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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. Back to the original error message: I've sent you a PM Thanks again for going above and beyond and fixing my installation!
  2. I think this does exactly what I want to do which is backup my files to amazon cloud drive, encrypt and allow me to mount the drive. I've done the initial configuration (I think) and I'm trying to do a --dry-run but I can't work out how to do it. If I want to do a dry run with the test folder /mnt/user/test (I put mnt/user/ as the data path in the docker) syncing to a 'unraid' folder on acd remote 'secret' creating unraid/test on acd, I think I type: rclone sync --dry-run /test secret:unraid For the life of me I can't get this to work via SSH. Do I have to type something at the front of rclone sync like: docker exec -it Rclone rclone sync --dry-run /test acd:unraid sorry for the rookie question, but I'm not familiar with SSH but once someone explains how to run the rclone commands on unraid I think I'll be able to follow the rclone documentation for the rest. Thanks in advance
  3. Back to the original error message: mariadb_log.txt nextcloud_log.txt
  4. there are a few warnings: Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/conf.d/custom.cnf' is ignored and one error: Could not open required defaults file: /etc/mysql/debian.cnf Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted log.txt
  5. Thanks for trying to help. Got a new error this time:
  6. yep ;-) I've tried changing the mariadb port to 3305 like in your post and also 3306
  7. Any ideas?? Thanks No ideas sorry, a couple of people recently (you being one) have had trouble setting this up, so I just went through it myself on my test Unraid VM and it's all still working for me. My guess is you missed something somewhere. No worries. I'll delete the appdata and start afresh to see if there's something silly I'm not doing. I think I tried this last night, but I'll have another crack. sounds like an internal docker container ip. You sure you changed localhost to whatever the ip of your Unraid box is in the Nextcloud setup page? Just tried again and got the same error. I googled SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] in relation to owncloud and there's a few posts about it. I couldn't make sense of some of the posts but the gist seemed to be problems with IP addresses, so tried, localhost and and none worked. Hope someone more technical than me can work out the problem.
  8. Any ideas?? Thanks No ideas sorry, a couple of people recently (you being one) have had trouble setting this up, so I just went through it myself on my test Unraid VM and it's all still working for me. My guess is you missed something somewhere. No worries. I'll delete the appdata and start afresh to see if there's something silly I'm not doing. I think I tried this last night, but I'll have another crack.
  9. Apologies for the newbie question, but do I just add this line to the bottom of the syslinux.cfg file, below the: label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest Thanks
  10. I followed the blog post to the letter (copied port assignments etc), but I'm getting the following error: Any ideas?? Thanks
  11. I had exactly the same problem so I hope you find a solution - see my logs posted earlier. I'm just using it with the VPN off at the moment, with the PIA proxy and encryption set to forced.
  12. will this also allow passthrough of the first PCI slot if no GPU? I 'managed' to do this over the weekend for my new unRAID machine with a HD6450, but it wasn't 100% stable and occasionally I'd see the unRAID interface appear as a flickering shadow on the screen.
  13. DZMM

    Turbo write

    Thanks for a good write up. I'm going back to the old method as I think it'll make my machine quieter and will rely on my cache drive for when I need 'faster' writes until the true Auto is developed.
  14. Is there a link that quickly explains the different extended routing options and how to configure? Thanks
  15. Sorry, I'm not normally this dense...I'd never used MC before so I only managed how to copy one file at a time rather than the whole folder. Works perfectly - thank you!
  16. Options error: --ca fails with 'ca.rsa.2048.crt': No such file or directory Options error: --crl-verify fails with 'crl.rsa.2048.pem': No such file or directory Options error: Please correct these errors. Use --help for more information. I've installed the client and my pia file from the link above - do I get the missing files from above from your server plugin, or elsewhere? Sorry if not understanding, but new to setting up a VPN this way
  17. I must be doing something wrong. I copied the files, entered my details but it didn't connect. The southampton file has: client proto udp dev tun5 remote uk-southampton.privateinternetaccess.com 1198 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun cipher aes-128-cbc auth sha1 tls-client remote-cert-tls server comp-lzo verb 1 reneg-sec 0 crl-verify crl.rsa.2048.pem ca ca.rsa.2048.crt disable-occ auth-user-pass /boot/config/plugins/openvpnclient/password.txt status /tmp/openvpn/openvpn-status.log
  18. If I want to use my PIA account in the client, do I: - download files from here https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/windows-openvpn - put them in xxxx directory - enter my username and password on the plugin page? Thanks
  19. I've just done a fresh install to see if why I can't open the webui with the VPN set to 'yes' but ok when set to 'no' log attached. Hoping it sheds some light Edit: Just tried rtorrentvpn and same result - can connect (although what's the default username and password?) only when VPN is set to no supervisord.txt
  20. I setup the docker successfully yesterday but it's stopped working for some reason - wehn I open the webui it doesn't display anything. Can you help please config.txt
