as shown on the MariaDB IP:port on the Docker page.
  10. Yes, I went past this prompt; however, the original password used during the setup of Mariadb was not accessible. I had to leave the password blank and hit enter to get to this prompt. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk I'm confused, you'd only see this screen if the password was correct when you entered it. Well, I guess I'm just as confused. I could not pass it with the original password, and I tried it twice, wiping out the entire Mariadb and Nextcloud containers, including the leftover folders. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  11. Yes, I went past this prompt; however, the original password used during the setup of Mariadb was not accessible. I had to leave the password blank and hit enter to get to this prompt. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  12. When creating the admin user, I get the error in the attachment. I am stuck at this point. Thank you, Lev $MARIADBROOTPASSWORD is the root password you set $UNRAID-IP:PORT is the Unraid IP port (For me that would be Thank you. When I initially setup MariaDB I set a simple password; however, when running That password was not accepted and only a blank response would lead to the next prompt. So, when trying to add a NC admin account, I tried various combinations of the passwords, including just leaving it blank. None worked. Any chance on editing/setting a new MariaDB password so that I can use it during the NC setup. When you setup MariaDB did you set a root password in the template? If not probably worth nuking the container and starting again. During the initial mariadb setup I set a simple three letter password.
  13. When creating the admin user, I get the error in the attachment. I am stuck at this point. Thank you, Lev $MARIADBROOTPASSWORD is the root password you set $UNRAID-IP:PORT is the Unraid IP port (For me that would be Thank you. When I initially setup MariaDB I set a simple password; however, when running That password was not accepted and only a blank response would lead to the next prompt. So, when trying to add a NC admin account, I tried various combinations of the passwords, including just leaving it blank. None worked. Any chance on editing/setting a new MariaDB password so that I can use it during the NC setup.
  14. I am stuck a setting up NC. I followed the directions as outlined in #408, except for the last set of instructions, which I cannot figure how to execute: When creating the admin user, I get the error in the attachment. I am stuck at this point. Thank you, Lev
  15. I have been running owncloud on one of my two servers (6.1.9) for a while now, with no problems. I put together a second server, running the latest 6.3 and wanted to setup the Owncloud on this machine. I was able to install the 9.1.3 owncloud. I am having a few issues. Logging in only goes through http and not https. How do you switch? My other server is correctly using https. I get the following error: "Cron: Last cron job execution: 1 hour ago. Something seems wrong." I have that set to Cron. Any help? Thank you, Lev
  16. Have you had any luck on "fixing" the upgrade? I'm having the same issue. Kind of a bummer. Maybe this will be my excuse to migrate to Nextcloud In my case, I am sure part of the issue is that I was updating Owncloud from within its own web UI, and when the Docker updated within unRAID it didn't pull in the latest version of Owncloud, which I guess I would have expected (my updates had taken me to I had some other issues I was able to fix from the docker command line about a year ago, so I might try messing around there first. If I come up with a solution I will post back here.
  17. Please update your experience with the upgrade to 6.2 vis a vis Owncluud working. I will hold off on the upgrade till I hear that all is well. Thanks.
  18. This may be a simple question, but I cannot find an answer elsewhere. I am currently running owncloud on one of my two unRaid servers and want to "play" with it on a second one. If I install it, I think that I have to use the same port - 8000. I want both servers to have internet access. If on the outside port 8000 is opened, how can I redirect to a particular server? Can I use a different outside port for the second server?
  19. Crossflashing the H310 is not as straightforward as with genuine LSI products. It is mandatory to flash the DELL IT firmware or you will not be able to flash the LSI firmware. In my post, I have linked to opentoe's finding. He says, the DELL IT firmware is also working with unRAID. I remember having read something about a different queue depth in the DELL firmware. Can't say if it is affecting performance in unRAID though. If unRAID shows your drives, the flashing has worked. As I explained in the how-to, if you flash the BIOS, the card will report duing POST and then you will probably see the operating mode it is in. Unfortunately there is no other benefit but it will increase boot time so I decided to skip the BIOS. Opentoe talks about the depth queue being different. He then recommends using the LSI firmware. Is that the consensus? Flash first with Dell and then with the LSI firmware? I am not concerned with BIOS, as I do not want to add to the boot up times.
  20. sas2flsh -list and sas2flsh -o -listall You can try both of these commands. OK. It showed up. I used the Dell 6gbpsas and that' what is reported as the vendor/product ID. It does not say anywhere that it is an (IT). Guess the next step is to try it in a box. Thank you! If you boot into unraid with it installed you should be able to go to tools->system log. Then scroll down and look for LSISAS2008. It should list wether it's in IT mode or not. OK. I'll try that either tonight or tomorrow and follow up.
  21. sas2flsh -list and sas2flsh -o -listall You can try both of these commands. OK. It showed up. I used the Dell 6gbpsas and that' what is reported as the vendor/product ID. It does not say anywhere that it is an (IT). Guess the next step is to try it in a box. Thank you!
  22. So, on the 56X58D the sasflsh.exe completed without an error. How do I know if this worked?
  23. Is there a difference in flashing the LSI2911-8i IT-Firmware (2118it) vs. original DELL IT-Firmware (6GBPSAS.FW) to PERC H310. Sorry for all the questions, but I am not sure as to what the difference.
  24. Seriously? I have one of those boards. Is the process the same or do I need to modify anything? That's an old board. Can it run UEFI? Wow coincidence. You should have no problem then. No uefi. Just flash in dos. I use the bottom pci-e slot. I've never specifically flashed a Perc 310 but I imagine it should be the same. It should definitely work for you. I've flashed like 5 LSI 9220-8i controllers so far with this motherboard. Just to make sure, when you say to flash in DOS. The last step was always returning the same error code, Failed to initialize PAL. Did you have to do anything to avoid that? I will try that.
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