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Everything posted by mbc0

  1. Hi, I am having some problems with System Autofan not reacting to my CPU Temp. It all used to work perfectly but I changed motherboards for a totally different reason, it never worked out so I have gone back to my original Motherboard (ASRock - H77 Pro4/MVP) all sensors are detected and when clicking Detect the CPU fan drops to it's lowest speed and then back up again as it always did but when my CPU starts being thrashed the fan speed stays at 25%. If I disable fan speed at this point then the fan jumps to 100% Where can I go from here? what logs/info can I provide? Many Thanks in Advance...
  2. All working (ish) again now thanks, god knows how the ip address for the lan changed??? I am just back to having the original problem of the port closed at the bottom of the webgui again :-0
  3. Thanks jonathanm, sorry but I didn't find that a very obvious place to turn other peoples sigs on and off! done now and can see them thanks!!
  4. I think I have either misunderstood or this has gone off track? as I am looking for a way to get RTorrent working and he replied "If you can see my signature then click on the help link" that is what I am trying to find...
  5. Do you have a link to the help please? Thanks
  6. I have looked and looked but cannot see a signature, I hope I am not being stupid...
  7. Hi, I looked at this the next day but I was unable to connect the the WEBUI nothing I did would work so I re-installed the docker, still nothing, deleted all old files from appdata and deleted the template and did a fresh install, still no WEBUI? I did some research and changed Container Variable: VPN_ENABLED to no and now I can see the WEBUI Nothing has changed on my PIA account, I have logged in ok using the same login username and password on the container and even reset my password on my PIA account and reflected that into the container but still no UI if Container Variable: VPN_ENABLED is set to yes Attached is my file from /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn/rtorrent/config Where can I go from here? Many Thanks rtorrent.rc
  8. I am also having this issue, I started a new thread not realizing this existed, mods here it is if you want to delete it
  9. Hey, thanks for the quick reply! I am on PIA and the server I am connecting to is nl.privateinternetaccess.com I have confirmed this with a torrent checker. Apologies, I have now read the FAQ on the settings.. that is now resolved. should this line be in the rtorrent.tc file as #dht_port = 45566 Cheers!
  10. Hi, I am having the same problem as mentioned above with the port 49160 closed? I have removed the VPN_INCOMING_PORT from the docker & restarted. Also I notice that all the settings I change are lost on restarting the docker every time? download location changes from /data/ to /data/incoming/ and DHT gets re-enabled if I disable it etc, is something borked on my install? Cheers
  11. fingers crossed you will be able to do something with it :-) Thanks for chiming in
  12. Yes, would love the docker to work but that is due to my pixilation issues on heavy CPU usage, I do run just a vm with 4GB assigned purely to run DVBLink & Crashplan so I use the auto login, it can stay running forever without any issues until I start a video encode it pixelates DVBLink (even after the encode has finished) the only way to clear it again is to reboot :-S The docker would probably be the answer but like you I cannot get the WEBUI!
  13. Ah yes, I remember that now! I too have changed the service to run as a user but if you set your VM to login automatically (run netplwiz) everything will be automatic!
  14. No activity on this thread since June, Docker last updated in June and your question is unanswered, looking like this is dead project :-( Just thought I would have a go with this as I am suffering a pixelation issue when cpu is stressed but cannot get the WEBUI either
  15. Please Don't remove them! It would be a deal breaker for me!
  16. Just in case anyone is interested, although I would prefer to use a docker, due to so many problems with Black Screens & random failures I now run Crashplan on my Windows 7 VM and it works perfectly backing up all my shares. Please note this is not meant to be derogatory in any way but just to let people know of an alternative that works well.
  17. Hi, I have reinstalled due to getting black screen issues again but now the login is asking me for a PROE address? (never has done before) I have googled & tried / 4243 / 4280 / 4239 / 4200 without any success?
  18. You my friend are a star! Black screen no more! Thank You!
  19. That's great news to hear he is back to work soon! I have tried everything others have done after trawling through this thread to get rid of the black screen issue and have completely started again (full re-install of unRAID) also on 6.2.2 hope he can fix it as I have not backed up for weeks! Cheers
