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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ja Ja Schau mal in das Verzeichnis /boot/logs und ob dort eine Diagnostics liegt mit dem Datum/Zeit des Shutdowns wo nicht runter gefahren wurde und poste diese Diagnostics mal bitte.
  2. @Rysz I don't know if you've seen it already but I've issued a PR to hide the NUT Statistics from the Unraid Settings page if it is disabled in the NUT settings.
  3. Exactly as @ConnerVT said, unbind it from VFIO: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GP107GL [Quadro P1000] [10de:1cb1] (rev a1) Subsystem: Dell GP107GL [Quadro P1000] [1028:11bc] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia 01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GP107GL High Definition Audio Controller [10de:0fb9] (rev a1) Subsystem: Dell GP107GL High Definition Audio Controller [1028:11bc] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
  4. Always post your Diagnostics if you have such issues, otherwise it is hard for me to diagnose.
  5. That should not be the issue at all but TBH I really don't know if this even can cause this because the SteamCMD directory is independent from the Game Data folder. So is it then working again? Please also double check your port mappings and if you use for example /mnt/cache/... that the following folder stays on the cache and is not moved off of the cache disk.
  6. This is because you've fiddled with the Port itself, the port inside the container always have to be 8080 and you changed that to 9011 which can not work: If you want it back to get it in a working state then simply delete your port entry, create a new port entry with the container port set to 8080 and the host port set to 9020, after that you will be able to connect to the console through YOURSERVERIP:9020
  7. Do you maybe have another Intel based system? I remember an issue with another container with an AMD system where I was forced to use WINE for starting the game but I really can't remember. Have you yet tried what I recommended above? As said, I can just start the container over here fine and it also runs perfectly fine.
  8. Since when have you set up this container? Have you maybe restarted the container when it still was doing stuff for the second time? The container can take a really long time (about 3-5 minutes on my i5-10600 after the initial download finished). I assume you have enough free RAM correct? It seems like that WINE can't start the game which most of the time happens when it is not set up correctly. Please do the following: Stop the container Go into the directory for Icarus (usually in your appdata) Remove the directory "WINE64" and the file "runtimes" Start the container again and wait <- this could as said take some time and the log probably won't move Hope that will make it work.
  9. Just working fine here: What CPU/type of system are you using? Does you system support AVX?
  10. Was maybe the dedicated server updated through SteamCMD? I'll just update my container real quick and let you know how my container is doing.
  11. Es kann sein das du noch was ins go file hinzufügen musst wenn du trotzdem noch Probleme hast wenn sich die Geschwindigkeit ändert oder Geschwindigkeitseinbrüche hast, sollte aber nicht notwendig sein.
  12. What about "Not available - maybe currently used in a VM or bound to VFIO"? I'm only thinking if a GPU falls from the bus or something similar.
  13. @Micha210, du hast einen Realtek chip welcher das vermutlich auslöst... Probier bitte mal diesen Treiber: Aus der CA App und dann starte neu, bitte stell aber vorher sicher das du evtl. den Server mit GUI neu starten kannst solltest du den Treiber wieder löschen müssen. Realtek in verbindung mit Linux sind leider keine gute Kombination. Es kann sein das dein Server dann auch eine andere IP hat weil du ja praktisch den Treiber austauscht. Dieser Treiber sollte zuverlässiger funktionieren, wenn dieser Treiber jedoch nicht funktioniert bzw. du kein Netzwerk danach hast dann bitte in den GUI modus starten und dort dann den Treiber wieder deinstallieren bzw. könntest du dann einfach auch die Datei/Verzeichnis: /boot/config/plugins/unraid-r8125.plg und /boot/config/plugins/r8125-driver vom Stick löschen.
  14. Really strange, thank you for the report. Glad to hear that everything is working now.
  15. Please run these commands from a Unraid Terminal: LXC_PATH=$(cat /boot/config/plugins/lxc/lxc.conf | grep "lxc.lxcpath=" | cut -d '=' -f2 | head -1) rm -rf /var/cache/lxc ${LXC_PATH}/cache mkdir -p ${LXC_PATH}/cache ln -s ${LXC_PATH}/cache /var/cache/lxc (this should fix your issue, just copy past everything into the terminal) May I ask if this is a fresh install and on what Unraid version are you? Which path do you use for LXC? I've seen this issue now twice but I can't reproduce it over here.
  16. Would that maybe also work with a user.sh that is executed early in the start from the container? Just asking because I'm not a big fan of modifying the start script because this will be discarded if you update the container or change anything in the template.
  17. Weil die Docker nach einer bestimmten Wartezeit sowieso gekillt werden, da fährt der Zug drüber. Oh sorry war falsch, ich dachte es geht ums Docker Timeout. Wenn kein Parity Check getriggert wird dann ist es das Parity Tuning plugin, wurde auch schon mehrfach reported und sollte aber mittlerweile behoben sein mit der neuesten Plugin version.
  18. Hast du mal deine Diagnostics bitte?
  19. But this is expected, you basically take the GPU from the Host and pass it to the VM. What is the benefit from seeing it on the Dashboard? I assume you don‘t use it for anything else then the VM…? Don‘t know if that‘s easy doable but I think it can also cause issues for other users depending how it’s implemented.
  20. That's most certainly caused because you have a second GPU in your system and on most motherboards this will disable the iGPU. Please make sure that you've set your primary GPU to the iGPU in the BIOS, if that also doesn't work you have to connect a HDMI Dummy plug (or Display) to your motherboards HDMI port to enable it <- this is not necessary for most boards. Yes, because your iGPU is disabled because of your second GPU in your system, please check your BIOS settings as explained above.
  21. Sorry but this seems like a niche problem... Wouldn't it be better to not configure it in the GPU Statistics plugin so that it even don't show up on the Dashboard when it's passed through?
  22. Nope, only for a few of them. V-Rising back then was such a game but they've implemented LAN mode but you have to pass over an argument to start it in LAN mode for example. AssettoCorsa and AssettoCorsaCompetitione is online only and a few more but I don't remember all of them. However most of them work fine in LAN too and sometimes need a special argument to be passed over <- but that is only necessary for a few games.
  23. Yes, you should definitely do the port forwarding. My server is only visible on the LAN after I do a proper port forwading. Just to be sure you changed nothing in terms of port forwarding in the template correct?
  24. Did you make sure that it is also reachable from outside? The log is also looking good to me.
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