  21. I'm in my first couple of days of using unRAID and so far so good. This has got me stumped though. My server is running headless - what's the best way to connect to configure DelugeVPN? I've tried RDP but it won't connect. Thanks in advance ok so you wont have any sort of rdp access unless your running a windows vm (which unraid can do via kvm). deluge is a web based application, so you can connect to it via a web browser on another machine inside your LAN, if you want to access the web interface over the internet then unfortunately this involves a small frig to get this to work (due to a bug in unraid), basically you need to enable vm's (not create one), this then allows you to access deluge webui externally (port forward required on your router to allow this). Hmm I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've setup your sabnzbd, sonarr and non-vpn deluge (although what's the default password?) so I can't work out why I can't see the WebUI on delugeVPN: VPN_USER - I'm using PIA and I've tried my main username/password and the PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS one given in the dashboard VPN_PASS - Ditto ENABLE_PRIVOXY - yes LAN_NETWORK - My subnet mask is and my unRAID IP is and my router is and I've tried and Update: and turning off the VPN_ENABLED allows me to connect to the WebUI, but no joy with it on. I'm wondering if it's the way I've got my home network setup? My unraid server is connected via a wired connection to a wireless media bridge. Found 'deluge' default password on web ;-) attach the supervisord.log file (found on the host mapping for /config) Thanks for trying to help. ok there is a warning regards your PIA password, it looks like it contains characters which might cause problems, i would advise changing the password to use A-Z and/or 0-9 characters only, so no symbols. [warn] Password contains characters which could cause authentication issues, please consider changing this if possible if you change it make sure to change it in docker, then stop the container, delete the supervisord.log file, makesure vpn is set to enabled and try running again, if its still no go then post the new supervisord.log file (minus username and password). changed funky lastpass password - still no joy Can you just double check that log, I don't think the one you posted is complete or maybe it hadn't finished when you copied it Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk Updated supervisord.txt
  22. I'm in my first couple of days of using unRAID and so far so good. This has got me stumped though. My server is running headless - what's the best way to connect to configure DelugeVPN? I've tried RDP but it won't connect. Thanks in advance ok so you wont have any sort of rdp access unless your running a windows vm (which unraid can do via kvm). deluge is a web based application, so you can connect to it via a web browser on another machine inside your LAN, if you want to access the web interface over the internet then unfortunately this involves a small frig to get this to work (due to a bug in unraid), basically you need to enable vm's (not create one), this then allows you to access deluge webui externally (port forward required on your router to allow this). Hmm I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've setup your sabnzbd, sonarr and non-vpn deluge (although what's the default password?) so I can't work out why I can't see the WebUI on delugeVPN: VPN_USER - I'm using PIA and I've tried my main username/password and the PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS one given in the dashboard VPN_PASS - Ditto ENABLE_PRIVOXY - yes LAN_NETWORK - My subnet mask is and my unRAID IP is and my router is and I've tried and Update: and turning off the VPN_ENABLED allows me to connect to the WebUI, but no joy with it on. I'm wondering if it's the way I've got my home network setup? My unraid server is connected via a wired connection to a wireless media bridge. Found 'deluge' default password on web ;-) attach the supervisord.log file (found on the host mapping for /config) Thanks for trying to help. ok there is a warning regards your PIA password, it looks like it contains characters which might cause problems, i would advise changing the password to use A-Z and/or 0-9 characters only, so no symbols. [warn] Password contains characters which could cause authentication issues, please consider changing this if possible if you change it make sure to change it in docker, then stop the container, delete the supervisord.log file, makesure vpn is set to enabled and try running again, if its still no go then post the new supervisord.log file (minus username and password). changed funky lastpass password - still no joy supervisord.txt
  23. I'm in my first couple of days of using unRAID and so far so good. This has got me stumped though. My server is running headless - what's the best way to connect to configure DelugeVPN? I've tried RDP but it won't connect. Thanks in advance ok so you wont have any sort of rdp access unless your running a windows vm (which unraid can do via kvm). deluge is a web based application, so you can connect to it via a web browser on another machine inside your LAN, if you want to access the web interface over the internet then unfortunately this involves a small frig to get this to work (due to a bug in unraid), basically you need to enable vm's (not create one), this then allows you to access deluge webui externally (port forward required on your router to allow this). Hmm I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've setup your sabnzbd, sonarr and non-vpn deluge (although what's the default password?) so I can't work out why I can't see the WebUI on delugeVPN: VPN_USER - I'm using PIA and I've tried my main username/password and the PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS one given in the dashboard VPN_PASS - Ditto ENABLE_PRIVOXY - yes LAN_NETWORK - My subnet mask is and my unRAID IP is and my router is and I've tried and Update: and turning off the VPN_ENABLED allows me to connect to the WebUI, but no joy with it on. I'm wondering if it's the way I've got my home network setup? My unraid server is connected via a wired connection to a wireless media bridge. Found 'deluge' default password on web ;-)
  24. I'm in my first couple of days of using unRAID and so far so good. This has got me stumped though. My server is running headless - what's the best way to connect to configure DelugeVPN? I've tried RDP but it won't connect. Thanks in advance
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