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Everything posted by 1812

  1. I have a couple 710 cards and a 730. I just feed them straight to OS X with no issues. I'll try to post rom's soon.
  2. -bump for sas support!- when my sas drives are xfs, they spin down, but no when btrfs. also, temp display? Also funny: disks show as spun down but still usable....
  3. Thanks for the pointers. I made a bunch of changes, removed xvga from the xml, upgraded to Sierra, changed smbios setting in clover to match an older mac, etc. And IT WORKS!!! Finally. It recognized the card and without any boot arguments or installing web drivers, it worked. Phew, spent so many hours Now I need to get audio working ;-) EDIT: Got hdmi audio working thanks to another one of your posts http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=51915.msg524900;topicseen#msg524900 :-) Thanks so much I have spent tons of time getting mine working, playing with settings, breaking things, redoing things....but that was also mainly because I was also learning how unRaid works AND how KVM works at the same time. But it was completely worth it and I've loved the learning experience. I couldn't have done it without many other's contributions and help on here, including gridrunner! now----> make a backup copy of your working disk image! Trust me, it saves time vs reinstalling again later. I keep a "base" image to use when creating a new vm or for when I break mine messing around.
  4. I use 2 gt710's and a gt730 (710 variant) with almost no issues... https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=54786.msg523314#msg523314 I use host dev on them all. no nvidia drivers. no boot args. but that is no your problem. (sharing is caring though) what I use (from a running vm, so it has a few extra lines auto populated): <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x07' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x01' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'> <driver name='vfio'/> <source> <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x07' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/> </source> <alias name='hostdev1'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x02' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/> </hostdev> try: removing "xvga=yes" from your xml. I don't see it in mine, for this card or my gtx760 Look in the boot log for the gt710 card, search by device id and by it's slot assignment and see if it is showing any errors there, like a bios bug or similar. also, try it in a different slot. sometimes that helps some folks.
  5. Yes, just change the primary vDisk location to the drive you want it on.
  6. I just played with this creating 2 vm's using 4 cores, and I think I found a possible issue for some. On my machine, I have 16 cores available, 12 of them isolated from unRaid, leaving 4 for server operations and dockers. I thought unRaid would populate the xml for the vm showing you what the core assignment was, much like when it populates an address of a pci device if you leave it blank. Didn't happen. So looking at the dashboard, it shows all the vm activity being bound to the 4 cores that unRaid has available to it. Just for kicks, I changed the core count of one vm to 8, and the other to 16. Same result. No activity on isolated cores, only active on the cores available to unRaid. Which I guess makes sense. I did not try to measure any performance differences since I got distracted by trying to find out what cores the vm's were using. (I actually never made it a full boot up cycle investigating this part first.) I'll get to that in a bit...
  7. how are you setting this up? never played with not pinning, but if you point me in the direction, I'm game.
  8. Not sure I would agree. Arguments can be made either way and depends on a specific user's needs. If cache is big enough, it's one less thing to configure, one less drive to buy, and one less port to use. using it on cache, the vm has to share drive bandwidth with any dockers that are running. I've noticed slight throughput gains using vm's on unassigned devices. Nothing to write home about, but I think others have seem more. Is it worth the extra setup (as in, adding another drive, and then clicking a new destination for the image file in vm setup)? That is up to each user. But if a problem arrises on the vm physical disk and it needs to be replaced, you don't have to stop the array to do so. and IF unRaid allows vm's to run without the array being spun up in the future, my suspicion is that it will only be run on mounted unassigned devices. But you are 100% right, arguments could be made either way. If you're using cache drive with a few drives, then the vm is saved on several disks, and if there is a drive failure, it is still operable. A benefit for some. Maybe we should do a poll, because my initial post was based on what my impressions were on the board. Could be interesting, I could be flat wrong! On the other hand, I don't actually run any VMs and if I did I don't have room for video cards or additional drives in my server. lol... they can be a pain. one of my graphics cars blocks 2 slots
  9. Not sure I would agree. Arguments can be made either way and depends on a specific user's needs. If cache is big enough, it's one less thing to configure, one less drive to buy, and one less port to use. using it on cache, the vm has to share drive bandwidth with any dockers that are running. I've noticed slight throughput gains using vm's on unassigned devices. Nothing to write home about, but I think others have seem more. Is it worth the extra setup (as in, adding another drive, and then clicking a new destination for the image file in vm setup)? That is up to each user. But if a problem arrises on the vm physical disk and it needs to be replaced, you don't have to stop the array to do so. and IF unRaid allows vm's to run without the array being spun up in the future, my suspicion is that it will only be run on mounted unassigned devices. But you are 100% right, arguments could be made either way. If you're using cache drive with a few drives, then the vm is saved on several disks, and if there is a drive failure, it is still operable. A benefit for some. Maybe we should do a poll, because my initial post was based on what my impressions were on the board. Could be interesting, I could be flat wrong!
  10. vm image on unsigned ssd is considered best, but cache drive is still better than array. if you use auto for location, and have your /domain folder set on cache drive, then the vm image will be put there.