  20. Is this unsupported now? :-( will the plugin work instead?
  21. Ok, Complete re-install now running on SSD as well same problem! just a black screen This worked perfectly for me on V5
  22. uninstalled & re-installed another 20 times or so today to try and get this working! Any pointers on diagnosing this please? Many thanks This is at the end of my logfile, any ideas? [10.18.16 00:52:48.097 INFO ystemWatcher p42.service.peer.CPCConnectCheck] Connect to CPC after 0ms [10.18.16 00:52:48.206 INFO ystemWatcher up42.service.peer.PeerController] Attempting to connect to CPC. delay=60000 [10.18.16 00:52:48.461 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelExceptionHandler] SABRE:: Uncaught IOException in channel pipeline! msg=not an SSL/TLS record: 8063000000412d31383738327c636f6d2e636f646534322e6d6573736167696e672e736563757269747$ [10.18.16 00:52:48.465 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x2f47079b, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:48.469 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x2f47079b, L:/ ! R:/]), remotePeer=$ [10.18.16 00:52:48.470 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x2f47079b, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:50.398 WARN e-listen-1-2 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x4b0e7874, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:50.399 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x4b0e7874, L: ! R:/]), remotePee$ [10.18.16 00:52:50.399 INFO e-listen-1-2 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x4b0e7874, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:52.399 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x7d69e29b, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:52.400 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x7d69e29b, L: ! R:/]), remotePee$ [10.18.16 00:52:52.400 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x7d69e29b, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:54.396 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelExceptionHandler] SABRE:: Uncaught IOException in channel pipeline! msg=not an SSL/TLS record: 8063000000412d31383738327c636f6d2e636f646534322e6d6573736167696e672e736563757269747$ [10.18.16 00:52:54.397 WARN e-listen-1-2 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0xa008bf2f, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:54.398 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0xa008bf2f, L:/ ! R:/]), remotePeer=$ [10.18.16 00:52:54.398 INFO e-listen-1-2 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0xa008bf2f, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:56.398 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x49f272c8, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:56.399 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x49f272c8, L: ! R:/]), remotePee$ [10.18.16 00:52:56.399 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x49f272c8, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:58.401 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelExceptionHandler] SABRE:: Uncaught IOException in channel pipeline! msg=not an SSL/TLS record: 8063000000412d31383738327c636f6d2e636f646534322e6d6573736167696e672e736563757269747$ [10.18.16 00:52:58.402 WARN e-listen-1-2 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0xbed47c54, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:52:58.403 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0xbed47c54, L:/ ! R:/]), remotePeer=R$ [10.18.16 00:52:58.403 INFO e-listen-1-2 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0xbed47c54, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:00.402 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelExceptionHandler] SABRE:: Uncaught IOException in channel pipeline! msg=not an SSL/TLS record: 8063000000412d31383738327c636f6d2e636f646534322e6d6573736167696e672e736563757269747$ [10.18.16 00:53:00.403 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x41e0ba7b, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:00.403 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x41e0ba7b, L:/ ! R:/]), remotePeer=R$ [10.18.16 00:53:00.403 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x41e0ba7b, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:02.405 WARN e-listen-1-2 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0xf8f32dcb, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:02.405 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0xf8f32dcb, L: ! R:/]), remotePeer$ [10.18.16 00:53:02.406 INFO e-listen-1-2 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0xf8f32dcb, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:04.398 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x73494c8f, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:04.399 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x73494c8f, L: ! R:/]), remotePeer$ [10.18.16 00:53:04.399 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x73494c8f, L: ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:06.401 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelExceptionHandler] SABRE:: Uncaught IOException in channel pipeline! msg=not an SSL/TLS record: 8063000000412d31383738327c636f6d2e636f646534322e6d6573736167696e672e736563757269747$ [10.18.16 00:53:06.402 WARN e-listen-1-2 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x41ed03b6, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:06.403 INFO e-listen-1-2 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x41ed03b6, L:/ ! R:/]), remotePeer=$ [10.18.16 00:53:06.403 INFO e-listen-1-2 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at / connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x41ed03b6, L:/ ! R:/] [10.18.16 00:53:08.404 WARN e-listen-1-1 handler.AppProtocolStartListener] SABRE:: Channel failed to reach state for app protocol start. channel=[id: 0x8ba8b158, L: ! R:central.crashplan.com/] [10.18.16 00:53:08.405 INFO e-listen-1-1 .handler.ChannelLifecycleHandler] SABRE:: Channel became inactive. ctx=ChannelHandlerContext(CHANNEL_LIFECYCLE_HANDLER, [id: 0x8ba8b158, L: ! R:central.crashplan.com/216.17.$ [10.18.16 00:53:08.405 INFO e-listen-1-1 .network.sabre.SabreNetworkLayer] SABRE:: Cancelling connect to 42 at central.crashplan.com/ connectFuture.isDone=true, channel=[id: 0x8ba8b158, L: ! R:centr$ [10.18.16 00:53:11.580 INFO MQ-Peer-0 saging.security.SecurityProvider] SP:: Session secured in 707 ms. RemotePeer-[guid=42, SERVER]; PeerConnectionState-[state=CONNECTING, mode=PRIVATE, currentAddressIndex=0, layer=2/2(Peer::NIO), $ [10.18.16 00:53:12.033 INFO MQ-Peer-2 ervice.peer.PeerVersionValidator] WE have an old version, localVersion=1435813200480 (2015-07-02T05:00:00:480+0000), remoteVersion=1460005200540 (2016-04-07T05:00:00:540+0000), remoteGuid=42 [10.18.16 00:53:12.131 INFO ystemWatcher up42.service.peer.PeerController] Connected to CPC after 23sec
  23. uninstalled & re-installed another 20 times or so today to try and get this working! Any pointers on diagnosing this please? Many thanks
  24. No amount of uninstalling/reinstalling will get rid of this black screen! Have tried all suggestions in this thread but constant black screen! :'(
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