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Ryoko last won the day on April 21 2018

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  1. Aside from what the others have suggested, I only make sure I have the flash backup on a separate PC just incase I need it. Follow any of the release notes instructions. I generally ensure all my plugins and dockers are up to date and go for it. Afterwards, I go through the system log and make sure there are not any new or weird errors. That's pretty much it for me, but hope that is helpful to you.
  2. Updated both servers from 6.11.5 to 6.12.5, then to 6.12.6 without issues.
  3. I fought for 2 days with Syncthing and my phone (was thinking it was a Syncthing issue) trying to get passed some permission denied issues. Noticed the files and directories this would make were all authored as UNKNOWN. Ultimately I just ended up installing it via the Obsidian official windows installer into my VM, no sync or permission issues after that. I love the idea of running it in a docker though.
  4. My apologies, not sure why it didn't work yesterday, but I tried again this morning and had no issues! Probably something was just funky with my PC or Chrome Thank you though for responding! @Djoss
  5. Update- Seems to have been an issue with my PC or browser. Had no issues with it today. Unable to type, nor paste Japanese characters into the search bar while looking for a file to restore. The file names all show correctly in Japanese, but I would like to be able to search them in Japanese as well. Am I missing something? Am running on Version: 6.11.5
  6. I don't know if this "the right way", but I got to the odoo webUI doing the following. Hopefully it is helpful to you or someone else, and it's here for me when I need it later ^^; Reference per @Thomasg - "Used the sauce from : https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/odoo/" Firstly, install PostgreSQL 15 via your unRAID Apps and set as follows... Name - db <---- per the reference "The alias of the container running Postgres must be db for Odoo to be able to connect to the Postgres server." POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Set a password you think is strong, I used a 16 chars alphanumeric from a rnd generator POSTGRES_USER: odoo POSTGRES_DB: postgres Next, install the Odoo15 from your unRAID Apps and set as follows... Addons: /mnt/cache/appdata/odoo/extra-addons <--changed these to /mnt/cache/appdata/ to hopefully keep it all in an easy to find/use space. Configuration: /mnt/cache/appdata/odoo/config <--changed these to /mnt/cache/appdata/ to hopefully keep it all in an easy to find/use space. DB Username: odoo Database Password: Previously entered strong password from above Database URL: your unRAID server IP And that seems to have worked for me. Hope it helps o/
  7. I'm not sure if this is relevant to the OPs issue or not, but right now, my current work around for naming IPs over WireGuard, is just to add the record to PCs that we use remotely's Windows Host file. It has no problems pulling up network mapped drives, etc. when done this way. I'm sure there has to be a more elegant way of doing this though, maybe in the wireguard config file?? It seems that everyone is just forwarding to either piHole or pfense though, as everything I Google to try and find an answer, relates to those. If someone knows how to do this directly in the Wireguard config files, that would be greatly appreciated. (note) networks are multiple unifi usg3s, using jsons directing the naming across IPSEC tunnels. Changes to those break that functionality
  8. Thanks, that fixed it! Now when I open the Plugin tab, it checks the status.
  9. Updated the office server from 6.8.3 -> 6.10.2, seems like no issues so far! UPDATE- Couldn't get the VM to reboot without black screening the system, ended up bonding the GPU and USB Controller via the VFIO-PCI option in System Devices. This fixed that issue. Also was finally able to remove the "Docker - Case Insensitive" fix from the go file. UPDATE 2- In the Plugin tab, they show as status unknown everytime, until I click check for updates. Solved by this .... Final issue being, Nerdpack is showing "kbd-1.15.3-x86_64-2.txz" and "mcelog-161-x86_64-1.txz" as being "update ready" even though neither of those exist on my flash device under the 6.10 nerdpack plugin folder.
  10. Stop and edit the docker. Change Repository: to this... linuxserver/openvpn-as:2.8.8-cbf850a0-Ubuntu18-ls122 Click Apply and it will rebuild the image You should be good to go after that once it finishes loading up o/
  11. Unfortunately I tried that as well as connecting from differing machines that normally do not have access. No joy. I ended up reverting back to 6.8.3 due to other issues, but won't be able to mess with the docker till next Tuesday. UPDATE (solved) - Seems to have been a corrupted image. Moved the appdata to another share, removed the image, reinstalled via template, copied the appdata back over, used the controller's autoback file from the beginning of the month to restore everything. 100% back up and running.
  12. Updated unRAID 6.8.3 -> 6.9.2 and now get a "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" when trying to access my unifi 5.14.23 docker webui. The docker log shows no errors messages. So I tried: removing and redownloading the docker, completing deleting the docker image, reverting to 6.8.3, etc. Tried playing with the webui ports in the docker, but it just spits out the same error. The tunnels I have to offsite USGs are still up and according to their webui's, "The UniFi Controller is currently unreachable." TBH, not sure if this is a 6.9.2 issue, or an underlying issue that happened to pop off when I tried the update. Has anyone else run into this or has a suggestion on where/what I can try?
  13. Out of curiosity, which video did you find? What was the exact solution for your problem? I am also having a similar issue, worked fine in 6.8.3, but not with 6.9.2 @awediohead
  14. Unfortunately, based on your described symptoms, coincidental failure at the same time you happened to be updating/rebooting your unRAID. If you are not getting POST of any kind, then this points to your hardware/bios. At minimum when you start a PC you should get a post screen. If you are getting nothing on a confirmed working monitor, then you need to dig deeper. Firstly, pull your unRAID USB out and set it off to the side, you won’t need it right now. Your goal is to get the PC to properly boot, then worry about whether your unRAID works. There are many things that could be wrong when you get a solid black screen/no signal. If your MB displays post codes, check your manual to see what they mean and follow the troubleshooting steps. If the MB is older and doesn’t have this feature (nor a pc speaker), you might want to look into the following…. BIOS – may have gotten corrupted (pull all power, hit bios/cmos reset button (if your MB has this) or hold in the power button) plug it back in and see if it will boot. GPU – may have died, or gotten unseated while you have been working on this (try pulling it out and reseating, additionally, you could try it in a different slot). If you have another PC nearby, verify the GPU works by tossing it into the other machine to see if you can get a post screen. Memory – reseat all, still nothing? pull all out, try each dimm one at a time in different slots (try to see if you have a bad dimm). This is a process of elimination to try and find the fault in your PC. I think the above is enough for now, if none of the above solves it, let us know and we will try to go from there. PS – Truth be told, I had a CMOS battery die on me once, and after a simple reboot it borked my bios and I had to reset like I mentioned above. With constant power, that shouldn’t be possible, but meh, tech stuff so…. Best of luck.
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