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Posts posted by tjb_altf4

  1. it gets worse, Newegg RMA'd the board, Gigabyte stated it had socket damage and it would cost $100 to fix.

    Newegg opted not to fix, then sold it to a customer (Steve)



    The gigabyte RMA ticket was still on the motherboard...

    • Thanks 2
  2. Although likely due to a configuration option I don't fully understand impacting its operation, highwater has never worked as advertised for me.

    One disk would just get pounded into the red zone, while the rest of my array sat quite empty, forcing me to manually move files around so mover didn't fail.


    After switching to most-free, my disks started being utilised across the array in a somewhat predictable manner.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Paul_Ber said:

    Is there a Docker Stop Timeout setting per container.


    I need 120 seconds to let one container close a database properly.


    I guess for now I can use the setting for all.


    If a docker shuts down sooner, will Unraid show it as stopped?

    Unraid shows a container as stopped if it shuts down before timeout.

    Normally a docker will shutdown gracefully, but if for some reason it doesn't, the timeout gives you a way to force shutdown without you needing to manually intervene.

    • Like 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, opentoe said:

    Hello. How were you able to get a nice formatted docker log size output like that?

    Although docker's documentation has a bunch of great info for getting various stats including this one, you can access this report directly in the Unraid GUI like so

    Unraid GUI > Docker > Container Size [button]


  5. 1 hour ago, PeterDB said:


    wow, this is really an elegant solution and just what I have been looking for. Any chance you can share the STLs or upload to Thingiverse?


    So many questions also, like:

    - How does the bottom part look like

    - How much tolerance do you have on the drives

    - Why not 15 drives instead of 14?

    - Any vibration issues?

    - How is the airflow and drive temps?

    - On the read, I see two squares, are these just there to hold up the mount?

    - How did you glue/stick/mount them together?

    - Did you screw the cage to the rack, or is it just sitting there loose?

    The design is pretty crude at the moment, once I finish my current project I'm going to work on the v2 which should have improvements and potentially incorporate easy to source backplanes.   I've got a spare server case to work with, so I'm hoping I can iterate the design quickly over the next few months.  I'll have to dig out the v1 STLs, I'll add them here when I find/regenerate them.


    - How does the bottom part look like

    Identical to the top, but with a layer of thin adhesive eva foam to add some vibration dampening qualities.

    I ended up doing it this way as it meant horizontal components, left and right halves, used the same STL.


    - How much tolerance do you have on the drives

    The model was designed with zero tolerance, because I knew the print could go either way and I could adjust

    It's ended up as a "firm, but gentle press" haha, but I need to design a mechanism to allow easier retrieval.


    - Why not 15 drives instead of 14?

    I wanted to maintain a reasonable airgap for cooling and 15 wouldn't work for that, besides the overhang from the side of the case restricted use of the full width of the case.


    - Any vibration issues?

    between the base material and the use of plastic/filament for the mounting, its very minimal, even with the current 28 drives.


    - How is the airflow and drive temps?

    Good, no temp warnings over summer here in Oz, typically low 30C for front, and high 30C in back... second fan for push pull would help a lot.  Also using 140mm gave a big improvement in terms of airflow and pressure, while actually being quieter than the 120mm fans they replaced.


    - On the rear, I see two squares, are these just there to hold up the mount?

    Yeah, just in lieu of rear fans... originally made for support on the sides but I miscalculated the thicknesses so they didn't fit there.

    Its needed as its a tight fit getting drives in and there's no other support there currently.


    - How did you glue/stick/mount them together?

    These were plastic welded with a filament stick and a dremel, but I've since worked out the filament I 3D print with (Prusament) can be bonded with acetone, which is easier, neater and results in a stronger bond.

    (note: acetone bonding doesn't work with plain PLA)


    - Did you screw the cage to the rack, or is it just sitting there loose?

    Friction fit would best describe it, but yes not fastened.

    An improved design would see some threaded inserts added to the finished print so I can affix to the chassis

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, hernandito said:

    I strongly suspect this is the issue. I did add all the copy commands after the ENTRYPOINT line... but I cannot figure out why it does not work. I also tried COPY but again without luck.

    The trick is the entire dockerfile is build time, so you'll need to move that copy logic into the entrypoint (or cmd), which is called later at run time.

    As you have an existing entrypoint used to start the application, you might have to do some testing to see what works best for you.


    This is what one of my dockers looks like, copying the .sh from the build folder

    COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/
    ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]


    You could create your own docker-entrypoint.sh to manage those copy steps (don't forget to chmod +x the file).

    I've added the old entrypoint command here at the end of the docker-entrypoint.sh... this "should" work, but you might need to do some further research and experimentation beyond this.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # copy logic... you should put file detection here so as not to overwrite files on each startup
    cp -n /usr/src/app/cloudcmd.css /config/cloudcmd.css
    cp -n /usr/src/app/dist/index.html /config/index.html
    cp /usr/src/app/banner.png /config/banner.png
    cp /usr/src/app/favicon.ico /config/favicon.ico
    cp /config/cloudcmd.css /usr/src/app/dist/cloudcmd.css
    cp /config/index.html /usr/src/app/dist/index.html
    # start cloudcmd
    exec "$@"


    • Like 1
  7. You'll need to copy those files at run time (i.e. cmd / entrypoint script), not at build time when the external folder isn't mounted.

