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Everything posted by ich777

  1. GVT-g is only available on Intel Core or Xeon CPUs like in the first post mentioned.
  2. Jep, I‘ve also added a Unraid Community server to the server list.
  3. Which ports did your forward? I can only assume that is caused by the update, I‘ll have to try it on my own but can‘t say exactly when I have time to because you know, real life can be a bi**h.
  4. I will remove the auto update since it causes only issues currently, please update the container itself!
  5. There are many things you can grab it, not the full logs but click on the container icon and select "Logs" copy and past the contents to a file and drop it here. The more advanced way would be to issue something like this from a Unraid Terminal: docker container logs CONTAINERNAME > /mnt/user/appdata/valheim.log Replace CONTAINERNAME with the name of your container name -> case sensitive, after issuing the command you'll find the log in your appdata share. Not sure if I can replay today anymore but I will look definitely through it and reply to you.
  6. Does this happen randomly or does it happen every hour? Can you send over the log, if possible the full log? I haven't played the new version from Valheim yet but I really would like too... but I have to postpone this a bit since I'm really busy in real life. From my perspective this looks like something related to the dedicated server and nothing I could do about.
  7. This is certainly not caused by the container and has more to do with the dedicated server itself and I would recommend that you report that issue on the official support forums from the game. The stable branch doesn't need that fix, where you previously also on the beta branch?
  8. Please download the files from here since these are the files that I provide with the container and they are definitely working: https://github.com/ich777/docker-steamcmd-server/tree/dontstarve/config You only have to edit the cluster_token.txt and put your token in it.
  9. Also please post your Diagnostics in the support thread!
  10. I will look into this, I also have to look if I even own the game.
  11. Please post a screenshot from your template. Please also post the full log since I can‘t say much if you only paste the lines which are red. Have you also followed the guide that I‘ve made to switch back to stable a few posts above yours?
  12. Nop, that‘s just an issue with displaying the text but I can‘t fix that. Nothing to worry about. 😉 The results are important which are displayed at the end of a sync.
  13. Ja das schon, aber das kann man doch einstellen individuell für die Platten. Ich verstehe einfach den gedanken dahinter nicht mehr, einmal Strom sparen, dann wieder nicht... Ihr wisst doch alle nicht was ihr wollt...
  14. Aber das will er doch. 😉 Das ist doch kompletter blödsin was hier eigentlich gemacht wird. 😅
  15. Nope. Should be all fine now. 😉 If not feel free to reach out again.
  16. Dann kann ich dir auch nicht helfen, bau vielleicht noch ein sleep ein, du kannst auch versuchen das du: echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches machst, vielleicht ist das die Lösung (auf 3 würd ich nicht gehen...). Ich versteh die ganze Problematik hier auch nicht wirklich und das ist nur ein first world problem das hier diskutiert wird...
  17. First of all I have to point out that I don't know if the new save file (beta) is compatible with the stable one. To revert back to stable: In the template set the GAME_ID back to: 896660 and set Validate Installation to true Let the container fully start (open up a log to see the progress) After it fully started stop the container again and delete true from Validate Installation in the template so that it is empty again Start the container You should be back on stable, but keep in mind I don't know if the save files are interchangeable.
  18. Open up the container console and type in: cp -R /root/.ssh ${DATA_DIR}/.ssh (copy and paste should do the job just fine)
  19. Please don't put it in /root/.ssh/ it has to go into /luckybackup/.ssh/ On a container update your keys will be wiped, the belong always into /luckybackup/.ssh/
  20. Ist es ein leeres file? Probier sonst mal was rein zu schreiben damit cat was augibt. Weiß nicht genau wie es sich verhält wenn die Datei leer ist. Bei so kleinen files wird der counter auch nicht hoch zählen wenn ich mich nicht täusche.
  21. Was sagt denn das Container Log? Hast schon mal den offiziellen container versucht?
  22. Genau, weil das in den Cache gelegt wird, du müsstest danach den cache leeren bzw. vorher den Cache leeren damit sichergestellt wird das es neu gelesen wird: sync echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches cat /pfad/zur/disk/.prevent_spindown BTW dich selbst quoten ist immer doof weil da bekomm ich keine Benachrichtigung.
  23. Naja dann erstell ein File und mach was damit im Skript, ca so: cat /pfad/zur/disk/.prevent_spindown
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