  11. I haven't wanted to install LibreElec until now. Is finding the game roms difficult?
  12. has worked on 3 nvidia cards for me, after I was pointed in the right direction This worked almost perfectly for me to get HDMI sound from my Radeon RX460! Thanks!! Only issue I have is that there seems to be a very minor crackle/pop every few seconds from the sound. It's easiest to hear if you listen to something without any variation. I find listening to a tone makes any crackles/pops immediately obvious: Ex: https://www.youtube.com/embed/TxHctJZflh8 Any thoughts on a cure? Later in the thread there's talk of isolating cpus and such. Would this cure a minor crackle/pop in the sound from HDMI? It wouldn't hurt and will make it perform a little bit better. How many cores does your system have and how are you assigning them?
  13. downgrade to 6.2.4 And that solves what exactly? 6.3 uses 6.2 ovmf as far as I know. it solves making you vm working again and eliminates all the other things in the release client that you don't know about that could be causing the issue.
  14. So far so good! No video issues with it at all. Boots every time, and has been running without problems for a week straight. Only thing I haven't tested is audio. My monitor does not support HDMI, so I'm not sure how the audio functions on it. That said, I have purchased an hdmi matrix that splits the hdmi audio out and will hopefully prove to be a solution to macOS audio. I've tried external usb cards (dongles), and they work great on my WInodws 10 VM, but I cannot get them functioning in Sierra... It doesn't benchmark very well, from a gaming perspective, but if you're just looking for Office and design use, I think it's a great choice... Awesome! thanks for the info! yea, I don't care about gaming. Just looking to sell my iMac and use this as my desktop machine for general stuff! I run 2 zotac gt 710 and 1 msi gt 730 cards. All have worked out of the box for video. All run audio with the hdmi kext added. They are very inexpensive good choices for basic computing and very light gaming (like roblox, but with some image tearing here and there.) I haven't watched the video yet but is it mentioned in the video or somewhere here how to add the hdmi kext, and which one to get? I used to build hackintosh's but its been a few years. Thanks! +1! Not sure which kext. Please expand :-) nvidia (and maybe others?) hdmi audio you need: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/248599/HDMIAudio-1.0.dmg note: as with all downloads, be vigilant. this link come from https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/clover-hdmi-audio-for-nvidia-amd-cards-easy-way.145399/ and is probably fine. then: has worked on 3 nvidia cards for me, after I was pointed in the right direction
  15. So far so good! No video issues with it at all. Boots every time, and has been running without problems for a week straight. Only thing I haven't tested is audio. My monitor does not support HDMI, so I'm not sure how the audio functions on it. That said, I have purchased an hdmi matrix that splits the hdmi audio out and will hopefully prove to be a solution to macOS audio. I've tried external usb cards (dongles), and they work great on my WInodws 10 VM, but I cannot get them functioning in Sierra... It doesn't benchmark very well, from a gaming perspective, but if you're just looking for Office and design use, I think it's a great choice... Awesome! thanks for the info! yea, I don't care about gaming. Just looking to sell my iMac and use this as my desktop machine for general stuff! I run 2 zotac gt 710 and 1 msi gt 730 cards. All have worked out of the box for video. All run audio with the hdmi kext added. They are very inexpensive good choices for basic computing and very light gaming (like roblox, but with some image tearing here and there.)
  16. Though I have different hardware, I figured I'd give this a shot. Since I am new to unRAID, where do I find the sysconfig file? the sysconfig file is on your flash drive, in the syslinux folder. modified with the text added, it would look like this. default /syslinux/menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology, Inc. prompt 0 timeout 50 label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS GUI Mode kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest are you getting the "unable to get iommu group" error or something else? allowing unsafe interrupts can sometimes fix that, as is the problem on my hardware. I only started using unRaid about 6 months ago and learn something new almost every other day...