    Once you get that working, you'll also need to check the files exist before copying or you'll overwrite the files each time you start the container.


  8. I'm considering splitting up my unraid installation into 2 separate servers.

    Most of the data I want to split out is in multiple btrfs pools, and it is not feasible to migrate the data between drives.


    So the question is, how to migrate btrfs pools between unraid installs ?

    I'm not afraid of getting into the CLI, I'm just looking for a little guidance on how to keep the unraid configuration valid.


  9. 44 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    Also I can get the MAC addresses for the VM via Virsh but its the MAC to IP address which is the challenge without pinging every IP on the local sbnet to create arp entries.

    If you've got a recent version of qemu-agent installed on the VM, try this one

    virsh qemu-agent-command MYDOMAIN '{"execute":"guest-network-get-interfaces"}' --pretty


    • Like 1
  10. Working for me, one thing to note is you can only set the root password the first time, maybe some volume/appdata folder needs to be nuked?


    Run command used for test

    docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:latest


    Successful login using ENV set in template / run cmd

    root@fortytwo:~# docker exec -it some-mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"'
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 13
    Server version: 8.0.28 MySQL Community Server - GPL
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
    | Database           |
    | information_schema |
    | mysql              |
    | performance_schema |
    | sys                |
    4 rows in set (0.02 sec)
    mysql> EXIT


    Successful login via CLI passing password

    root@fortytwo:~# docker exec -it some-mysql bash
    root@a6a52d23fe48:/# mysql -uroot -pmy-secret-pw
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 14
    Server version: 8.0.28 MySQL Community Server - GPL
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
        -> ;
    | Database           |
    | information_schema |
    | mysql              |
    | performance_schema |
    | sys                |
    4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> exit


    Successful login via CLI entering password manually

    root@fortytwo:~# docker exec -it some-mysql bash
    root@a6a52d23fe48:/# mysql -uroot -p            
    Enter password: 
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 15
    Server version: 8.0.28 MySQL Community Server - GPL
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
    | Database           |
    | information_schema |
    | mysql              |
    | performance_schema |
    | sys                |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  11. On 8/29/2021 at 9:58 AM, Linguafoeda said:

    After i’ve figured out the above - the next thing i want to figure out is how to then wake up the machine again using my remote desktop software (Anydesk). I believe Anydesk has the ability to send a WOL packet, but i want to first figure out how to sleep the VM before i do this next step.

    If you want WOL functionally for the VM, you need to install:

    1. Wake On Lan support plugin  (prereq for #3)
    2. NerdPack plugin - to select and install Python 2 (prereq for #3)
    3. Virtual Machine Wake On Lan plugin

    VM sleep works out of the box (once user agent is installed), I've not had any issues using it... well other than the same flakiness windows exhibits in bare metal when waking sometimes.

    Not tried hibernate, but I know there was a setting in the VM Manager to change the default shutdown action, if that helps.

    I would have expected hibernate to work if fully enabled in the OS itself.


  12. Has PIA dropped port forwarding support ?
    My speeds have gone to crap (for a few days now) and the delugevpn script output no longer shows any port forwarding servers. (or am I misreading the logs?)


    EDIT: changed servers, all good now, disregard :)


  13. #1

    Currently for local syslog storage, you can only use existing shares for syslog storage, and cannot specify custom paths / pool / unassigned device etc.

    I'd like to see the ability to add custom paths in the GUI, without needing to modify config files as is the only workaround currently (shown below for reference).


    My particular use case is I have a pool named system which does not participate in user shares, which is where I want my logs to reside (alongside related items such as swapfile, docker.img, libvirt etc)..


    On 4/27/2020 at 8:11 PM, bonienl said:

    Though, I don't recommend to write logs to unassigned devices, it is possible to do.


    You need to manually edit the file /config/rsyslog.cfg on your USB device and change the setting "server_folder" to the desired destination.

    Restarting the syslog server is required to take the new setting into account and the GUI will display "custom" as location.



    As a sneaky related request, I'd also like to see a force log rotate button added.






  14. I designed and printed a 3d bracket for each end to hold it, it was easy for that rad as it was fairly square, some detail here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/111775-carbon-unraid-x570-workstation-gaming-build/

    You could also be a bit lazy and pad out some thick double sided tape to each end and position it where you like along the case, just make it snug.


    There is also a fan wall that comes on other models, that could also be used with some slight mods, see in this video around 9:20 mark for that fan wall looks like


    • Like 1
  15. 7 hours ago, thedudezor said:

    Option 3: Thinking of picking up a Rosewill RSV-L4412U 4u case, then migrate everything back into a single machine. The only challenge here is that I have a 360mm watercooled AIO for the CPU that might be interesting trying to fit / fabricate a bracket for, but if successful would give me the spinning rust storage with proper cooling and the ability to run it on my newer hardware for VM / dockers.

    Radiator should be fine, I've got an EK PE360 in my Rosewill 4U

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