  17. I was setting up my last server tonight and was having issues getting a vm running via passing through a gpu, getting iommu error as follows: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2016-12-18T02:12:40.093534Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=07:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.2,addr=0x1: vfio: failed to set iommu for container: Operation not permitted 2016-12-18T02:12:40.093567Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=07:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.2,addr=0x1: vfio: failed to setup container for group 18 2016-12-18T02:12:40.093575Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=07:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.2,addr=0x1: vfio: failed to get group 18 2016-12-18T02:12:40.093588Z qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=07:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.2,addr=0x1: Device initialization failed The offending device is a gt 710. the trick i've learned on dl 380 servers to passthrough a gpu is by adding vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 to the sysconfig file. So, it's there, and correct for this server (actually copied the file from one of the others that works perfectly. This server, is one of 3 that are nearly identical in every way: memory, cpu, gpu (including location.) so I started digging through the logs and noticed a few differences between the working server vs this one with the error in regards to the gpu. Instead of posting the entire log, i'll list the differences: working server Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:03:00.1 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:07:00.0 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:07:00.1 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:3e:00.0 error server Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:03:00.1 Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:07:00.0 Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: DMAR: Hardware identity mapping for device 0000:3e:00.0 so device 0000:07:00.1, the audio portion of the gpu is missing. Now, before you say "ok, the gpu is bad" I actually swapped it out from another server with a known working one. So the gpu is good. continuing on.... iommu assignments from the log: working server Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:04:00.0 to group 18 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:07:00.0 to group 19 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:07:00.1 to group 19 Dec 17 17:50:12 Brahms4 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:3e:00.0 to group 20 error server Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:03:00.1 to group 14 Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:07:00.0 to group 18 Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:07:00.1 to group 18 Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: iommu: Adding device 0000:3e:00.0 to group 19 so, different group assignment, but both required parts of the gpu are there. but before the error server iommu groupings is the following: error server Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: DMAR: Ignoring identity map for HW passthrough device 0000:07:00.0 [0xcf63e000 - 0xcf63ffff] Dec 17 17:59:12 Brahms2 kernel: DMAR: Setting identity map for device 0000:07:00.1 [0xcf63e000 - 0xcf63ffff] a little bit later the following shows up: error server Dec 17 18:06:59 Brahms2 kernel: br0: port 2(vnet0) entered forwarding state Dec 17 18:06:59 Brahms2 kernel: vfio-pci 0000:07:00.1: Device is ineligible for IOMMU domain attach due to platform RMRR requirement. Contact your platform vendor. Dec 17 18:06:59 Brahms2 kernel: br0: port 2(vnet0) entered disabled state I compared the bios dates on the error server and the other working ones, and oddly enough it has a roughly 1 year NEWER date. Perhaps functionality broke because of that. Either way, I'm not going to pay hp for their most up to date firmware on older hardware like this. Looking around this forum, this issue only appears a few times but with no real resolutions for the gpu assignment (one for hdd availability but no gpu conclusion stated.) In one of the previous threads on this topic, jonp made a suggestion about using acs override only for the offending device: This suggestion seemed to not work for the original poster, but I thought i'd give it a shot. So i changed the device id's appropriately, and rebooted. This split the gpu into 2 different iommu groups. I then fired up the vm and NOPE. Same error. I went back to the log and it still showed "0000:07:00.1: Device is ineligible for IOMMU domain attach due to platform RMRR requirement." So I tried removing that part of the gpu (07:00.1) from the xml (since it was now in a different iommu group) and the vm booted up just fine. Since i'm not using hdmi audio passthrough, it doesn't really matter that the audio portion of the gpu is not there. This was a bit of a long read, but I thought it was better to document it incase someone else comes across this issue. Actually, this post started off as a request for help, and as I got half way trough, I thought I should at least search the forums first regarding this problem and voila! This turned from a question to a solved problem.
  18. Leaving this here for anyone doing what I'm doing and making an apple compressor transcoding cluster. I spent all day on this error. Finally figured it out. Running Compressor 4.3 in Sierra apparently now requires you to pass through a video card to the vm. Otherwise, it gives you the following error "Failed 3x [computer name] crash service down" and will not transcode. This generic error message can mean many things, but was resolved when I fed the vm a geforce gt 710. Looks like i'm going to go buy a few more tomorrow.
  19. Just to confirm, you're talking about the GTX 760, not the 760ti, right? yes, Gtx 760, 2GB, EVGA.
  20. For the sake of not having too many nested quotes, the mouse being stuck is no longer an issue with the geforce 710. I did not do anything in clover or add drivers. All I did was plug in a monitor. It appears the issue arises when trying to access it only as a vm with splashtop, vnc, or other viewer but not apple screen share (which has no audio.) Seems as if I will need one of those monitor emulators they sell on amazon as a solution for now.
  21. In clover there shall be a boot argument that shall enable use of this driver, check nvda_drv=1 EDIT For me I was loosing HDMI sound with nvidia drivers, even if I reinstalled HDMIAudio-1.1.dmg. Back to OSX Default drivers :-) //Peter I'm trying to assign a GT 710 to sierra. I've tried all combinations of no driver and boot arg: nada_drv=1, with drivers and boot arg, and can't get the mouse out of the left hand corner. What am I missing? machine type is 14,2 and recognizes the card in system information. My understanding is the nvda_drv=1 boot arg is no longer applicable to Sierra. See this thread for more info on the new solution. Also, I'm not sure if this will fix the mouse in the corner issue. Frankly, I'm still struggling to get passthrough video working in Sierra so unfortunately can't be of more help. I'm hoping the upcoming holiday may give me some time to dedicate to the problem! my gtx 760 works fine in sierra using web drivers. I sort of fumbled around and found what worked with it, including mouse. This little 710 is becoming a pita. I'll check out the tonymac link.
  22. In clover there shall be a boot argument that shall enable use of this driver, check nvda_drv=1 EDIT For me I was loosing HDMI sound with nvidia drivers, even if I reinstalled HDMIAudio-1.1.dmg. Back to OSX Default drivers :-) //Peter I'm trying to assign a GT 710 to sierra. I've tried all combinations of no driver and boot arg: nada_drv=1, with drivers and boot arg, and can't get the mouse out of the left hand corner. What am I missing? machine type is 14,2 and recognizes the card in system information.
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